The Breese Journal from Breese, Illinois (2024)

I BECKEMEYER Mr. and Mrs. George Stricker visited Mr. and Mrs. R.

C. Cox and son Junior in Shattuc Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jude Hempen of Carlyle, visited Mr.

and Mrs. Laverne Hoffman Sunday. Rollie Gallatin of the C. C. C.

Camp at Greenville, spent the week end visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Olen Gallatin and family. Mrs. Fred Brewer and Miss Wilma Farley visited in O'Fallon Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Medlen of Aurora; visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo.

Stricker Sunday. Mrs. Jackson of Kinmundy, visited her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hecklebeck Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Jude Hempen motored to O'Fallon Sunday.

Mrs. Mary Butler and Kate Karson of Benton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weisenseel and daughter Carol Rose Sunday. Curtis Lee of Trenton, was a social caller here Sunday.

Mrs. George Jannett, Jr. and daughter Jackie, of Alton, is visiting friends and relatives here. Misses Betty and Halen Wolfe of St. Louis, visited their mother Mrs.

Agnes Wolfe Sunday. Orville Ayres, Ray Beckemeyer, Joe and Louis Kauling and Marnen Granberg motored to Trenton Tuesday evening. Bernard Taylor of 0'Fallon, spent Sunday visiting Miss Wilma Farley. Mr. and Mrs.

Wm. Pax and daughters Joan and Betty and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zinschlag and son Howard motored to Salem Sunday. Howard Thomas and Jimmie Joyce of Sandoval were callers here last Sunday.

Mrs. Josephine Fauke and Freda Fauke visited in Carlyle Monday. Mrs. Ann Grey of West Frankfort is visiting friends here. Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Lowe of East St. Louis and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schulte and son Edward of St.

Louis and Tom Farley of Overland, spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Farley and family. Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Furlong and daughter Gladys of St. Louis visited Mr. and Mrs. August Dorries and relatives Sunday.

Mrs. Walter Moravich of St. Louis is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Herman Knebler and family.

Mr. and Mrs. John Spittler and daughter Eileen of Benton and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Spittler and daughter of Decatur, spent Sunday at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Joe Spittler. Mrs. John Deadmond and daughter of Sandoval, visited Mr. and Mrs.

Archie King Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Scott of Owensville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

George Hagen and son Dale. Mrs. Gerald Hawley of Centralia, spent the week end visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Jannett and family.

Miss Marie Farley of St. Louis, visited the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Farley and family. Louis Sikora and.

Phil Minetta of East St. Louis, were callers here last Sunday. The Junior Class of the Beckemeyer High School went on a weiner roast to the Greenville Park last Wednesday. Those present were: Misses Lillie Hord, Ruth Diekemper, Mary Jane Simonton and Dorothy Meyer and Joe Peppenhorst, Warren Beckemeyer, Alex Morrisan, Wayne Lee and Arnold Amos. Mr.

and Mrs. Edward Dippel of Carlyle, spent Sunday visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Dipel and daughter, Margie. Mr.

and Mrs. Sanford Kinder and daughter Wilma Jane of Carlyle, visited friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Enkelmann of Breese, visited Mrs.

Emma Enkelman Sunday. Mrs. Ida Scott of Trenton, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Glen Scott and family.

U. S. Army Officers' Insignia A United States army general wears four silver stars, a lieutenant general three silver stars, a major general two silver stars, a brigadier general one silver star. A colonel wears a silver eagle, a lieutenant colonel a silver oak leaf, a major a gold oak leaf, a captain two silver bars. The British Parliament Like the congress of the United States, the British parliament legislates for the whole British nation.

But in addition to this, it takes the place of the separate legislative bodies that used to exist in Scotland and Ireland, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, such as in this country can only be made by state legislatures. With regard to the Dominion of Canada, the Australian provinces, and other colonial possessions with legislatures of their own, the powers of parliament are somewhat analogous to those of congress over the states. THE BREESE JOURNAL, BREESE, ILLINOIS U. S. Owns a Fifth Of National Area Government World's Larg.

est Landed Proprietor. landed -Uncle Sam proprietor, is the a survey of federal properties indicates. Federal land holdings comprise more than 400,000,000 acres -about one-fifth of the total area of the continental United States. The total value--not including buildings -is about $4,500,000,000. extent of federal properties was disclosed in an inventory made at the direction of President Roosevelt.

