Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine (2024)

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ViMrr'MiT r- it-' te rrv SS THURSDAY- MAItCHt I Wtl Mr Minerva Stohe South Pari a on Ivan Coumont South Faria two granddaughter two grandsons nd several nieces and nephew LEWISTON KVKYINGJOIIBflf AL Shape-Plans LEWISTON-AFBIIBY -MAINE urstwo KC RSI) 9 2 9 Drro DAY Disallow Claim Congressman Senator Dependents NEW YORK-STP -One 'taxpayer yesterday listed his state aena-tor and 8 Caagresamaa aa dependents on his lucerne tax return support them" he argead The claim was dlmllewed -Biggest Income tax payment received In New York during the day waa a akeek fer from a corporation It waa merely a quarterly pay-men- Mid-Second District CoU lector Dennis MeMahen The flimta tax for tha whole year was $144RMNL WASHINGTON-JP-A rough draft of plana for a joint lodal state and Federal' crack-down onbig-time gambling began to take shape today i Thomas IFAlesandro of Baltimore called together hit needy appointed legislative committee of the Attorney conference on law enforcement tor a two-day closed session at the Justice Department The getoogether la expected to outline the -area of cooperation In which law enforcement officers generally might function to curb crime The law enforcement conference led here last month by Attorney General McGrath indicated general agreement on a joint action program It also indicated that first action should be directed against curbing organized gambling which FBI director Edgar Hoover has described as tha egg" of the underworld i Mayor IFAlesandro was designated by the conference to head a legislative committee touring in recommendations for new laws covering Aclieson Challenges Russia' ToDemonstralePeaeeDesires NYStoekExcliange Hnbtif Staek Exehang Button ft Co QuataUaau hy DiWHt HaUl rhMipWJJ -Open INDUSTRIALS Admiral Corp 35 Allied ft 827 Allied Str Allia Ch Mfg Am Airline An Can r' Am Seating J' Am 8m Am SO Fdry -Am Sug Ref Am ft Am' Tobacco Am Viaeoae Am Woolen Anacon Cop Pendix Avia Beth Steel Case Co CelaneM Corp Cdotex Corp Chrysler Corp A Com Prod Curtia Pub Curtis Wright 8- Derby Oil 12 Douglas Air 80 duPont deN 83 Eastman Kod 46 El Auto Lite 43 Emer 26 First Nat St 74 'Flintkbte 31 Gen Electric 46 Gen Foods 49 Gen Motors 77 Goodrich 83 51 Grant Hudson Mot 2:15 323 35 8 12 80 64 47 43 -fit 31- 46 50 76 84 51 27 14 27 14 BERKELEY Calif-JP-Srt-retury of State Acheson challenged Russia today to demonstrate her- desire for peace by accepting a new seven-point program to free the world from tensions and Boiled down the seven steps Ache-con proposed call for an rad to aggsessive diplomacy both in her dealings with satellites and with the erkne and gambling-re gulationllhe western world and for new in Lewiston! iurck- Wort Cry-' munt an SO KUrml snvIeM ftpw tha llcnwrlal-Chaptl qf-DUUnsham Saturday March IS ar oM Kntpmb- merit Oak Hill eamataiy AuBum Frirads unable to attend Ihe eervlce may nil the Chapel Thursday evening and rrh day afternoon and even bis Perley Oe Stanton MECHANIC Perley Otis Stanton 72 died Wednesday noon at the Central Maine General Hospital after a long-lllnes Born May 27 1877 in Poland he was the son of William and Eliza- beth Bancroft Stanton He has resided at 95 Elm Street for over 60 years and until fire year ago was empljfedM a painter and paper hanger He waa a member of Tyrian Lodge St Andrews Chapter- Dwioal Chapter Monami Lodge IOOF Colfax Rcbekah Lodge all of Mechanic Fall He was a Past Noble Grand and a fifty years member of Momani Lodge and had been a Tyler of the Masons forTnany year Surviving are his widow the tor- mer Henrietta Rowe a daughter Mr Aubrey Hutchin Mechanic Falls a con Sumner Stanton of Auburn a sister Mr Bessie Mains of Mechanic Falls two grandchildren one great grandchild and several cousin DIED At CMQ HwndU erlaton March 15 ferlejr otla Stantnn Mamie iaanrleaa will be held Saturday at a o'clock at tha Tucker Kunrrnl Home SO Pleasant Street Mrrhenle Hell Entombment Haste Grave Cemetery Heebanie Falla Eliliu Tilton Elihu