Transcript of Matt is Leaving Us.. To Go ... | Happy Scribe (2024)


How long do they say to change a lufa out?


I've used mine longer than a month.


Oh, and it takes off dead skin cells? Is it rough?


It's scrubby.


What do they call it? African net sponge.


Also, you can go between the legs.


Oh, yeah?


One time, my brother used my lufa, and I was so pissed, and I ended up getting hives the next day. I thought it was disgusting.


Who got hives from his skin?


Or just the nerves? I think my body just found out that he used my lufa, and it just reacted. It was almost like a... You know what I mean?


I was so gross out by it. You knew it was wrong.




Did he tell you, Yeah, I used your lufa, or you just smelt it?


As soon as I used it, I could tell that it was just used. It wasn't me.


Hey, have you seen our Lufa? I do this all the time.


When there's a ton of water bottles out, I'll grab the water bottle and open it and I'll smell it. And you can I can tell which one is mine easily. If it doesn't smell, it's mine. Okay. No, because I can't recognize my own smell.


You got to do the back of the hand lick test.


Oh, that's the move to see really how your breath smells.


Oh, I don't want to do it. I'm just scared to do that.I.


Have a friend who's addicted to doing that. It's like seeing how... Well, he does... He licks his finger and then he always smells it. It's like a tick he does all the time. I heard he does this. Oh, like scratch and sniff from down under. That's just more of a health thing.


Yeah, it's more of a do I need a shower today type test.


Just trying to smell your own natural pheromone.


How do you do, Mariah?


I'm not engaging in this conversation.Don't answer it.


Don't answer it, hon. You're disgusting.


We had a coach in middle school. It was Coach Scratch and Sniff. He was notorious for doing it.


It was that bad where he was doing the open?


Yeah, all the time.


Come up and shake your hand. How are you doing there, sport?


We were just watching him at sports games. Here's it, it's coming, it's coming. Was he He was the type where he would just… Probably. I don't want to say his name. I don't want to air it out. Just say it.


No. Just say it. All right, let's get right into the intro. Okay. We got a lot to talk about today.


We do. We have a lot of ground to cover. Okay.


Let's do it.


It's Let's go, baby. Let's go.


Unfiltered. Welcome back to Zane & Heath unfiltered. I'm Zane. I'm Heath. I'm Matt. I'm Mariah. And we are unfiltered. Thank you so much for being here on another episode with us today. We actually have three hot, juicy, actually four hot, juicy new episodes out on Pretty Ex unfiltered. If you guys want to check that out, it's a new podcast that we have with Alicia and Remi, and you guys are absolutely loving it. Last one, Alicia and I go on a date where we both have to meet our date to the same restaurant and things go awry.


They do not go well.


Exactly. So make sure to check that out. We have four new episodes on the channel right now. Link will be in the description below if you guys want to check it out. Super fun, and we post every Thursdays. If you guys have nothing to do on Thursdays.


If you don't like laughing and having a good time, then don't click the link.


Yeah, and I'm starting to drink again, and it's only on that show. So if you guys want to have a good time with me, you want to pop open that seltzer, pop open that tequila bottle. You want to get crazy? You hop on over to that... You hop on over to...


And he doesn't stutter on the other podcast.


And you hop on over to that channel, all right? You know what I'm saying? Here we are. Yeah. So Enjoy the episode, baby. See you there. Just a few hours ago, Solar Eclipse just happened up in the sky. Were you there? Did you see it?


Yes. Well, we talked about last episode where I thought what we were going to see was going to be a very small amount. Last minute, we realized that my brother had the glasses, and so we went over to his house and we put them on. I was amazed by it on how-Oh, it really worked?


The glasses? Yeah.


Yeah, the glasses worked.


I couldn't see anything. I was looking it with my... I know. I was looking at the sun with my bare eyes.


I beared it, too.


I couldn't see anything.


What do you call it? The totality or the partialness of it. It was almost like a third way.


You needed those glasses to see If you didn't have it, you couldn't even really see it because it was so bright.


My brother got his... He went to Warby Parker, and Warby Parker was giving them out for free.


Look at that. Warby Parker, man. Another one.


It was so cool putting them on and just seeing how much more dramatic it was than what I was expecting. After we looked across the street, we could see all these gardeners, landscaping guys working. I'm like, They have no clue. My friend Michael, he's fluent in Spanish. We go over and like, Oh, do you guys want to see the eclipse? They're like, What are you talking about? We're like, Luda, so... They put him on and they were like, Whoa. We were just walking through the neighborhood.


Just blowing everybody's minds.


Going up to people going, Do you want to see the eclipse? It was so fun.


It's crazy that a lot of people just didn't even know it was coming.


We didn't know what time it was. We were like, We should probably set an alarm for when it's happening. She looked it up and she was like, Oh, my gosh, it's in one minute. I guess we should go outside.


I definitely missed that time because I looked up exactly what time was and I actually missed it. I ended up missing it.


How long was it covered for?


It was about in hour is the entire phase of it to where there is, you can see the moon in it. But peak time, I don't know, it was like 30 minutes. I just watched it over the hour of it.


I saw some videos of people that were right in the prime spot where it gets so dark. It was really crazy.


My parents just went to the park right outside their house and just sat there on lawn chairs and watched the whole thing get dark because it was in Dallas. It looked so awesome. He said there was nothing like that.


But no, like you said last episode, the fact that some people just don't know, imagine it just getting... They probably thought it was the end of the world.


Oh, yeah. Just no idea.


Wait, where did the sun go?


It's really beautiful how awesome the coincidence that we get to experience Eclipse because the size of the moon and how perfect of a ratio it is to the sun, because the sun is like 400 times larger than the moon. It just so happens to be that it's a perfect ratio for us as on Earth to witness that. That's right, baby. Other planets don't get to experience eclipses. That's why I feel like there's some deeper spiritual meaning to it. It's so f*cking beautiful. We often adore. Experiencing that phenomenon.


Did you see Peter McKinnon's photo today?


Peter McKinnon, the photographer? No.


The one that he shot of the Eclipse, it's the craziest thing I've ever seen.


It was just one picture?


Yeah. He partnered with Red Bull to get a crazy shot. Look at this.




It is so insane. That is badass.


That is so badass for the people listening. It's two, what do you call those? Propeller airplanes. Red Bull ones.


Red Bull planes, yeah.


Down. Going under the eclipse.


That's so insane.


I said Red Bull set for the next few years. We got the shot.


Sick. That's really cool.


That's so awesome. I'd love just seeing all the different people all across the country experiencing it. In their own way. At UT, they had the band underneath the tower as it was happening, and they were playing, what's that one from 2001, The Space Odyssey, where it's like,. Elvis has it in the beginning of his show and sh*t. It looked so badass.


You see me? I would have just started shooting It's nice. It gets celebratory. It gets completely dark, and then launch those fireworks.


Just really make everybody just... It should have been more of a show.


Yeah. I like that. And then it's back to daytime.


It's just like, All Oh, my God. That's it. I bet people have probably done it, but that's...


Or just a quick hour rave. Quick hour outside, giant rave.


Yeah.lights everywhere.It was so cool. Yeah, driving around and seeing all the schools, we're letting all the students out to go see it. I've seen people on the street, people making the pinhole ones where you cut open the cereal box and you can see the reflection of it, too.


Wait, in a cereal box?


Yeah. You cut open the end of one cereal box, and then you get some aluminum foil and it reflects it in. You can see what it is. It's so awesome, too, the way the shadows were all being casted and everything was in a crescent shape because of the partialness of the sun in that moment.