It did not owned include temporarily by emergency credit agencies through mortgage foreclosures. Government figures show that the estimated value of all real estate in the United States is more than 000,000,000. A similar showed that tax-exempt federal holdings comprise slightly more than 4 per cent of the national total. The vast majority of federal land holdings comprises rural areas, such as national parks, grazing lands and national forests. Only 47,444 acresnot including the District of bia-are classed as urban property.

The interior and agricultural departments control the great bulk of federal land holdings -the former 58.83 per cent and the latter 40.54 per cent. The remainder is divided up in fractions of 1 per cent among the department, the navy department and the post office department. The post office department, for all of its thousands of post offices, owns only 1,361 acres too little for a percentage calculation. The labor department has only 72 acres, Princess THEATRE BECKEMEYER, ILL. 2 Shows Each Night Except Monday First Show Starts at 7:15 P.

M. Fri. May 17 18 Admission 10c to all Edmund Lowe and Margaret Lindsay "HONEYMOON DEFERRED" Gordon" Sun. May 19 20- Grand Prize Sunday $45.00 Admission 10c and 25s SHE WANTED HIM IN THE WEST WAY! And Leap or any other Mae always gets her man! MAE W. C.

WEST FIELDS My Little Chickadee Joseph CALLEIA Dick FORAN Donald MEEK Fuzzy KNIGHT Margaret HAMILTON Ruth DONNELLY Original by MAR WEST end W. C. FIELDS Directed by EDWARD CLINE Produced by LESTER COWAN A NEW UNIVERSAL PICTURE Also Musical News and Cartoon Wed. May 22 23- Admission 10c and Double Feature Program Priscilla Lane, Jane Bryan and Wayne Morris in "BROTHER RAT AND A BABY" Plus Hit No. 2 Ann Sheridan and Jeffrey Lynn I in "IT ALL CAME TRUE" COMING ON DOUBLE FEATUREJohn Garfield in "SATURDAY'S CHILDREN" Music Fan Radioizes Entire Vermont Farm Music while he works.

That's the pet hobby of H. O. Van Vliet, farmer of East Charlotte, on whose large farm one may hear philharmonic orchestras and 1 concert ensembles from early morning until late at night. The magazine Radio News tells the story follows: "Van Vliet has installed speakers in practically every building on the farm, all of which controlled from a master speaker set in his house. "It all started because Van Vliet, a busy and industrious farmer, is ardently fond of classical music.

But because he had cows to milk, fields to plow, wood to chop and other barn labors to perform, he missed many of his favorite programs. "So he set about remedying that situation. He bought several old speakers- for a couple of dollars each. Using extension cord, he set up a speaker in the woodshed, another in the cow barn, one in the chicken house and still another in the large horse barn. To these he added three in his house; one in the bedroom, a large cabinet speaker in the living-room and another in his kitchen.

The entire layout didn't cost over $12. "He still has one problem unsolved: he can't find a station broadcasting classical music at five a. the hour when he hitches his suspenders and starts out for the barn to milk the cows. The radio minded farmer complains that he has to 'spend an hour or two in the barn the first thing in the morning and all I can get on that consarn radio is jazz music from "Asked if music helps the chickens to lay more eggs and his cows to give more milk, Van Vliet replied, I know definitely that animals like music. When I turn on some soft, pleasing music out in the farm buildings, the hens and cows respond to it immediately, Gran High Class Talking Pictures BREESE, ILLINOIS Thursday, Friday, Saturday May 16th, 17th and 18th Clark Gable and Leslie Howard in "Gone With The Wind" with Olivia de Havilland and Vivien Leigh Matinee Thursday and Friday at 2:30 Saturday Matinee, 10 a.

p.m. Night Shows Start at 8:00 p. m. Sun. May 19 20- Matinee Sunday at 2:15 m.