Blaine Tilton 65 principal and coach of Rangeley High School for 20 year died Tuesday afternoon at Patch-M ogue I following an illness of several month He was bom at Knox July 18 1884' and was a graduate of Freedom Academy ana a 1908 graduate of Colby College and played second base on an outstanding Colby nine He taught school for many yean at Winslow Caribou and was principal and- coach at Rangeley High until 1947 Survivors include his wife Bfary EL Albion a brother Everett Pittsfield a sister Mr Ester Smiley also of Pittsfield an aunt and several nieces and -nephew Mrs Dean Barden Mrs Blanche Barden 59 wife of Dean Barden died Tuesday night at her home her following a long illnes A natjye of Phillip sheawaa born Sept lff lMW the daughter of Albert and Nellie Bangs Fuller She attended local schools and lived here dll her life Survivors include her husband and mother Rangelcjy a sister Mr Irene Stewart Rangeley one niece and two nephew moves to conclude peace treaties and to find some solution to the problem of atomic control Expects Refesal Bluntly he predicted Russian refusal of any attempt to settle these points of difference" between the Last and the West But he insisted that they "must be identified sooner or later reconciled if the twef'sy stems arc to live together if not with mutual respect at least in mutual security" Otherwise he said the United States can only continue to resist aggression where it finds it and to "press ahead with the building of a free world" "We are always ready tb (discus to negotiate to agree" Acheson declared we are understandably loatl) to play the role of international sucker" Major Statement a major statement of American policy said to have-taken three months tp was prepared for delivery at the University of California in connection with the conference on international cooperation for world economic development i- Declaring that want peace but not at any price Acheson said Russia must do several things "which while leaving much yet to do would give the world new confidence in tinf Federal Housing Official Says Pension Cost Recognized a Cost of possibility of 1 peaceful change1 These am the points he listed: Join with the West in defining peace terms for Germany Japan and Austria-r-without trying to make them satellites meanwhile refraining Xrom any Interference with the new states of the Far East 3 Withdraw military and police forces from the Soviet Satellites and refrain from using the shadow of that force to keep in power persons or regimes" which do not command popular confidence 3 Drop the present "policy of obstruction- in the United Nations and help nuke the a serious instrument for building international peace and security 4 Join in seeking "realistic and effective arrangements for the control of atomic weapon and' limitation of armaments in general" 5 Stop using Coagjnuntat petty aparntus to overthrow by subversive means governments with which the Soviet government stands in an bntward state of friend-shipand respect" Quit badgering American diplomatic representative who are now being as criminal" and branded aa people" with whom all contact is "pregnant with danger" 7 Stop distorting to their own peoples the picture of the world outside their bonier and of our country in particular" He assailed Soviet propaganda which he aid hammers at the idea of capitalist encirclement of a United States craftily and systematically plotting another world Acheson said tare some of the things which we feel that the Soviet leaden could do which would permit the rational and peaceful development of the co-existence of their system and "In a land of plenty we are now finding this possible through unemployment insurance and adequate retirement He said that "in our present econ omy it is becoming increasingly difficult for the individual to save and provide for' his own In recognition of ini he said the Social Security program waa set up Free enterprise and democratic capitalism are now in danger from any popularly- elected administration he mid Magee predicted continued high taxes