It was so neat.


But But I wish... Pardon me, I still wish I went to Austin. I wish I was with my parents and experiencing it because it won't come back in that area for a very long time.


It's like what, seven years, something like that?


Well, the US will get one in seven years, but the totality mark will change, probably. Hopefully, it'll be on this side. I don't know how it moves around.


Pretty cool, though.


Very, very cool.


You know there's one person out there on TikTok shop that sold a million of these glasses?


People cashed out on this. Cashed out. Just straight from Alibaba to your doorstep.


You need to get these glasses. These are the official Solar Eclipse glasses, and then everybody-The other ones aren't protecting.


This is the only one rated for...


Yeah, I know that a lot of schools, they gave kids multiple ones, too, when they take home or give them out to other people.


Oh, yeah, that's smart. To help, right? Yeah, that's smart.


I kept wanting to take a picture, but then I was scared it would ruin the lenses.


I don't know who it was. I saw some girl. She was saying how she didn't even know she was She was going to look straight at the solar eclipse.


Oh, no.


I forget. It was like an influencer. She was like, Oh, I didn't even know. I just got these glasses.


Apparently, it's really dangerous for dogs, too, to just be out in the sun while it was happening. Because I don't know. The the intensity of the rays, it can f*ck with them or something.


Dogs just all looking at those. Don't you have to look directly into it for it to be harmful?


I think it's just the way the rays can, even if they're looking not at it, it's dangerous. My brother had his dog and was like, She can't be out.


I was out there just... I was filming.


You posted that picture where you were like, Here's your dog.


That didn't feel good, by the way. My eye did not feel good after I did all that. I posted stories of my eyes like that, and I thought I'd be fine because I thought as long as I don't look directly to it, I'll be fine. But it's still...


Wait, how was Lauren's wedding? Did you guys go?Oh.


Yeah.un Unbelievable.


We met yesterday. Oh, my gosh. It looked like a great time.


I just saw the photos. It was beautiful. It was so pretty. It was pretty intimate. I was excited. I don't know why. Every time before I get to a wedding, I'm like, It's going to be so big. There's going to be so many people, 500 people.It was 100 people.Yeah, it was really small.Oh, great.


Yeah, the setup was stunning.


Did they do this ceremony and the reception was at the same thing or did you have to go? Perfect.


They had a little middle session where they got married and then you moved to the side.


It was like an estate that you walked around to the backside. But yeah, it was really pretty. They did a great job with it.


They had people walking around with a horse DOV airs.


Horses DOV airs out the air.


We had some celebrity encounters over there, too.


Who was the coolest person there? Was there anybody? There wasn't anybody big.


There was Lizzie McGuire's brother.


Oh, Matt, the actor who played Lizzie McGuire's brother? Oh, that's cool.


No, he was still Liz McGarri's brother in person.


Who else was there?


God bless you, Jordan. God bless you. Don't do it again, though.


Are you a big bless you anytime someone sneezes you? I try to, yeah. Patricia gets on to me all the time. She's like, You're not blessing me enough.


I would never get upset.


You're not blessing me enough.


Because the thing is, you sneezed. Get it out of it. It's normal. I don't know. I never acknowledge My brain, I don't have it.


Can you look up the reason why we say, bless you to people when they sneeze?


People say like, Oh, because your heart stops for a second. Or like, there's a... I don't know. It's getting the demon out of you or something.


For many years in the Middle Ages, people believe that when you sneezed, your spirit left your body for a second. So the thought went to say, bless you could bring you back to life and also keep your evil spirits from entering you in the instant or two that you were believed to have been gone.


I never say. It's not a habit. I need to get better about doing it.


Oh, I'm about to sneeze now. It's a sneeze train.


It's like the way yawning is when people yawn, you get tired.


Oh, it's a yawn.


Oh, I don't have to sneeze. I feel it coming. No, Zane, that's me yawning.


I'm coming.


My favorite clip is the That one athlete who was doing an interview, and he sneezed. When he blessed himself. Said, bless you to himself, and then said, thank you to himself.


It was like, bless you.


Thank you. It was so funny as Everybody's like, Did he just bless himself?


Did it seem like a mistake?


Or was you nervous because he was maybe in front of just answering questions?


I don't know, but it is...


That looked like a That's a genuine mistake.


That looked like a genuine mistake.


That's one of the best clips out there.


How have I never seen that?


It's the most wholesome thing on the internet. Bless you.


Thank you. It's so honest, dude. That's crazy. The way you would say it if somebody… Thank you.


I always sneeze when I walk out of dark spaces into light spaces.


Yeah, mostly step outside. When I get that first hit of sun, it makes me feel like I have to sneeze.


Yeah. Apparently, it only happens to certain people who have a weird… Maybe we're allergic. … gene of it or something. There was a movie I watched recently, and that was a big plot twist to it. It was about sneezzing. Oh, it was that show. Never mind.


You're going to South Korea tomorrow? I am.


Yeah. So stoked.


How long are you going for again?


One week from Tuesday to Tuesday.


Do you have all your days all planned out already?


Yeah, for the most part, I do have a general itinerary of what days we need to hit the certain neighborhoods. It's the same thing when we went to Tokyo, Shibuya is different than... Oh, my gosh. Why am I blanking on the-Shinjuku?Shinjuku and Echi.Osaka.Echi.


Ramen is the stone of food.No, not Echi ramen.


No, the one area where all the tech stuff was there. That wasn't Shinjuku.Akibar.Akibar, that's it. But what's great is because of AI and ChatGPT, they do all that research for you.


I didn't even think to use that while traveling.


Because it was taking me a while to figure out what are the best days to hit these neighborhoods because certain of times of day in certain vibes for certain areas. I was able to put that into AI and it gave me a recommendation for each day.


Damn, my man using that AI thing like a personal assistant.


How many times on the podcast have I said, I keep forgetting that it exists.


We love it.


What's the one thing you're most excited for?


The DMZ, the demilitarized zone. Oh, yeah. Even though I don't think it's going to be that beautiful, it's just exciting to-That you're so close. To see the border, to see North Korea. I'm really pumped about that. I'm also interested in just trying more Korean food because I'm familiar with Chinese food, Japanese food. The only Korean food I've had is Korean barbecue. I like what I have, but I want to explore more of the different cuisines and stuff. I was talking to Remi about that, and she was letting me know all these types of dishes that I need to try out. That'll be fun.


You should do some interviews out there. You know how on TikTok, there's people that do street interviews?


Do I interview Koreans? I One of the questions you could ask is, have you ever asked them about have they ever seen the interview, the movie, The Interview with Seth Rogen. Oh, yeah, about to go assassinate North Korea.


Yeah, and just get their thoughts. I'm so curious because that movie was here and we all...


Yeah, I doubt Seth Rogen and James Franco could ever really go into North Korea.


Absolutely not. But I'm just curious to see if anybody in South Korea, how they feel about that movie.


I wonder if Kim watched it.


They definitely know. But wasn't there a whole thing with the movie when it came out, there was something. There was some controversy. Yeah, there was controversy with North Korea. They were not happy with it, I don't think.


I'm also excited to do good shopping because this is the one time where you really pack light, too, because you know... I even felt like for Japan, I overpacked and I didn't even have enough room for the stuff I bought. It's finding new outfits out there and making that your wardrobe while you're on your trip. Cold there right now? Actually very similar to how it is out here. The highest is in the '70s, and the low is the '50s, so not too bad. And there's the cherry blossoms. They have cherry blossoms there, so those will be in season right now. Very in season. It's so fun going to a different country.


