The Weekly News from Marksville, Louisiana (2024)

THE WEEKLY NEWS, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1934 PLAUCHEVILLE F. F. A. NEWS XjAe lOeecli 9ews MOREAUVILLE PERSONALS (By Miss Irene Gaspard) NOTICE I am applying for a pardon or com mutation of sentence. ADAM JACOBS.

Feb. 10-17-24 Church Announcements ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC I HI ItCH Marksville, I Masses Sunday 7:2 an.j Evening Devotions Masses during the week 6 and 6:30. Confessions Saturday afternoon 3 to 5:30 6:30 to 9. Published Every Thursday Evening By GRE MILLION PRINTING COMPANY MABKSVnjLE, COUNTY SEAT OF AVOYELLES PARISH When the electric eel clamps its tail against an enemy, the victim gets a shock powerful enough to knock down a man or throw a horse.

Entered at the Postoffice at Marksville, Louisiana, as Second Class Matter. The Plaucheville F. F. A. basketball team won over the Bordelonville Longhorns by a score of 14-12 on Sunday, January 28th.

This was our first cnapter game and was a hard fougftt contest. The Plaucheville "Big Five" team is composed of the following: Lyle Ducote, James Jeansonne, Marshal Lemoine, D. J. Saucier and Lee St-Romain. We will arrange games with any team in the Parish.

D. J. SAUCIER, V.Pres. OFFICIAL JOURNAL Avoyelles Parish Police Jury, Avoyelles Parish School Board, Towns of Marksville, Mansura, Moreauville, Cottonport, Plaucheville and Simmesport SHERIFF'S SALE Miss Florence Fontane was hostess to a bridge party Saturday afternoon, at 2:00 o'clock. A very pleasant time was spent by all those present and the guests were served a delicious plate lunch.

Among those present were: Misses Hilda Haydel, Narcille Coco, Josephine and Dolores Couvillon, Mattie Mae Gauthier, Mattie Bordelon, Ger-maine Bordelon, Loretta and Eunice Coco, Ivy Mae Lacour and Mabel Boniol. STATE OF LOUISIANA. PARISH OF AVOYELLES, TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN ADVANCE: $2.00 Six Months One Year Most Coughs Demand Creomulsion Don't let them get a strangle Fiht germs quickly. Creomulsion 7 major helps in one. Powerful hut s.

Pleasant to take. No nan druggist is authorized to -r on the spot if your rough or colJ i- relieved by CreomuUiun. (uiiv.i Editor-Manager Associate Editor CARL GREMILLION ETHEL D. GREMILLION Commercial Credit Inc. Vs.

No. 8991 Thos. L. Kelley EVERGREEN NEWS AND PERSONALS (By Mrs. Geo.

Wright) COTTONPORT F. F. A. NEWS On Tuesday, February 6 th, according to customary procedure our regular monthly meeting was held. Many items of interest were discussed.

The- most important of these, being getting our track team ready in the near future. EDDIE DESCANT BILIOUSNES 3 1 Sour stomacii II gas and headache ((up do COHSTIPA7JOH Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Gremillion accompanied by Mrs. L.

P. Dufour motored to Alexandria last Friday. Miss Rita Tassin, of Marksville spent the week-end here as guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seinian.

Mr. J. D. Landry of Boton Rouge was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs.

Ellis Gremillion. Mrs. Sam Gauthier entertained the Ladies' 500 Club at her home last Sunday afternoon. Most of the mem bers were present and a delightful afternoon was spent. Delicious refreshments were served.

FIFTH WARD SCHOOL NEWS The honor roll for the third six-weeks period in the Fifth Ward Hi School is as follows: Second Grade Nelda Bonnette, Odessa Brouil-lette! Third Grade Ethel Lee Bernard, Ina -Smith. Fourth Grade Davis Bonnette, Medell Dauzat, Faril Brouillette, Verelina Bordelon, Enola Lachney. Fifth Grade Laura Bonnette, Selma Cooper, Edna Daigrepont, Even Lemoine, Theresa Michot. BY VIRTUE of and to satisfy a Writ of Seizure and Sale issued from the Honorable Twelfth Judicial District Court in the above numbered and entitled cause, and to me directed, and a seizure made thereunder-, I will offer for sale to the last and highest bidder at Public Auction at the front door of the Court House in Marksville, Louisiana, between the hours prescribed by law, on Saturday, February 10, 1934, the following described property, to-wit: One General Electric Refrigerator, No. 34544, together with Unit No.

1,348,432. Terms of Sale: CASH. Sheriff's Office, Marksville, Louisiana, this 27th day of January, 1934. Attorney: Earl Edwards. J.