and cost and that the cost of living may never go back to prewar leveL "Barring a serious depression" he said "this is probably the worst that may be -L Powers explained he felt more homes in the area would mefan -better workers and more business for the local merchant This village is about 19 miles from Lewiston 17 miles from Portland and eight miles bom Brunswick The housing situation -here has been critical for some time Powers said and recent action by the town to provide more adequate sewerage systems has aided in providing sites for th prospective home The new homes would sell for about $54MUPpwcn aid and a local branch of the' Lewiston TFiut Co has agreed ta arrange mortgage money for the purchaser The new organization tplani to! erect 5Q to 100 new homes In this area of about 3500 resident 24 27 23 37 26 26 Hussman Ref Int Harvester Inter -Nickel- Inter Paper 36 37 Bit Tel ft 11 12 Johns Manvl 48 48 Xenn Copper 52 52 Kroger CO 65 65 Laclede Gas 7 7 Lockheed Air 28 28 Inc 16 16 'Mack Trucks 12 12 Magnavox 17 17 Montg Ward 57 57 Motorola 36 36 Nat Distill 23 23 Nat Gypsum 19 19 Nat Steel 104 104 Packard Mot 3 3 Pan Am Air 10 10 Penn Cent 27 '27 Pepsi Cola 11 Phelps Dodge 46 '46 Phil ft I 14 14- Philco Corp 39 38 Phillips Pet 65 64 Pullman 35 35 Radio Corp 14 14 Repub Steel 27 27 Richfield Oil 41 41 St Regis Pap 8 8 Scbenley Ind 31 31- Sears Roebuck 44 44 'Sinclair Oil 24 24 Socony Vac 17 17 Std Oil Calif 64 64 Std Oil NJ 69 69' Studebaker 28 28 Sylvan' El 22 22 Texas Co 83 63 Tex Pic ft 22 22 Tide Wat A Twent Fox Union Carbide Unit Aircraft United Fruit Unit Param Theat 20 Rubber Steel US Steel pfd Warner Pic Western Un Tel West Air-Br Westing Elec White SMch WoohrorthF Youngst Zenith Radio XAILI Atch ft SF Atl Cat Line Balt ft Ohio Canad Pacific Chea ft Ohio Chi I ft Del ft Hud Chi ft Northwest Erie SR Gt No Ry pfd puwnla Ant Kan City So 52 53 NY Central 13 13 35 35 Norf ft West 51 51 North- Pacific 21 21 Penn Railroad 17 17 South Pacific 52 53 Southern Ry 34 34 Union Pacific1 88 58 UTILITIES AmPwftLt 20 20 Colum Gas 13 13 Cons Edison 31 32 Std Gas pfd 65 66 United Corp 4 4 Gerald Murch Speaks Before Republican Women Gerald Murch of Portland State parole' officer was the guest speaker at the Wednesday afternoon meeting of the Androscoggin County Republican flub held at the home 'of Mrs Harold Red ding 11 Grandview Avenue Ati-burn He told members that parole and probation are commonly misunderstood and this- is understandable because in Maine the statutes show conflicting statements between parole and probation Mr Murch aid that parole is administered by the State Parole Board and functions only cm -the level although It could and has In the past ybara functioned on the juvenile level Probation la handled on a county level in Maine and the probation officer is responsible to the judge -j "Parole is not an act of clemency nor is it a reward-for work well done at the penal institution Proper administration of parole offers protection for the community and it is a guide for persona who must fa-adjust themselves to society after confinement in an institution" Mr 'Murch claimed employment is the most stabilizing factor for parolees with aome leisurejime tor taking part in healthy activities The most critical period and the time when the aid of the parole officer is most needed by the parolee is the first few weeks after his release from the institution Mrs Selma Wagg of Lewiston who introduced the speaker announced to members at the business session she is a candidate for re-election as an Androscoggin County member to the State Republican Committee? Mrs Rossie Cook of Livermore president conducted the business meeting and later refreshments were served by Mrs HazelJjiipwe and Mrs Grace Williams Local Men to Attend Cost Accountants i Meeting at Portland Several Lewiston and Aubufn nun will be among those attending the monthly meeting of the Southern Blaine Chapter of the National Association of Cost Accountants tomorrow evening at the Eastland Hotel Portland John nackett Maynard Piper Clinton Kline Scott