You're going to have some soul food?


For sure. Are you going to get the I, Heart, Soul?


Yeah. Do they make those? I'm sure they have that. Is that an iconic shirt?


Maybe they'll have it in Korean. Yeah. Can you do like vlog TikToks for us?


For sure. No, we want to be making tons of travel content doing it.


Just to get a I want to get a little POV from you.


Document as much as possible because I really look back in Japan and wish I had more.


Did, yeah. Even more for sure.


I did a lot of... I made a lot of photographs and everything, but I wish I had more videos.


I know. I'm making sure that I have way more battery packs on me because when you get there and you're out and about all day and everything's so stimulating, your battery just goes low because you're filming everything.


Are you staying in one hotel the whole time?


One hotel the whole time.


That's nice.


There were There's like these, like Buzon. I got Patricia to watch Train to Buzon. Have you ever seen it? It's a Korean zombie film about this zombie Apocalypse happens in Korea and there's a big train. Buzon is like its other big city.


It's actually a good zombie movie, though. I was pretty surprised with it. Actually, I'm going to watch it again.


Yes, it still holds up. But we were thinking about going to Buzon, but apparently, it's not even worth trying to squeeze in for the day. But I think we might do some day trips, see where the train takes you, go an hour out, go see some temples and stuff.


Is Seoul by the water at all?


Or is it-It's a big river. The Han River runs through Seoul. Okay. So you're not on the Coast. Busson is on the Coast. Yeah. But yeah, we'll be doing that. Okay, cool. Are you guys excited about Kutella?


The festival, not really. We're just excited. We love the compound. That's going to be nice.


That's a vacation for us. You're going on vacation. This is us looking I'm looking forward to a little mini vacation.


I'm realizing now as we're getting closer, if we weren't doing the compound, I don't even think we'd really care to go. It's a lot. Having a plan, the hotels and just the travel and all that. It's most f*cking stressful. It's just stressful because I'm remembering the first few years when we were doing car camping, all that. It is super f*cking stressful and everything's really expensive. To be trying to figure all that out. And with a big group of people, too, trying to get making sure you guys all have the same hotel.


I think I'm also over going to a venue for anything.


Just like an event.


Like a football game, a basketball game, whatever it is. It's the parking, it's the traffic. It's too Two hours of a headache just to go to this thing, and I'm like, Is it worth it?


I just want to be dropped in like Roller Coaster Tycoon. Just grab my body and just drop me in the middle of the park.


Leaving is the worst. Leaving just any type of big venue. You're like, How am I getting out here? Is there an Uber zone? But should I walk further to get picked up somewhere else?


It's so painful.


Now I realized why my parents never really wanted to go anywhere like that.


Do you guys leave on the Thursday and get in?


I leave Thursday morning and come back Monday night.


Okay, perfect.


Monday night.


It's going to be a nice little long staycation.


I'm going to feel like ass. Even if you go there and you don't drink one sip of alcohol, you just come back feeling like, sh*t.


I get sick every time I go to Coachella. I get strapped at Coachella to get psoriasis after.


Oh, we're going to get burnt.


Just all those people are just huffing and puffing everywhere.


Are you going to tan before?


You already look tan. You do look tan.


I'm going to do it.


It's nice.


My face always gets wasted. It's brutal.


I make sure I'm going to have some screen on me the entire time. I just want to keep putting it on.


Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our sponsor for this podcast, Rocket Money.


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Honestly, I think all the $500 million that they've saved, I think all came from my account, 100%. All the editing apps that I have that have been paying for years and not using it, all the streaming services that don't exist anymore. You know which ones I'm talking about. I'm not going to say it, but you know the one that was taking $25 a month-when it was shut down?for the last three years, and it was shut down, and I couldn't go and cancel it because it just didn't exist anymore. I want to call them out so bad. But it kept taking away. But Rocket Money was there to nip it in the neck.


Okay. So stop wasting money on things you don't use and cancel unwanted subscriptions by going to rocketmoney. Com rocketmoney. Com/ unfiltered.


Again, that's rocketmoney. Com/ unfiltered.


Thank you, Rocket Money, for sponsoring this podcast and saving Zane $500 million.


Rocketmoney. Com/ unfiltered.


I was going to ask you guys something, and it keeps happening, and I don't know if it's just our cars or if we're the only ones, but have you noticed that if you have your phone plugged in and you're playing music through Apple CarPlay, if If you open the Amazon app while the music is connected, it turns the volume down.


Only Amazon does this?


Only Amazon. It's been happening for so long, and I'm just like, I'll notice when I'll be like, You're on Amazon right now? She'll be plugged in and I'm like, What's your shopping for?


It'll drop a couple levels.


It almost turns it from stereo to mono.


That's happened to me a few times. On Amazon? Well, it's just happened on my CarPlay a few times, but I never put the connection if it's Amazon.


I've never been on Amazon while listening to music.


This is weird. Yesterday, we were in the car and we had the AC on full blast. I opened Amazon, AC dropped.


Every time. Then I'd be like, All right, close it, and then AC would kick back up.


I opened every other app, only Amazon.


Does this happen in the Jeep and the G-Wagon? Yes. Both cars. What? I'm going to try this out.


I'm going to try it right now when I go to... Wait, does it do it at Tesla?


I don't know. I've never tried it.


It's only been our cars. How weird is that? That makes no sense. Why? The music, I'm like, okay, well, heath had a theory.


I was like, oh, I think maybe they're trying to push for Amazon music. They don't want any other music to sound good. If you're shopping on Amazon. I was like, oh, okay, they dropped the quality, whatever. But then when it started lowering the air conditioning, when I was on Amazon with it plugged in, I'm like, this is-The AC isn't car play. It doesn't make sense.


I wonder in no other, have you tried any other app to see if it-No other app.


Have you looked it up?


Amazon apps interfere with car play. If I'm listening to music or podcast in my vehicle and I open an Amazon app, the sound coming from my speaker changes, and I don't know how, but the bass and everything's quieter, almost like listening to a record player. The AC also turns on. Like I was on a phone call.


This also happens whenever I pull into my driveway, it'll change for 30 seconds when it gets close to my house, and it will go back to normal.


And so they go, Hello, this is because Amazon has access to use your You will go to settings and scroll all the way down to Amazon, and you will click this, and you will see an option for a microphone is green. That's okay.


But what's the reason?


Why is my AC turning? Because there's a microphone on Amazon to where it's opening up as a microphone app.


Why would Amazon think that I am recording a voice memo?


Because you can press the mic and then talk to-And say what you want to buy.


Say what you want to buy.


It's part of it.


It's like search feature. There's so many other apps that are more for talking into.


I think, but that's also the keyboard. Yes, the keyboard also has a microphone on it, but Amazon has the microphone button right there at the top of the search bar, doesn't it?


I think so.


Let me try. They're big about the microphone on it. I think they It's not going to have that feature down to where if it's considered a microphone app, they're trying to minimize the other sounds that are happening within your vehicle, and that's the music and the AC.


I don't have it enabled, though. I don't have Siri or anything like that. I don't have Siri or Alexa enabled.


Okay. Because I bet if you then opened up the voice memo app, or if you opened up another microphone-based app, it would probably do the same thing.


We're going to do some testing on the way home tonight. Oh, absolutely. I just thought it was so weird. I'm glad to see other people online have noticed it, too.