J. JEANSONNE, Sheriff. iMniMMnSi AAAAAAAAAA A A AAA A A LOOK YOUR BEST Have your work done by Tib's Expert Barbers alotabs TRADE MARK REG 55 4 10 Dr. and Mrs. S.

J. Couvillon and daughter, Miss Josephine, accomp anied by Marcie Lacour motored to Alexandria on Monday. Miss Cecile Gauthier was the over night guest of Miss Dora Leonie Be- ridon, of Hamburg, last Tuesday. Miss Dorothy Huesmann was the guest of Miss Cecilia Gauthier, Sun day. Miss Eugenie Couvillon, Moore Va Sixth Grade Zilda Ducote, Julian Ducote, Leo-na Kelone.

Eighth Grade Lytha Bonnette Ninth Grade Dez Bonnette, Lena Daigrepont, Viley Guillot, Lucille Laborde. Tenth Grade Lilae Kelone. Eleventh Grade Carrie Gaspard, Gus Guillot. A meat canning demonstration was held by Miss Straughen, at the school on Friday, February 2,. It proved to be real interesting work, as most of the pupils have never seen this demonstration before.

The Fifth Ward boys' and girls' basketball teams met the Evergreen basket ball teams in the Bunkie Gynasium on Thursday night, February 1. Although our boys and girls put up a hard fight they were defeated. WILEY BRINGOL, DORIS GUILLOT, lois and Murry Bordelon' were among I Tib's Barber Shop Where Three Efficient Bar- ber3 are ready to give you A unexcelled service the many students from L. S. U.

who spent the week-end with friends and relatives out here for the mid-term Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Dufour had as "To Look Your Best' Visit Tib's Sanitary Barber Shop I dinner guests, last Sunday, Mr.

and Mrs. Fulgence Coco, and Mr. and Mrs. E. S.

Couvillon and son, James Mr. Garner Haydel had as guest Mrs. Henry Buck and Cadet Henry Buck were guests Friday of Dr. and Mrs. W.

F. Couvillon in Marksville. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kavanaugh are spending a few days this week in Shreveport.

Mr. J. T. Patrick of C. C.

C. Camp near Catham spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. S. S.

Pearce was hostess to the Thursday club last week. Mrs. Clifton Hollingshed and Miss Genie Simmons were visitors to Poole's Nurseries, Monday. Mr. Louis Robert who has been teaching at Lawtell this session has returned home.

Mrs. Paul Bennette of Bunkie was the guest of Mrs. S. S. Pearce Monday.

The Woman's Missionary Society met with Mrs. P. E. Heard on Monday afternoon. Misses Beatrice Hays and Addie Robinson spent the week-end in Marksville as guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Felix Moreau. Miss Lucille Campbell was jthe guest for the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Philo Coco at their home in Marksville.

Miss Gennie Simmons was hostess to the Civic League on Tuesday afternoon, entertaining at the home of Mrs. C. C. Hollingshed. Mr.

and Mrs. S. L. Jeansonne and little son, spent Saturday with relatives on Bayou Jacque. Miss Sidney Wright was hostess to the Contract Bridge Club last Wednesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Pearce and Mr.

and Mrs. Gordon Kavanaugh and little Miss Corolyn Kavanaugh motored to Marksville and Alexandria Saturday. While in Alexandria they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gra-dni Pearce.

Mrs. Luther Grimble and Mr. Ed. die Grimble spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

George Nielan at their home near Plaucheville. The "Hides' met Wednesday with Miss Maxle Mae Benjamin. Misses Anna Buck and Mary Lou Pearce were appointed a committee to arrange the program for the weekly meetings. Miss Benjamin served delicious refreshments and the meeting next week will be with the Misses Anna Merrlc Buck and Mae Buck. (Too Late For Last Week) The Woman's Missionary Society met with Mrs.

Henry, Buck last Monday afternoon. Messrs. S. S. Pearce and Gordon Kavanaugh have returned home from a business trip to North' Louisiana.

Today's Prices Are Low! INSTALL Hot Water Service Now j-J OT WATER, at your finger-tips, in the kitchen, bath, laundry, not only marks your home as modern, but simplifies and makes more convenient the dozens of jobs for which hot water is required every day. You've promised your family this service. Now is the time to have it installed. Prices are low, but wTill remain so for only a short time. Act now and take advantage of the saving.