Cottle Ulmer Coy Ervin I Miller Lawrence Partridge George Jackson and Norman Kihlgren have already made reservations to attend the fellowship hour and dinner which will precede the meeting Speaker will he Eric A Camman whose subject will be "Standard Cost Costs as Aid To Management" Mr Camman is a nationally known cost accounting business organization and Management control He is past patinnal president of the National Association of Cost Accountant North Adams Appeals For Flood Control Cite Crave Danger BOSTON-iP-The very existence of the city of North Adams and the town of Adams may be threatened by future flood a legislative committee was fold today Andrew Dilk town counsel for Adam appealed to the committee on harbor and public lands to approve a bill which calls upon the state to provide $2000000 to be used with a federal authorization of $19000000 in flood control projects along the Hoosae River Rep Joseph Roach (D-North Adams) told the committee that one at the largest industries In North Adams had served notice that it would lode for a new location if it is damaged again by flood Rep Richard A Ruether (D-Wil-liamstown) sponsor of the hill with Rep Roach and Sen Michael A Condron (D-Pittsfield) said that the state had already spent $8000000 or $9000000 on flood work in the area in past year He assured the committee that completion of the current project would end requests for state appropriations there -J Mayor James A Bowes of North Adams said hat city had suffered damage in four serious floods since 1927 Rep Thomas Enright (D-Pitta-field) and Chairman Albert Duprey of the Adams selectmen also appeared vor of the measure MONMOUTH Willing Workers Planning Supper The Now and Then Bridge Club- met- on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr Laura Sanborn with Mr Lena Thompson and Mr Pauline Chretien and Mr Gladys Cheney as substitute Mr Madeline Riggs' earned high score end'" Mr Lena Thompson had low ebrq The hostess waa assisted In serving refreshments by BSr Eleanor Ramsdell Mr Evelyn Chick Mr Betty Chick -4nd Mr Marthk Kinney The next meeting will be held at the hom*o at Mr Doris Johnson The Morning Glory branch of the National Sunshine Society postponed its meeting which would ordinarily be held Thursday because of the absence of its president Mr' Clara Frost who to in Boston visiting her Ion and family Mr andi Mr Law-ton-Frost Enroute to Boston Mr Frost was joined at KennebUnkport by Mr and Mr Shuttleburg of Dorchester Masgd The Willing North Monmouth will serve a supper at Hall from 5 until 7 o'clock on Friday evening the proceeds of which Will be used for the repair fund of the North Monmouth Community Church -The Re-Ly-On-Us 4-JI Club of East Monmouth Mrs Dorothy Smith leader met on Tuesday evening at the- hone of Bliss Elizabeth Ricker in Eagt Monmouth The' girls work-edOnLtheir different sewing projects and on housekeeping project and preparing the refreshment which were served later in the evening The boys planned their wood-working project under the direction of the associate leader1 Winfield received 'until 3:50 PM EST about five hours after McCarthy The review board in recommending recall of Service from Indi fii the State own previous investigation at the veteran diplomatic officer should have tnpW-d his personal appearance before the! panel Lincoln White department prea officer said the review boards recommendation does not rnean Service is "wider a new suspicion He added that apparently the board feels Service should have an opportunity to apefck for himself Coast Guard Tug Pulled From Lodge Resumes Icebreaking WESTPORT-JP-A 64-toot Coast Guard tug was pulled from a ledge today it immediately resumed the ice-breaking halted by grounding two days ago The craft based at Rockland was towed free by two 36-foot lifeboats from the Burnt Island and Kennebec Guard station It was not damaged Once the lifeboats began pulling the operation required but seven minute A third lifeboatfrom the Damariscove station stood by It burned out a clutch Tuesday trying to aid the tdg The tug ran