Do you hear about Amazon? You know Amazon Fresh, the grocery stores that you walk in, take what you need and get out? They got... So people thought it was a true technology that was able to detect the products, and knew it immediately when you take it out. Turns out they've been actually using... The technology wasn't working, so they were hiring people in India, an office of a thousand people to monitor the security cameras, and they would sit there and keep track of the products that you would take out. No. Now they got busted that they've been lying about these Amazon Fresh stores, and now they're having to really anchor down on a new form of technology to make it happen.


That's funny. People were just looking at the security cams and just adding it in for them.


Yeah, that's what it's been. Just some guy watching you the whole time making it up. So you thought Amazon was doing this whole innovative technology, and they weren't doing it.


You know what I did? When we were talking about this, I did question. I was like, How the hell? How are they doing? It doesn't make sense that they're able to just...


It's like the Postmate robot wheel of things. Is there somebody behind it?


There's somebody behind it.


Well, they suck at driving it.


I just want to know if their name is their name. It's like, It'll be like... Francisco. Yeah, Francisco. You're like, Is Francisco really driving this, or is it somebody else? Just the names are very all over the place that they have.


Damn, that ruined Amazon Fresh for me.


Where's the closest one here? But hopefully, though, they're all over. They're all over. It's just so funny. You take the jobs away from people working in the stores, and you think it's all automated, but they're really just hiring somebody else in India where labor is so cheap. So cheap, yeah.


No, that's what they're doing.


That's crazy. It's embarrassing on behalf of Amazon that they were just lying, thinking that this was some innovative form.


Yeah, they'll eat it up. We're Amazon. They'll believe it.


And we did.


Speaking of grocery shopping, I got a transition. There's this girl that posted a little warning to people. You know how trafficking is a huge thing, and the tactics are getting more and more discreet? It's very scary. This girl just posted that she was shopping at Walmart at seven o'clock at night, and this employee came up to her and said, Hey, what car do you have? And she was like, A Toyota. And he said, Oh, is it Silver? And is this the license plate? He was on the phone with somebody, and they read the license plate, and she was like, Yeah. He was like, Okay, your car is getting towed. And she was like, Why? And she just parked in a regular parking lot. And he said, Because we're starting this policy this week that we're just leaving some spots for premium members of Walmart or something. And she was like, That doesn't make any sense. There's no signs, whatever. They were going on and on. He was trying to get all this information out of her, and he was on the phone with this guy. And he was like, Well, they're going to tow it.


And then the guy on the phone said, It's unlocked. I'm just going to steal it. And the guy was like, He's kidding. He's not going to steal it. And she was like, What is going on? So then, thank God, her gut instinct wasn't to go outside and check for her car. She stayed in and just questioned the guy. And then luckily, this other man stepped in because this kid ended up being really obnoxious, and he was-The employee? Is he a kid? Yeah, the employee kept talking about her car, whatever. And then he was like, All right, fine. We won't tow it. He was like, But you're really cute. And then started flirting with her, and she was like, What? So then this other customer stepped in and said, Hey, man, like she said, Leave her alone. So he walked away. And then he was like, By the way, I didn't tow it. You're welcome. And she was like, what? So her gut went to another employee. She went to customer service, and she told them the whole scenario. The manager comes forward, and he said, that's not one of our employees. They said they've had kids come in.


Same scenario. They have the vest with the name tag and everything, and they're trying to lure girls to their car.


Oh, wow.


And then so the manager ended up walking her out to her and he told her to take the receipt to open the door because they've had multiple occasions where girls reach for their handle and they pass out because there's something laid in the handle. Jesus. She used the receipt to open it. Then he knew, thank God, this manager is amazing. I don't know which Walmart this is, but-He's running the show. He has an app that can detect other air tags. So he opened it up, and her air tag came up on her keys because it was her name, air tag. But then another anonymous one came up. So he said, Let's search the car, and it was under her hood. They put an air tag under her hood.


Do you think they did it right then and there at the parking lot, or they had already been tracking her and got her down to that spot?


I don't know. I have no idea, but I would sell- To get her a phone number and everything? I would immediately sell my car. No, they don't have her phone number.


I thought somebody- The worker was on speaker with the towing guy.


So be careful. Don't be on your phone When you're walking around by yourself, just be aware of your surroundings.


It's just crazy that they were doing it to multiple people.


It's crazy that the manager knew exactly what she was talking about.


It's also crazy just to go into a Walmart where there's so many security cameras around. That's what I don't understand. Opposing This is a fake employee with your face and it's trafficking. You're right there. We have you. Your identity is...


But the thing is that if she didn't have that gut feeling, she probably felt safer to go out and check her car there than anywhere else.


Yeah, just go with your gut and just have your head on a freaking swivel.


Have your head on a spike.


And now they have women luring other women in. They're using women to... Because that was the only thing we have was like, Oh, girls, watch over girls. You feel safer. Not a girls' girl.


Not a girls' girl.


Gilly really put- Every time I see a video like that, all the comments are like, Same thing happened to me. Same thing happened to my friends. Same thing, all different parts of the country.


They're going to need to get security for every single one of these parking lots.


But at this point, are they really doing anything about it if it keeps happening? No. I don't understand.


What is this?


You spend your free time just at the Walmart parking lots. Just protect and serve.


Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our next sponsor of this podcast, SeedGeek.


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Thank you Seekik for sponsoring today's episode. We love you so much, and thank you for saving all of our customers hundreds of dollars in savings, baby. Okay, I got some fun facts for you all. Yes. What are some really dangerous things most people don't realize are dangerous? Okay. This one I've heard a lot, but every time I see this, it makes me not want to do it again because I do it a lot. Sitting all day, just your body sitting all day. Terrible. Really, really bad for you.


Oh, yeah. It's so sad how many people do not move. Yeah. And how much I can catch up with you big time.


Especially as you're getting older.


Do you still do 10,000 steps a day?


No, but I I'll definitely do around 5,000 to 7,000 for sure.


Yeah, my average is 5,800 steps a day, even though I'm like, Is it 10,000 steps a day? A real thing? Should it be?


I probably get like 600. It's 600 steps a day.


It's tough to do 10,000 every day because just time-wise. But I'll try to be on the treadmill for at least 30, 45 minutes, and that will equal to 5,000 steps. And then the rest of the day, I'm getting. But I'll notice that I'll sit in the same for three hours, either on a computer or doing something, but just not good to do that. Just have your body just stuck like that all day.


No. Whatever. Get moving, people.


Brazilian buttless, one of the most dangerous cosmetic surgeries. A lot of people, a lot of girls get this, and they don't realize how dangerous it is.


Is it the surgery itself that's bad, or is it how large of the implant being on the rear of your body?


I think it's very easy to f*ck a butt lift surgery.


Okay. Cosmetically or what can go down in the surgery?


It's the risk of a fat embolism. Yes.


Oh, right.


That enters the bloodstream. It can travel to the lungs or brain.


If this happens, it can lead to severe complications or even death. Furthermore, other risks include infection, bleeding, numbness, scars, and uneven results. You've ever seen what they look like right after they finish, right?


I've seen people on the plane who would just have it done.


And now they're getting rid of it. These people get it. They're getting it.


Yeah, BBLs are out. It's tough.


It's not a thing anymore.


A lot of people have been getting their implants removed now more often than they have in the past because it's still a foreign substance that is in your body next to some of your most vital reproductive organs.


It's something your body is naturally trying to fight to get rid of in your system.


Right. So, yeah, your body can't reject it. But I'm not going to hate on people for getting a little nip and tuck if it makes you happier. Yeah, I get it.