Episode No. 4 of Dick Track G-Men at Matinee Only The golden girl in the Alice Blue gown. in a dream of a show full of love and Neagle Ray Milland with RENE ROLAND YOUNG ALAN MARSHAL MAY ROBSON BILLIE BURKE ARTHUR TREACHER. Also Micky Mouse and Our Gang Comedy Tues. May 21 22- John Garfield and Anne Shirley "Saturday's Children" With Clande Rains Roscoe Karma ALSO NEWS GERMANTOWN Mr.

Mrs. Wm. Johnson and family visited in Albers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Leonard and family of Belleville, spent the week end with Mrs. Theresa Roettering. A rather painful accident occurred to Henry Hemker, son of Mrs. Ben Hemker Sr. Friday.

The men had been cutting feed with their tractor and when the work was completed, Henry in some way got his gled in the belt which we understand was already thrown off the pulley, but still had some twisting power on the pulley of the cutter which was still in some speed. in tangle the arm was broken below the elbow and badly I squeezed. A doctor was called who recommended the young man to go with him to the hospital in Breese where further aid and examination was made. Wm. Nettemeyer of Breese, was a caller in our village Saturday, The bans for the coming marriage of George Rickhoff and Miss Alvina Lakenburges were announced for the first time in the local church Sunday.

S. P. Crocker and friend of Posey, were callers in our village Monday. Mrs. Geo.

Vandeloo and children visited in Carlyle Sunday. Miss Helen Neff of St. Louis, spent Sunday here with home folks. Mr. and Mrs.

Glaub of Detroit, Mich. spent several days here the past week. Many of our citizens attended the St. Rose Church Picnic Monday night. Some attended the St.

Libory Picnic the same evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herm. Hemann and son, George of New Baden, spent Sunday with Mrs.

Ben Hemann. Miss Eliz. Hoff spent several days in Belleville and St. Louis last week. Fred J.

Schlautmann died at his home here Friday evening at 9 o'clock. Death came rather sudden, due to an acute heart attack. He had been in failing health for 2 years. The last consolation of the Catholic church were administered to him before his death. Deceased was born in Germantown, June 2, 1872, a son of the late and Eliz.

Schlautmann nee Wieter. At the time of his death he had reached the age of 67 years, 11 months and 8 days. He attended the local school and grown to young manhood he received work as section hand and later he secured a job in the Germantown mine, later in the New Baden mine. His marriage to Miss Eliz. Schmitz was performed April 28 1897 by Rev.

Father Kluse in the local church. They made their home in Germantown and he followed the coal mining occupation. Their marriage was blessed with ten children, all who survive and with the grief-stricken widow mourn the loss. They are: Mrs. Francis Sittig of St.

Louis; Rose, of Carlyle; Harry of Detroit, Miss Leona and Mrs. Estelle Fauste of St. Louis; Frank of Germantown; Edward of St. Louis; Alfred at home and Miss Gertrude and Olivia also of St. Louis.

He also leaves 12 grandchildren. Four brothers died in infancy and a sister Eliz. died at the age of 22 years. Deceased was a practical Catholic and a member of St. Boniface parish his entire life.

He was an ambitious and hard working man and reared a large family, providing them amply with all the necessities of life. Funeral was held Tuesday morning at 9 a. m. from the local church with Rev. B.

H. Eppmann, officiating. Interment was. in the local Six neighbors served as pallbearers, Selma Haake spent the week end in Carlyle with Mrs. Bertha Erlinger.

Miss Catherine Altgilbers of Clayton, spent Sunday in our village. Mrs. Edw. Boevingloh of St Louis, spent Sunday here. Herm.

Kohnen, Lawrence Hilmes, Irene and Bernadine Kohnen, Florence and Charlotte Buenemeyer and Adelle of St. Mary's hospital in East St. Louis, visited here Sunday. NEW BADEN Mr. and Mrs.