aground in Cowsegan Narrows While clearing ice in the ferry lane between the island of Westport and Wiscasset Former Banker Pleads Innocent To Embezzlement PORTLAND-A-The former manager of the Casco Bank and Trust Company's South Portland branch Harold Higgin pleaded innocent today to a charges that he embezzled $7500 of bank fund Municipal Court Judge Edmund Mahoney ordered Higgins held for the May term of Superior Court Bail of $5000 waa fur niahed South city" manager Harold Webster said Higgins has resigned as a Portland Water District trustee Prom that city -M- Malden Man Named Administrator OfBiddeftirdHosp BIDDEFOKD-A-Jamea Devine of Malden Bias waa appointed today aa administrator of the 65-bed Webber Hospital here Devine assistant director of- the Malden -hospital for several years will assume his new duties April 15 A graduate of Holy Cross Col-leg Worcester Bias Devine studied' i hospital admin istiatioh" kt Boston University FUNERALS MrS Emms -This morning at SS Peter and" Paul Church Rev Robert Massicot te officiated assisted by Revr Ange Begin and Maurice Goulet Bearer Alfred La-point William Morin Ronald Doucette Adelard Lepage Fernand Gosselln and Conrad Doucette Entombment at St cemetery Albert Funeral Home OBITUARY Noel Coumont 4 Noel Coumont 90 of 52 Winter Street Lewiston died suddenly Wednesday afternoon at his home He had spent the latter part of his life In Lewiston Bom in Belgium Dec 25 1859 he waa the son of Henry and Marie Letaige-Coumont He received his education in the schools of that country He married the former Ra-jchel June 7 1899 at Coumont died in 1948 Aeon Dr Ogareff data Coumont 45 bf Long Island City Yan educator died at Bridgeport Conn Feb 14 Surviving are fire daughter the Misses Andrea and Heater Coumont and Mr Diane Emery all of Lewfc ton Mr Ceres Jone Portland and SdMU MOffTHtr MFMIN7S ROOM 7 DINGIEY COwr UggsHt) PORTLAND-A-A Federal housing official taid today the entire community bparc the cost of pensions "as a cost of production" day Blaine Federal housing administration director John HBfa*gee said "make pension coats not an obligation of the employer nor a burden upon his "Rather" he told Maine Blaster Plumber "they recognize the element of human depreciation and charge it off accordingly Btagee said "enlightened thinking is beginning to recognize that there iano economic law apart fopm human relationship" "Social and moral he added "must give 4ray in human relationships to economic concepts of supply and demand NEW- YORK--JP- Heavy-taking sales blocked rising stock market today Pricea were still up fractions to around a point but under the day1 best marks in'toost cases: i At the opening of -trade the 1949-50 bull market" lunged ahead into near high ground many stocks selling at the highest Price for a year or more Befote 'noon demand became little less aggreftive-and large-scale profit-taking blunted the edge of the advance A handful of in were pushed into the minus column Higher prices were paid for Steel National Steel General Motors' Studebakdf? Goodrich Montgomery Ward Douglas Aircraft Radio Corp American Telephone Consolidated Edison Consolidated Natural Gas Standard Gas Electric $4 Preferred Dow Chemical Du Pont Westinghouae EectricIn-temational Paper Santa Fe Nickel Plate Bamsdall Oil and Gypsum A little on the balky side were Bethlehem Steel Chrysler Lockheed Kennecott Copper and American Woolen Marked up' in the curb were Pan-tepee Oil Zinc Fansteel Metallurgical Emsco Derrick Continental I Foundry Cities Service Standard Power ft Light Selected Industries Babco*ck ft Wilcox Rotary Electric Steel and Standard Cep Seal Electric Bond ft Share hesitant Prices (Continued From Page One) But one food industry leader at least sees little change in his own dairy products Theodore Montague president of the Barden Company says: prices treat the floor right now I foresee ho further decline in the dairy farm prices except the usual seasonal ones 1949 dairy production conditions both ss to feed and weather were'extremely favorable Not all yean on be that Nash