I would never do any cosmetic surgery.


Is that cosmetic?


Yes, it is. It's that cosmetic?


It is cosmetic.


But is it-Yeah, but it's not that cosmetic.


Is it like an implant? No. But they got implanted.


Yeah, he got his own hair implanted. Yeah.


I wonder how much of my ears are fake, though. I don't know.


I think some of it's really destroyed. If anything, they just cut out parts of your-Yeah, you chopped off somewhere earlier.


Yeah, they just chopped off the back. But I didn't know if there was fake cartilage that they put in there.


Probably from your ear that they took off.


You didn't want to do an ear donor? When where they would take somebody else's-Ear donor.and.


Put them on? No. Because it's just been... It basically took a pizza slice out, like an orange slice on the back of my ears.


You know what always fascinates me? Every time I see people with prosthetic ears, I don't know why I love I think it's- people who dress up like elves and stuff? No. People, if they lose an ear.


I don't think I've ever seen a prosthetic ear.


Seeing how good they look. Oh, wow. Watching people put them on and take them off is so satisfying.


Because they're magnetic.


Oh, my God, that's crazy.


Look at that. They snap on with a magnet. Wow. They look so good. The artists who make these are so impressive.


I wonder why- It's making me tear up how beautiful the ear is.


Isn't that cool?


Yeah, that's really cool. I wonder how much with the sound difference is when you take it off versus you have it on.


I also don't know if maybe I have the obsession with it because of Men in Black.


What's a Men in Black about the ears?


When the little alien inside the old guy and the ear is faceless, maybe I think of that every time I see somebody with it and I think they're an alien. I don't know, but I have an obsession with it. That's wild. Like, prosthetic noses, I think are so cool.


A little ear fetish His nose felt okay.


I don't know.


A full force punch to the face. People have died from a single punch.


Oh, yeah. Did you have an extreme fear when you were younger that you would get hit up your nose and it would go into your brain?


No. I think that's It's part of the single punch. If you get it at the right angle, you could send that.


I don't remember who told me, but they were like, Never uppercut somebody in the nose because you can hit them and that little bone can go straight up into the brain.


But I think this is what they're talking about. Probably.


Because I remember thinking that was going to happen to me if I ever got punched in the nose that I would die.


Damn. I just don't want to get punched in the face.


It just sucks.


It sucks enough like getting water up your nose.


Yeah. Do Whenever I get bumped in my nose, you start crying.


Getting a little water-y-eye. I'm fine.


Getting sucked in the face is like wild, though. It shouldn't be a thing anymore. Come on. What are we, five?


Coachella this weekend, Zane.


Oh, yeah, right. Me with a security guard.


That happened last Coachella, right?


I was trying to be the hero last year, and I was the anti-hero.


What happened? What was the skinny up?


What was the skinny up? Hero to zero.


Who punched who? The security guard punched who?


It was the whole thing. They were kicking out a friend, and they were kicking out a friend that was staying at the comp, and I was like, This is stupid. I'm going to do something about it. I was drunk, and then I went to the security guy. I was like, Hey, you're back.


Oh, he put you in a chokehold.


Faster? I didn't even know what was happening. As soon as I... And to the ground. Hey, that's my friend.


Did you yell back at him? We're like, What the f*ck? How dare you put your hands on me.


Oh, yeah, it was embarrassing. I mean, after... Once that It's like anything you do is just like...


You just go back into your room at that point. Yeah.


But then that next morning, Zane, Zane, are you? I was like, Yeah, that was me.


All the ladies, I'm okay.


Yeah, but then you see the altercation, but I did tell him I won.


It still It gets a little bit.


Did we ever?


You should see the other guy. Another dangerous thing that people don't realize is a lot of people end up with liver failure from overusing Tylenol. It's not harmless. Don't treat it like Skittles. Yes. Specifically, Tylenol. I only hear It's like, well not, is much worse from your liver than the Advils and the-Consistent use of it is really bad for you.


That's the way a lot of people will take Advil just as a routine, almost like a vitamin where it's like, Oh, yeah, it's my daily little headache. I need to take another one. It's good to find another form to relieve that pain instead of doing it. I know. Sometimes I'm always like with Patricia, she's not addicted to Advil, but I'm very like, Don't take this every day.


I've been really leaning off of that type of sh*t, Tylenol and Advil, all that. I only take it when I really feel a headache, a bad headache.


Have you ever had a migraine?


Oh, it's the worst. I've had bad migraines.


I've never had one.


They're debilitating.


Do you feel it behind your eye, or is it the one-sided, or is it a tension band around it?


It's different. It's light sensitivity, and then just like... Mine was behind my eye.


Oh, is this the Mexico one?


That was way more intense than a migraine because I've I have migraines, and it's a really extreme headache.


Oh, those cluster headaches.


Cluster headaches I've heard is like a knife going through your brain. I feel so bad. But I just remember my theater teacher, we get migraines, but we get the whole f*cking class off because you had a migraine. But I've always... I never want one, but sometimes I want to understand how f*cking debilitating it is.


What's Are you getting migraine medication? Like excedrin? Is that for migraine or is that more-I have one like that.


It's basically just like an extra-strength Tylenol with caffeine. Caffeine is a really good thing for helping a migraine. Oh, really? It's Basically the same thing, but the dosage is higher with caffeine in it.


I also heard if you get this, I don't know what this part of the ear is called. The conk? Is it that? The first thing, if you get that pierced, a lot of people have had Migraine relief. Incredible migraine relief from it.


That's why Todd doesn't get headaches anymore.


Same with Botox.


Botox, yeah, I've heard that, too. Or do people just say that?


Yeah, I got it for migraines.


I got Botox, it's for migraines.


It's the deviated septum of skin repair.


My friend was telling me that I've been getting a lot of strain back here, all over here, and I don't know what it is. She's like, Do you grind your teeth at night? I was like, Yeah, it's getting a lot worse. I'll wake up and my teeth are clenching when I wake up. It's getting so bad, and it's because I don't use a nightguard. It's going from here all the way back here.


It's like the clenching. I tried a night code, I couldn't do it.


I can't do it.


I have one that is not the full around one, but it's just the middle.


The middle?


Yeah, you're not doing the full It creates just amount of space, and that's what you're pinching on. It feels a little easier in your mouth than having a whole f*cking hockey-puck in you.


Yeah, it literally feels like a hockey-puck in your mouth. I don't know how people do it.


I just got my attention relieved the other day. Mariah got me a masseuse to the house for my birthday.


What's her name?


Aya. No idea. Aya. Aya Massage you.


What were you guys doing on your birthday where you had those weird things on your hands? What was that?


Vr. Oh, the VR experience. Oh, that's what it was. I was like, What are they doing? What are they doing? The Topanga Mall.


Matt, you have to go. It is- Have you done a full one?


It was a blast.


I honestly thought it was going to be like, corny. I did, too. You know those things in the mall where it's VR? This is going to be corny. Just try it out.


I've done a VR one where you're on a platform and you're in a whole room that's VR-based, but not spatial one. Did you do one where you're walking through hauls and stuff?


No, not hauls, but the whole room was open. The box that we're a lot to walk around is pretty much the size of this room, but it's in a bigger room.


Yeah, I've done a river run thing where I was on a raft and shooting at aliens on that.


This was cool because you could move around and change elevation. You could squat down. They were on your feet. They were on your hands.


So you felt really.


Whatever you're doing, you could see that person do exactly that. Oh, cool. We were doing like dance movies. It was like, registering it perfectly.