E. Hagist and daughter of St. Louis, spent Sunday here. Dr. and Ed Trippel and Mr.

and Mrs Jule Trippel of Carrollton, spent Sunday, with Szuba is Sophia a patient Trippel. in a hospital in St. Louis at this writing. Mr. and Mrs.

Ed Manwarning and family spent Sunday in Pocahontas. Roland Hertenstein of Chester, visited his famil yhere Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Foehner of St.

Louis, sent Sunday here. Miss Cornelia Diekemper and Miss Florence Kuhn visited in Scott Field Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hemann and their daughter spent Sunday afternoon in Belleville. The Physics Class of the local High School enjoyed an educational trip on' Wednesday with instructor, C.

H. Heberer. They visited Monsanto Chemical Parks Airport, East St. Louis Journal and the Belleville News Democrat. Graduation exercises will be as follows: 8th Grade ublic School on Friday, May 31; 8th Grade St.

George's School, Thursday, May 30th; New Baden High School, Monday, June 3rd. Decoration Day Services will be held here on Sunday, May 26th at the City Cemetery. Mrs. Mary Griesbaum was hostess to her bridge club Wednesday night. Melvin Dagit had the misfortune of breaking his arm one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. 0. K. Moehle and family of Okawville, spent Sunday here.

Mrs. Clarence Mueller is a patient in St. Mary's hospital in Centralia. Mrs. Dora Meyer has returned to St.

Louis after having spent several weeks here. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dey of St. Louis, spent Sunday here.

Joe Kuhn of St. Louis, spent Sunday here with hi sparents. Bans of holy matrimony were published for the firat time Sunday for Miss Kathryn Kettler of here and Sylvester Brutto of Belleville. Also for Miss Elizabeth Kanis of Nashville and Herman Dust of here. 8 Here is one way to control that the inside double glazing removed, annoying fogging and condensation with the result that it is fogged up! on the windows in your new home.

almost immediately. When this picShown here are three casem*nt win- ture was taken the inside room femdows. Notice that two of them are perature was 71 degrees, while outentirely clear because of inside double side the thermometer stood at 15 deglazing. The other window has had above zero. And the tough, silent, longwearing tread gives you longer mileage with non-skid safety.

DISCOUNT FROM LIST PRICE 6.00-16 AND YOUR OLD TIRE For Your Holiday Trip TODAY'S BIG BUY! Firestone STANDARD TIRES HERE'S the biggest tire PICK YOUR SIZE AT THESE news of the year! Just imagine -the famous Firestone LOW PRICES Standard Tire, backed by written lifetime guarantee, at LIST YOU PAY SIZE discount from list price. PRICE ONLY You get extra protection against blowouts because the 4.40/4.50-21. $7.70 $5.58 tire body is made of patented 4.75/5.00-19. 7.95 5.78 Firestone Gum-Dipped cords. 4.50/4.75/5.00-20..

8.60 6.21 5.25-21. 10.65 7.77 5.25/5.50-17. 9.75 7.08 5.25/5,50-18:. 9.20 6.75 5.25/5.50-19. 11.50 8.37 5.25/5.50-20.

11.90 8.66 6.25/6.50-16. 12.90 9.37 LIFETIME GUARANTEE Every Firestone Tire carries a written lifetime guarantee- -not limited to 12, 18 or 24 months, but for the full life of the tire without time or mileage limit. Price Includes Your Old Tire Other Sizes Proportionately Low SENSATIONAL NEW Low PRICES ON Firestone CONVOY TIRES 4.75/5.00-19 6.00-16 5.25/5.50-17 495 595 AND YOUR OLD TIRE AND YOUR AND YOUR OLD TIRE OLD TIRE Listen to the Voles of See Champion Margaret N.B.C. Speaks, Network, Monday the Firestone Factory Cahibition Red Building at the New Fork World's Fair CLINTON COUNTY OIL CO. Breese, Illinois.

The Breese Journal from Breese, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.