Settlement Stirs Hope For Chrysler Break DETROIT -2P- A pension won by the CIO United Auto Workers from Nash-Kelvinator Coop without a strike fanned hopes in labor circles here today of in' early break in the Chrysler strike The UAW-CIO and tour smaller unions reached an agreement last night with Nash It gave the UAW everything the union has been demanding in Its 51-day-old walkout at Chrysler Reports from Washington of federal concern over the Chrysler strike also raised hopes heye filers would be more rapid progress in negotiations to get 89000 Chrysler employes back ion the job Features of the Nash settlement include the UAW announced 3 fully funded pension plan and an Insurance program which meets the 10 cents an hour pattern already established in a substantial section of the automobile Industry" The Nash plan provides workers $100 a month pensions InrlnHW Social Security benefits to those retiring at 85 with 25 yean of service New features Include payment by Nash of a fixed amount seven into a fund with the amount not affected by future' Social Security fluctuations and no automatic' compulsory retirement age The union has a voice in administering pensions The agreement Is to run for five years from next July 1 Union vokennen hailed the contract as "the most advanced yet Be-gotiated'ln heavy industry" BOWDOIN Delegates Elected At GQP Caucus A Republican caucus was held last Friday evening at tiie residence of Herbert Adams They held an election of officers with the following results: chairman Norman Curtis vice-chairman Mrs Emest'Carr and secretary and treasurer Herbert Adam The following town committee was appointed: Nbrinan Curtis Mrs Ernest Carr Mr and Mrs Ray Pur-intonrf Emery Whitney Herbert Jones Weston Allen Coomb Arthur Nelson Lester Nelson Raymond Allen It ws voted to send as delegates Herbert Adams to the State convention and Fred Jack to the district convention at Portland March 30-3L Attending 6 Monday night were Mrcand: Mrs Albert Coffin Sr Mr nd Mrs Llewellyn Free-mtffi Mr and Mr Dwight Adam Mr Sadie Garland and Adam Wallace Staples of Brunswick is visiting with Mrs Ernest Carr a few days Mr and Mr Charles Coakery attended town meeting at Freeport Monday and Tuesday Friends of Clyde Adams formerly of Bowdoin are glad to hear that he la recuperating after seven illness of rheumatic lever weekly games sponsored by the PTA will be held Thursday evening at the Centre School at 730 Mr Albert Coffin Sr Mr and Mr Louis Murphy and Mr and 'Mr Llewellyn- Freeman andMr' Sadia Garland attended the Farm Bureau party at the East Auburn Grange Hall Tuesday in honor of Charles Eastman County There will be a union meeting at Sagadahoc Grange Saturday evening Progressive Grange will fill ttw chair Enterprise hnd Merry-meeting Grange jwill fumlA the program Mr Ernest Carr Mr MerrilTMcIntlre Mr Carrol Williams and Mr William 'Woods will attend the flower show at Boston All day Tuesday the Pupils of the eighth grade visited Brunswick High School to get -acquainted with the facilities that high school has to otter Mr and' Mr George Ltibee from Portland visited Mr and Mr Percy Rideout over the week end Arrest Mexican For Texas Slaying PRESIDIO TexnlPJoce Villa-lobe 24-year-old Mexican national waa arrested today in the staying of Sheriff (Buckle) Morrow hi Presidio Deputy Sheriff Mack Tarwater Parted tha man as saying he shot at the sheriff four times when the tine had a fight using the oem gun The staying occurred earty Sunday oa a mountain goad Rorth af bar Mrs Bernice Shelvin AUGUSTA jdni-- Bernice Shevlin 61 former resident of Dresden and 'Augusta died lata Tuesday evening at the Sisters Hospital In Watervfllet following a short illnes She- was bora jin Dresden April -18 1888 the daughter of Lesterand Viola Week Woodward and had resided Jn Portland for several years before going to Watervillrw last September to teach in the Wb-v terville Junior High Schcool She was a member of the Maine Teachers' Association Survivors ard three daughter Mrs Eunice Schugerand Miss Geraldine Shevlin of Cleveland Ohio Miss Catherine