Mariah was on the floor and you are looking at them in this VR character.


You really escape from this planet.


Then once you're done, the second you walk out, they bring you to a TV, and they already made a trailer of you in there.


Wait, we should show them after on the one. It's really cool. But as we're doing it, they made a whole trailer. Almost like AI. Like the highlights. Like AI put it together. But it was done really well. We were really impressed with it.


Then you're watching yourself because it's so intense while you're in and you feel like you're looking cool. You got the gun, you're shooting zombies, and then you watch that footage back and it's like, silent and just like,.


I was drenched by the end of it.


How long was the session? 30 minutes. Oh, damn. A whole 30 minute beyond. Damn, the thing I did was 10 minutes. That's cool.


It felt long, though. It felt like we were in there for a long time.


It's a mission.


It really was. They have squid games. We didn't do that, though. It was like Deadwood. It was like a zombie killing game, but they have squid games.


The squid games one looks It was cool because if somebody dies in your group, you can revive them.


As you're shooting, you go and touch their shoulder to revive them. It's the coolest thing. I cannot believe that exists.


She just had you be the healer the whole time. I was wearing heels. You were touching more shoulders than killing zombies. I was wearing heels.


I want to play Overcooked that game so badly. Do you know Overcooked? It's like the cooking one where you run around and someone has to handle soups and stuff, and it's the little people running around.


I would love that because I love Diner Dash.


Imagine Diner Dash in VR? Yeah. Oh, my God.


I bet one exists.


That is the best idea I've heard of all year.


Yeah. I just want a business. We have orders. I'm on soups.


You're on fish and chips. That's a good practice, though. If you want to...


Wait, Wait, Quest 2? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. People listening. Oh my gosh, Zane.


It's on Quest.


Oh, my gosh.


Oh, fun. They got a diner simulator.


It's so funny, the world of VR, now that I'm learning about it and Sims, just What people do for a simulation is so funny. There's people that are doing truck driving and doing three-hour drives in a simulator in a tractor trailer for no reason to simulate driving a tractor trailer. There's another thing where people go out and it's like camping simulation.


Why? You can live a bunch of different lives.


It's so fascinating.


Simulating first dates.


That's pretty good. It's so funny. It's just chatting with AI, trying to get his game down.


Yeah, just trying to get better and better.


Knocking over a glass.


Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our next sponsor of this podcast, Betterhelp.


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Here's the thing. I just don't want to be leaving my bedroom and going into a waiting room and wait for a therapist out on the other side of town. I don't want to be doing that.


Especially while it's chilly, baby, you're getting in the car, you're trying to bump the heater, you're trying to dial all your stuffing, you put your seats heater I just want to be in the comfort of my own home.


I want to be snuggled up under my covers. I want to be in my office. That's right. I want to be in the comfort of my own home, and I want to be talking to somebody that's going to give me actual good advice. I don't want to be talking to you about my stuff.


Because I'm going to tell you what you want to hear. Exactly.


As much as I love it, it's not good for me. I need that unbiased good advice from a real expired expert in therapy.


That's right. If you're looking to find your sweet spot with better All you have to do is visit betterhelp. Com/zeanandheath today, and you're going to get 10% off your first month.


Exactly. That's betterhelp, h-e-l-p. Com/zeanandheath.


Thank you, Betterhelp, for sponsoring this podcast, helping us and helping everybody watching. Oh, sorry. But what I was meant, I was going to say earlier about the whole massage. A lady comes to the house and I'm trying to make it feel like a little spa treatment, whatever. It's my birthday, and I put on YouTube, I was like, relaxation spa music, whatever. It's like a three-hour video of it. She starts to massage, and I'm not joking, every 20 minutes was a commercial because it was YouTube. Him in the middle of a sage, relaxing, and it was like, Try taco Bells, do cheesy Gordina Crunch, Locos Tacos. I didn't have the remote, so you couldn't skip.


Was it your YouTube account or hers?


No, it was just the one on the TV. I didn't log in.


Because you don't have YouTube premiums.


I just brought in a portable speaker and just played relaxing. I just wasn't thinking.


But you know, Ethan is Pandora. It was so funny.


I didn't have the remote to fast forward to skip it.


So it was just like… Playing throughout the massage.


Oh, no. It was so funny. I couldn't stop laughing. But yeah, Tacobel is banging.


The new cantina? I got to try it. They're doing ad deals right now. We're talking about it right now.


Sponsors, the tacobell. Yeah, their budget is…


But I had that Cantina taco thing with the cheesy on the outside of this show.


What's Cantina? What's Cantina? What's the word Cantina mean?


Cantina means... Is it kitchen or that's cocina?Cocina is kitchen, I think.Okay, but Cantina is a better version of a kitchen, a more fancy kitchen. What is Cantina meaning? Cantina is a bar. Okay. It's like a canteen. It's a place that serves food and drinks and stuff. Almost like... Okay.


Well, they don't have alcolic beverages in Tako Bo, so I don't know why they talk about Cantina.Tako.


Bo, Cantina does.


They have this new menu. Oh, they have alcohol in there? . Actually, they've always had it in the Vegas one.


Oh, Tacobel Cantina. Those establishments do have liquor.


They have one in Vegas, and that's what they have.


Yeah, you're right. I've been in that one.


This one I just learned recently. We actually just talked about this, but eating grapefruit while on medication. Grapefruit has so many bad interactions with medication, ranging from rendering the medication ineffective to toxicity.


That is so... I still can't get it. That is so weird.


Yeah. When I was handed my I remember, Lexapro for the first time, I remember the lady was specific about the grapefruit. Don't eat the grapefruit. Don't eat grapefruit with this. I'm like, Oh, wow.


Oh, it's my favorite fruit.


I think we talked about this. We're about to have to say... We've had this exact same conversation.


I actually wanted I'm not going to go exactly how it went last time.


Sugar, I get it.


Putting your feet on the dashboard, it is extremely dangerous. Oh, yeah.


Yeah, Zane, you do love doing that. We can tell.


It's my f*cking dashboard.


I love you. You're my wife, but just get the feet off.


Put it I like to be comfortable.


You go in other people's car and you put that foot off on it.


I take my shoes off. I'm not rude about that. I make sure my feet don't smell bad, obviously.


It is dangerous. You slam it in a car.


Oh, yeah. That leg is gone. Folded. Up to your ear.


It's just so scary to think if you had your legs like this and then your hips just go out the back of you. Would that happen? Probably, yeah. Like your leg just shoot backwards.


The pressure of a car hit. I've been seeing a lot of car accidents, by the way, on my feed. All right. This one I just learned a few days ago, too. Not having enough sodium. There's always warnings about too much salt, but apparently, if you don't have enough, it can throw your body totally out of whack. Learn this after passing out and ending up in the ER. Love that.


Love that. Love salt.


Salt is very important. Yeah.


I try to do it with liquid IV or Element, any of those packets. I have one of those a day. I feel like one a day always gets me the salt.


Yeah. Even if you don't have the liquid IV, just pink Himalayan salt, a little bit of lemon juice, get that going. They even have Keltic sea salt. Keltic sea salt.


I just ordered a bag of that.


It's expensive, but it's good.


Do you ever see that? What's her name? She's famous in the homeopathic world. The old lady. The Australian woman. She's like, What you need is sea salt. Because what that does is it takes all the pathogens that are in your body. She's very controversial, though, because she's gotten in trouble for lots of things.


You know that's the one I saw before I bought the I think that girl, I watched that and then I bought it.