Visit our nearest office for full details of the plan that makes it easy to put a Gas Automatic Storage Water Heater in your home. Special Terms Trade-In Allowances Apply for a Limited Time this past week, Mr. Ambrose from Georgia. Reporters Miss Melba Firmin, a pupil of the school at Rosa, has enrolled in the local high school, for the second yuirk, ana Vivian est. They are semester, in order to complete her planning a large Mardi Gras dance, and the next meeting will be at the Senior year.

She is staying while in town, with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Gremillion. home of Miss Maxie Mae Benjamin. Miss Pearce served delicious re ffeshments to the following mem hl Mi! I csis Willi Mr.

Leo Bernard has returned home after an absence of several months' employment in Krotz bers: Misses Lorona and Ethel Spencer, Vivian Kelly, Antionette Lawrence, Vivian and Onna West, Edeline Patrick, Mary Belle Quirk, Springs. W. S. Bordelon, Jr. and Marvin Cecelia Riche, Maxie Benjamin, Mae Gauthier attended the show in Marks and Anna Buck, Myrtle Mounger Vir glnia Hazelwood, Eleanor and Lu cille Normand.

ville Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jules Boniol are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a boy. Cadet Henry Buck, L.

S. Is spending a few days at his home The Jung Hote Eigttteen stories of modem Hotel Luxury. 700 Rooms, 700 Baths, 700 Servidors. S50.I3 The average amount paid by our residential customers in this city for all Gas used in cooking, water-heating, refrigeration and house heat ilng for the past year was SUNSHINE IN THE HEART Springtime may lose its freshest tints. And autumn leaves their gold.

The bitter blast and snowy wreath May sweep across the world; But the years are full of splendors United Gas Public Service Company That never will depart. 700 Ice Water Faucets, 700 Electric Ceiling Fans. The only Hotel in New Orleans that has all of these conveniences in every room, without exception. Largest Free Parking Grounds in the South. SINGLE RATES AS LOW AS $2.50 PER DAY "You Can Live Better at the Jung for Less" For they shed eternal fragrance here.

Sunday afternoon Misses Sidney and Alice Wright, and Messrs. George W. Buck, Brunson and Clay Wright and John Patrick motored to Lafayette where Mr. Brunson Wright entered Southwestern for this semester. Messrs.

Harvey Fennell of S. L. I. and Bill -Fennell of Opelousas were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.

R. L. Fennell. Attorney Frank Cappel of Alexandria spent several days last 'week at the home of Dr. Curry Cappel.

Mr. Y. A. Mounger, of Palmetto, spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs. Mounger.

Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Campbell and Mrs.

C. Hollinshead attended a meeting of the Methodist Church last week, which was held in When there's sunshine in the "heart. A UNIT OP THB The sSadows linger on the earth. The sunbeams hide away; The sad mist fold their chill white hands About the face of day; The tumult and rush of life II OLD TIME Sound ay in street and mart; But they can not drown life's music When there's sunshine in the heart. The city towers are crumbling fast, And totter to their fall; The ivied castle on the height Shows many a ruined wall But men build eternal buildings 0 BUDWEISER 3 BEER and Arkansas.

Mr. Taft Dupuy of Cottonport visited Mr. Burnette St. Romain last week. Mrs.

A. Mounger, Miss Myrtle Mounger, Mr. Arthur Mounger and the younger members of the family motored to Lettsworth Sunday where they visited the Henry Moungers. The Evergreen girls met Friday af ternoon at the home of Mary Louise Pearce for the purpose of organizing a girls clu6, which was amed the "Hleds." Their colors are green and white and their motto is "Fun and a lots of It" Miss Eleanor Normand was elected president? Vivian Kelly, vice-pres With strange and wonderous art; They are shrines for the immortals When there's sunshine in the heart. C.

B. POWELL. (Not Pale Lager) On Draught at 1 i i Mrs. R. Scarborough entertained the Contract Bridge Club last week.

Mrs. Robert Ducote of Marksville spent last Friday with her mother, Mrs. E. N. Tanner.

Mrs. Edwin Pearce was hostess to the Thursday club. Mrs. W. A.

Quirk has returned from Alexandria, where she received medical attention. Her friends wish for her a speedy recovery, FOR RENT if if 'S D2VC7G STORE FOR RENT, one 13-room dwel MARKSVILLE-MANSURA ling, partly furnished. AH modern conveniences, including three baths and gas. IS ident; Antionette Lawrence, and Lucille Normand, reporter. Social committee.

Misses Lorona Spencer, Myrtle Mounger, Mary Belle C. J. POPE, Distributor, Bunkie, La. MRS. W.

W. VOINCHE, Feb. 10-17-24 Marksville. La. ES3.

The Weekly News from Marksville, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.