Shevlin of Worcea-1 teBfaHfoirtbrejhcr Louis Woodward of Gorham Don Wood- ward of Riimford Estiene -ward of Cedar Spring Michigan Kenneth Woodward of Hingham Mas four sister Miss Hazel Woodward of Baltimore Maryland Mr Roxie Harvjey of Cleveland Ohio Mr Elsie Cowing of Detroit -Michw and Mr Alien a Currier of Maplewood JL three grandchil- dren and several- nieces and nephew-' field The conference specifically directed- the committee to look into the possibility of congressional act Such federal taws might forbid the use of interstate communications for gambling purposes and prohibit interstate shipment of slot machines and other gambling device IFAlesandro prepared to organize the work by naming a subcommittee on federal legislation headed by Mayor David Lawrence of Pittsburgh a subcommittee on state taw with Attorney General Alan Bibla of Nevada as chairman a subcommittee on municipal legislation over which Corporation Counsel John McGrath of New York City will preside and a subcommittee on cooperation which will be organized by Mayor Fletcher Bowron of Los Angeles Calif i The legislative groups are scheduled to make a specific report Including recommendation by April 15 The objective is to obtain action on any federal legislation recommended at the current session of Congress The executive committee to which the report is to be made is headed by Mayor Quigg Newton of Denver Hass Trooper Indicted For -Manslaughter BOS TON-A -State police Lt John Young was indicted today on a charge of manslaughter in the shooting of Thomas River 20 who was stain Feb 2 a police were seeking another man The' indictment was returned to Judge Allan Buttrick in Suffolk superior court by a Suffolk county grand jury Rivers was killed near his Charlestown home as a manhunt was being conducted for a neighbor accused' of freeing an Inmate of the Waltham state hospital Young will be arraigned Monday The case was presented to the grand juty by assistant district attorneys Edward Sullivan and William Foley Jr Municipal Court Judge Daniel Gillen in an Inquest report had found evidence of wanton and reckless conduct" on the part of the lieutenant Rivers was killed when he walked into' a trap set for John Daley wanted for the freeing of a prisoner from the-state hospital River who planned Jp many next May supported a widowed mother A warrant charging Young with manslaughter waa issued to Capt Francis Wilson of the Boston police homicide squad 1 Cancel Bedside Session of Poor Debters Court ROSTON-JP-A Judge today can celled a bedside session of a poor debtors court because a hundred year old blind inventor was too ill fb'answer question Arrangements had been made' to move the debtors session of the civil' court of Hoxbury to the little basem*nt flat of George A Long Now reportedly penniles Long once paid thqusands of dollars In taxes to the city-Inventor of steam-propel automobile in he is being sued for a $1100 debt by an 80-year-old attorney Charles Dow The lawyer says thq amount 14 owed him for legal services rendered three years ago The inventor-originally waa due in court the day before his 100th birthday Blarch 3 The case 'was continued to today When a doctor saicT he wasn't" able to make the journey Judge Samuel Etaenstadt said the court would not come to the old basem*nt bedside- as he still "was too ill to be bothered" He continued the case for 'another wceka The Friendly Aid' Society has been helping Lonf and hit 70-year-old daughter since they were evicted ftom their old home last falL-1 1 1 Australian Official Sees Future Danger Arising From Japan CANBERRA external altairaUCfcreign) minister Herbert Evan told the Australian government today it la wrong to concentrate op Russia "as the only possible aggressor" -The former president of the United Nation! Assembly speaking from opposition benches in parliament said: "I don't believe Japan will consent to remains always ready to ally itself with those nations who were its chief enemies in the Second World War" WASHINGTON--? arsenal lucerne la Janary hit aa aneal rata abeva