She's on that dry race board. Bitch, make a f*cking PowerPoint, too. I don't understand.


She keeps it traditional. I like that.


Sorry, I called her bitch. I didn't mean it. She's probably a very nice, interesting woman. But I'm just like-No, look, Queen.


Look at Look at her.


She's falsely claimed to be able to cure cancer and urge clients not to do chemotherapy. She's been discredited saying that cancer is a fungus and can be treated with baking soda.


It literally It's really me.


Did you put garlic in your ear?


Yeah, did you put olive oil in your- Did you try to rub garlic on the tumor?


Oh, the Infant Nutrition one, because she recommended that parents who are unable to breastfeed their infant should use substitutes besides formula. They've included unpasteurized goat milk in a mix of almond milk and dates and bananas, but this is definitely not safe. The danger here is that infants will not support healthy growth and development. But I do think she has some interesting points. Speaking of cancer- Take it with a grain of salt. A grain of Celtic salt from Barbara O'Neill.


This one's interesting. Garage door springs. Ours broke one night, and it sounded like a damn 12 gage going off. Can confirm, do not go anywhere near those things. I can't even imagine.


When they snap?


Yeah. The tension that is probably bound within them is probably-Garage doors now, newer garage doors or the old-Any.


School, just any?


I think that most are still on a How do they get the spring on?


What machine gets the spring on? When you put a trampoline together, those springs are hard to get on.


Yeah, those are intense.


I remember when I was a kid, we were driving home, pulling up into the driveway, It opened the garage door. The garage door was opening. All of a sudden, it just starts cranking to the left, and the whole thing starts breaking, and we were like, What's happening? My dad was like, God damn it, what's wrong with the garage? Then we go up and we look into where the whole a wire coils up. A snake had gotten up in there and nested. When it went up, it wrapped around the snake and killed the snake, but caused our entire garage door to break all because this snake was nesting in the corner of the garage.


Killed all the babies, too?


Yeah. Good.


Pushing another dangerous act, pushing and using force to push out a pipi khaki. Unfortunately, true, if you have to do a lot of straining adjust your diet/ talk to a doctor. Heart straining can cause everything from minor inconveniences like hemorrhoids up to heart attacks and strokes.


I'm terrified of hemorrhoids. Or you hear people who have horror stories about hemorrhoids and how much pain it causes them. Yeah. For the rest It's really hard to get rid of, too. You can't even surgically remove it. I also know some people have to get Botox in their anus to... You can do that? Yeah. We should do that. Do you have hembroids? No. You would know.


Walk Walking up or down the stairs. You guys listening? This is for over 50 plus. We have a few of those listening. Walking up or down the stairs. The most common accident at home is falling down the stairs, Gam-Gam. And don't leave shoes or other things on the stairs.


Yeah, stairs. Yeah. Yeah, stairs are dangerous. I'm like, Yeah, that's... Be careful out there.


Be careful out there, guys. It is a dark world out there, you all.


I just trying to think of a response, and I just like, I don't know.


I'm like, Stay safe out there.


I'm always very terrified about the dishwasher and like, knives in the dishwasher. I'm always terrified when you're loading a dishwasher and knives, I'm scared I'm going to reach in and a knife is there that I don't see. It's just going to cut me open. That just moved. It's going to hit that main artery and I'm just going to bleed out.


I got the garbage disposal fear.


Oh, I'm always looking at the light, even though nobody's home in my hands there, I need to just know.


Something is going to happen.


I've always wanted to... Why is it with the garbage disposal? Oh, let's make it a light switch, just like all the f*cking switches in the home. A blade.


It needs to be more prominent.


Like a red button. Yes. Like just boom.


I love the ones where it's an actual button on the sink. Genius idea. Now, let's make it with the light switch and put it against all the other lights in the kitchen.


Yeah, we have six in a row, and one of them is the disposal.


It just shouldn't be something that we can all reach very, very easily. It should be something that's just down more in the pipeline or sink. I don't know. Just somewhere a little far away.


But I tell you what, though, that in a sinkerator, guy who made that, genius.


Is that an actual thing? Yeah, it's an in a sinkerator.


Every time I see one underneath the sink, they're called insyncerators.


That's the garbage disposal. That's the garbage disposal. He's called in the in the sinker. Okay. Got you. What else is dangerous?


No, that's it. But this is another one, fun one that I found. Company secrets that I can share since I don't work there anymore. These are different ones. I love these. Oprah Winfrey had us edit her arm waddles in postproduction.


Like the Bingo arms?


The Bingo arms.


These? The Thanksgiving arms. Auntie's cooking arms. Love that. I worked at L'Oréal. The cosmetics from L'Oréal and LaneCome are practically the same, but Lancôme costs $20 more.Same.

[00:58:35]'s crazy what people will pay different just for a name brand.


T-mobile has two coverage maps, the one they show customers and the real one that is internal shows the actual coverage. Diminishes about 50%. Their coverage is built on a bed of lies.


How did they get away with that?


Yeah, how do you not...


When you're working there, you find this sh*t out. When you leave a company, you don't have… If you do have an NDA, these people are posting on Reddit and sh*t, which is private accounts.


Hold them accountable.


Interesting. Okay.


Well, Diet Sprite and Sprite Zero were the exact same thing. They didn't change a recipe one bit. They just changed the name and design.


I wonder which sells better, Diet Sprite or Sprite Zero.


I think Sprite Zero. That's why they changed it.


Interesting. Usually, most times... Well, I feel we've talked about this, how people love Diet co*ke because it's the taste of Diet co*ke. People like co*ke Zero because it's a closest thing that tastes like co*ke. Yeah.


But this one, I don't think they were able to do that. So they just changed the name.


I like that they keep the look of the Zero to look like the can, though.


Well, the reason why they changed the color of the bottles, too, is because they realized when there was pictures of pollution of a whole bunch of trash and you see a bunch of green bottles, all of those bottles are Sprite. So they changed the bottle to be clear so they don't be identifiable in the global A picture of pollution.


You know what I was thinking about the other day? Why did it take so long for drinks like poppy and Olliepop to come out with less sugar sodas? You have a soda that has 60 grams of sugar and then a diet which is zero and it's full of aspartame. Why did it take 60 years for somebody to be like, All right, let's just put 4 grams of sugar so it's not too sweet, but it's still not...


Why? Trends. I think it became trendy to-But people wanted something with no sugar.


I don't think as many people as you think. I think it's just because we're in LA. This is a place for people.


No, I'm saying people drink diet soda everywhere. People don't want to drink the sugar and have that much sugar. Everybody knows that much sugar is bad. But why would you have 100 or zero? Why did it take 60 years for somebody to be like, All right, we'll just put six grams. Have it a little sweet.


Consumer trends and the conversation of how things get so popular. I sound like an idiot what I'm saying. It's the way how veganism became huge lately. It's just a new consumer trend in that it gets popular. Back then, choices were so limited. More research that are done. People have more conversations of it. The rise of the internet, especially. Because back then, it was just TV and the advertisem*nts of what they told you to buy, and that was it. There wasn't like these-Hoppy hits, though. They do. The dialog of other healthy alternatives was very small because there wasn't a form of people talking about it. Because of the rise of the internet, I think people are now becoming more conscientious with their consumer choices. Does that make sense? Yeah.


Okay. Have you ever had Blue or Asbury poppy?


It's delicious. Oh, yeah. They're smoothies. Or no, they're slurpy flavors, too, which I don't even know if they sell them, but they have them at their poppy events. So good.Dalicious.So good.


I love soda.