Deeem-fear and the highest paint la 12 months wltheet counting life lnaaiaaee refkad Freeport Businessmen Plan Erection of 50 to 100 Homes Paul Power Freeport attorney announced Thursday the organization- of- Village Homes Inc a group dedicated to providing more homes for the Freeport ere Powers said the organization had been in the discussion stage more than six week The housing situation here Powers added instigated this far-eighted planning by a' group of 20 local businessmen The group does not intend to build a "development" but will erect homes in different sections of the town One of the many reasons for the action taken by the organization was the problem of workers obliged to commute here from Lewiston to work in the six shoe factories and the Bean sporting goods plant Service Recall from India and Declares Sen Hickeidooper NEED MONEY? 'DIAL THE Local FinanceCo COR LISBON ft MAIN ST LEWISTON Is ready to help yon Confidential Fast Service NO ENDORSERS NO EMBARRASSING Loam Made On Signatare Furniture Autos 1 Fmrh Span' Ouni MatunMy A 8 kraal laa Statute UimmNaU Ira Chains nr am ay te IN 34 prr maua nmuluSir af buL up to 33009 UP TO $1500 Mill AND CIOTMINO -DA A NOUSl RIPAIIS MEDICAL HOSPITAL PAST-DUI said It knew nothing about 'T: WASHINGTON-BP-The State partment's sudden st John Service from India for a review of his loyalty record was termed ta very -significant end startling Senator Hickenlooper (R-Iowa) today The decision yesterday came only 24 hours -after Senator McCarthy (R-Wis) had accused Servic American consul at Calcutta of having Communist affiliation BCcCarthy made' his chargee before a Senate foreign relations subcommittee which is investigating his contentions1 that the State Department harbors Communists and Communist "sympathizer -Sadden Reversal Hickenlooper a member- of- the conmitte told reporters It seems strange to' him that the department wi De-ffint BLDO 14 USBON ST PHONE: Dow-Jenea Averages 111 FJt T' lnd: 32 Rails: 16 UtiL: 48 Volume: 1570000 Boston Bank Stocks BM Asked First NatL 62 55 NatL Shawmut 27 29 Merchants NatL 822 335 Rockland Atlas 56 60 New York Bank Stacks Bid 'Asked Bankers Trust 48 50xd Bank Manhattan 27 28xd Chase NatL -38 40 Chemical Bk TT 43 46 First NatL 1245 1300 xd Guaranty Trust 805 315xd Irving Trust 19 20 Manufacturers 59 62 National City 47 50 Public Natl 43 Treasury Balance WASHINGTON -JF Tha position of tha Treasury March 14: Net budget receipts $13844743843Hcash custom receipts for month $1961901713 Britain To Boost Civil Defense Fund LONDON-JP-Britsin will boost by a third its outlay next year tor a civil defense otfnization tailored to combat a possible atom attack Civil estimates given the House of today list £6164470 for the 195051 Jwdgetary year- 7 Green Ink Green Stamp and St: Patrick Postmark for Embassy WASHINGTON -dP- St Patrick's day greetings from thei Irish eu- bassy this year are printed in green fal (what else?) on a postcard carrying a green ona-cent stamp and poatmarkad "Saint Patrick Mo" Arlington National cemetery in Jfijrinia was mtablJahad June II one of accusations dealing with service and then "apparently reversed its -The Iowa lawmaker was referring to testimony that Service had been cleared by tha department's own loyalty board but that i II civil service loyalty board fired his case back and recommended that the- same department board be barred from judging the case again Shortly after McCarthy testified the department mid it had not received any such information or request from the review board In announcing yesterday that Ser-Vice is being brought home the department mid the action Was taken recommendation of the civttiervice review bojsrd But it mid the request was not WMMwmtr tr in pur pal TOUR aha to YOUR MOCTEY Ss here for yon low 'bank bate laTs eeeeoo oyeemsm Plummer Merrill rte LOANS MADE OUT OF TOVN M-A-C PLAN Of NB LOANS of $1000 of lass 1U MAIN ST ft LEWISTON rntn icpOTBiAi ppl Btssi A nzt of Uni WIBBOa OL FUNERAL NOME -AUBURN KARL TONER PRES TEL 2-051! i mm.

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.