I used to work in college admissions. Rich donors, athletes, and other VIPs have lower admission criteria. They still have minimums, but they're super easy to reach, even for a selective university. In the case of the university I worked for, B-Y-U, children of general church authorities also got this.


I know. It's messed up.


That money be talking, boy.


Olive Garden. Olive Garden breadsticks are just It's Franz brand breadsticks, garlic salt and butter. It's margarine, not butter. I forgot there's a difference.


It's Franz brand? That's the name of the company that makes those breadsticks?France Brand.That's what they're doing. Get on Amazon.


I wish I knew the exact way to describe this, but there's a psychological trick of why they bring bread into... For you, it's the first thing that you eat because you have almost this insulin spike from eating the bread.I.


Heard about that, too.Yeah..


You're willing to make bigger purchases and spend more money because of the bread. Does this psychological effect on you.


This one's really interesting. We just talked about this, but we didn't get into this. I used to work surveillance at a casino from something like three stories high ceiling, we could zoom in on money on the table games and read the serial numbers of the bills. We could see the pips on the dice. The policy was just to not look down blouses. That's crazy. They could see a serial number on bills from a...


That's crazy.


Imagine how clear that sh*t is. Just zooming on people's faces far away. Able to detect anybody walking through.


It's only going to get better. They're only going to get better and way more accurate. That's freaky.


How much are those cameras? And why don't they have those cameras everywhere? Why don't we have that on our houses? I want those type of cameras. I want to be able to zoom in on a car down the street that's stalking us.Put.


Those in Walmart.Right?




I didn't I understand this. Used to work at a graphic design firm. All our Adobe software was pirated. They stole it. Oh, okay.


Because, yeah, Adobe, they charge you so much to... Thank goodness that they made it more of a trial subscription. You can pay, I don't know, $50 a month, and you can have access to all the Adobe creative suites. I thought it was always ridiculous. They would sell that stuff for $400 for people? f*ck off.


I always got so jealous. I bought the bundle for editing and stuff like that. I was always looking at the programs that I'd never heard of. Just they seem really cool for people that know it. I'm like, I can't believe these are used by people professionally to do work.


Yeah, it's so complex.


So cool.


I think even final cut. How much is final cut?


It's a lot. It's 300 bucks.


Insane. Hedaya just made a podcast with her friend, and they got their cameras and everything. It costs money. They're like, Okay, we What do you use to edit? I was like, Oh, Final Cut Pro, and then it hit me that it cost $250. It's somebody that just wants to start a podcast and he just wants to edit their videos. It has to be $250.


But it will pay for itself. It makes you money, so it's a bit of an investment.


It's just a lot of money.


I know it is.


For a f*cking editing software.


I don't know. David's logs looked pretty good on iMovie.


Oh, another one. Do not wear crocs on escalators.


Why? Yes.


Because the rubber can get sucked in the...


It happens.


That one was really... I saw it. I was like, I'm sure so many people are not thinking about that.


Yeah, just figure it out. It looks like way too intense of a mechanics going on.


Yeah, it can be a lot safer.


It's just more gentle. Don't make it look like it's just these teeth of gears and doom that I'm having to travel on.


Even when there's a hole in there and they're working on it, just look inside it. It's like death.


It's just death under that.


There you go. It's not the You got it, girl.


We haven't tried them yet, but little hack, if you are tired of tying and untying your shoelaces, especially for high top shoes, Converse, your running shoes, I For he's birthday, I found him these elastic shoelaces that stretch. You could put them on Converse, tie them all the way up, and all you have to do is pull them open and slip your shoes in.


But they look like normal shoelaces. They don't look like rubber or funky. They just It look like straight up shoelaces.


I wore them for years on my kill shots, the rubber laces ones where you just put the little loop in.


No, not that. It's an actual shoelace that you would lace up your shoe. It looks normal, but the material is super strategy.


Yeah, they're great.


I'm going to get some. Thank you.


You also got the hatch.Oh.


My gosh.Alarm clock.Matt, you would love it. We have one.


The one that naturally wakes up with the light and it's really calming and stuff.


Do you like the sound before bed?


Yeah, we love it. We play white noise on it.


What is it?


It's like an alarm clock, but it's esthetic, and it's got a light, so you could put it on when you're going to bed, and it'll play different sounds. You could do thunderstorms, rainstorms, a river.


You're saying while you're sleeping?


Yeah, you put it on... I'll put it on before bed, and then you set the wake up alarm to be whatever sound you would want it to be, and it'll have the glowing light that comes up.


It'll look like a sunrise, so it'll wake you up before the alarm. It'll get the room really bright. It glows orange like the sun. But you can also set it to different sounds. You could do a drag queen, but you better get up out of it, this whole thing.


It's really fun. You better get your ass out of bed now.


She's like, Make sure it's a really great day. Make sure to drink some water. It's this positive motivation.


I would do the sergeant boot camp one.


Get your ass.


I just do like a... I I like the frequency ones that are a certain frequency for...


Oh, yeah. Wait, you mean like green noise, white noise, brown noise?


Those are good, but some of them are... It's like a specific hertz frequency that is supposedly It's really like puts your body into a calm state.


We're huge brown noise people. We have two brown noise machines.


You like brown noise?


We were big brown noise people, but now we're on green noise. Green noise, I think it sounds a little... Almost borderline I do like rain, but sometimes it's a little... It makes me want to pee a little bit. If I wake up in the middle of night, it's a little bit spooky, because brown noise is like... White noise is like... Pink noise is...


I didn't even know that the different colors are different types. I thought there's only brown noise and white noise.


Oh, yeah. There's tons of different ones.


I have the most obnoxious alarms on my phone that I will just sleep through. They go so long that I don't even have to pause them. They just automatically turn off. You sleep through your alarms? Every time.




Every time. It doesn't matter which one I put on my phone. But if I hear the cat bite the bed, I am up in a split second.


The cat biting the bed? Yeah. Just that...


Just that little nibble on the corner of the bed.


He wakes you up?




I want someone to wake me up like that.


It is crazy how he wakes us up. I feed him at seven every morning. Seven on the dot, he's tapping my arm. It's the weirdest. It's so weird.


Yeah, cats have a really good routine of their diet.


It is so crazy. That's crazy. He's like, Hello. If nobody gets up, he'll bite the bed for attention. He won't do it during the day, but if we're in bed, he's like, No, we're up.


Come on. I think he knows we don't want him biting the bed.


He knows it gets us up. It's really weird.


Smart little sh*t.


That's all.


All right, we're going to close it out here. Thank you for hanging with us for another episode. Thank you for watching. Wish Matt luck in South Korea.Thank.


You very much.Wish us luck in Palm Springs.


Good luck. Have a blast. I'm excited for you guys.


You're Scotch-Corean.


Scotch Which Korean?. Which is thank you.


One contradiction eating another. It's my favorite commercial.


You can check out these episodes every Monday, audio form on all the podcast platforms. Every Tuesday, we post a video version on our YouTube channel, youtube. Com/zaneandheath.


Also, make sure to check out our Patreon, patreon. Com/zaneandheath. We do a bonus episode every single month. We keep these cameras rolling for another 20 minutes. We keep hanging out. You get an extended cut of the podcast. We do a live Q&A every month. A little BTS stuff all on Patreon.


Com/zaneandheath. Thank you so much for tuning into another episode, and we will see you next week. All right, babies.Toodaloo. Toodaloo, F-ers.





Transcript of Matt is Leaving Us.. To Go ... | Happy Scribe (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.