The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)

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The Miami Heraldi

Miami, Florida

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Sljie JEiami FLORIDANS MOST IMPORTANT NEWSPAPER TUESDAY MORNING JANUARY 28 1936 SECTION OF MISSOURI Mrs A JRickmers Is Luncheon Hostess illORDI A SOCIETY Many Informal Parties Striven In Miami Beach Personal Mention Mr and Mrs Bisdon who have Honor Edythe Solomon With Birthday Party Mr and Mrs Max Solomon entertained on Sunday with a party in honor of the twelfth birthday anniversary of their daughter Edythe at their home 1545 Pennsylvania avenue The guests were Mr and Mrs A Feldman parents of Mrs Solomon and their son Sol Feldman Mrs Sara Klbel who came from New York for the event Mrs Herman Berg Mrs Norman Rauch Miss Ruth Roy and a group of children Including Jean Winters Anita Wechsler Janice Gar-blick Marcia Elaine Bernstein and Lillian Peretzman Crystal Lounge Opened In Miami Beach Hotel a winter home at 2B15 Pine Tree drive are expected to arrive tomorrow from Detroit to spend the remainder of the winter here They have a cabana at tub Beach Cabana club where they frequently entertained last winter Mr and Mrs Stratton of Milwaukee Wis winter residents of Miami Beach and members of the Beach Cabana club recently returned from the North and are occupying their winter borne in Di Lido island Mr and Mrs Ernest A Sale of Martinsville Va are spending a winter vacation at the Atlantis Mr Sale formerly of Covington Va la vice president of the Pannlll Knitting Mills Hearing On Miami Beach Law Scheduled Before Judge Atkinson On Thursday The Miami Beach zoning ordinance which prohibits the location of offices in section of Miami Beach will be attacked before Judge Atkinson In Circuit court at 2 Thursday Dr Edward Rotn whose office is at 817 Washington avenue and whose residence is at 904 Collins avenue was arrested by Miami Beach police charged with violating the zoning ordinance by practicing medicine in his residence The suit sets forth that Dr Pollock of 925 Collins avenue next door to the Roth residence Is allowed to practice medicine because he resided there and practiced before the passage of the ordinance Dr Roth charged In his suit that the ordinance Is unconstitutional and la an unwarranted invasion of private property He la represented by James Carson and A Dressier attof- neya The city will be represented at the hearing by Harvey Robillard city attorney Dr Roth and Dr A Lustgarten 1547 Washington avenue arrested yesterday will face Judge Daniel Galen today in Miami Beach Municipal court The area in which they are located is zoned as a multiple-family residence district where businesses are prohibited Princess Henriette Sava-Goiu of New York has returned to the Pancoast Hotel where she has been a guest on former occasions She is a native of Bumania and received her doctor of philosophy degree at Sor-bonne University Paris France and has achieved distinction as a writer and a lecturer During her stay here she la being entertained by members of the winter colony Mrs Sherwood Aldrich of New York has leased one of the Seaway villas In Surfside where she will spend the winter Mr and Mrs Charles Bromley of Philadelphia Pa Among Hosts A number of cabana and beach parties were given on Sunday at the Pancoast Hotel in Miami Beach Mr and Mrs Charles Bromley of Philadelphia Pa were in a group with Edwin Brooks Baltimore Md and McKnlght and Frank French New York In another party were Mrs Bussell Fenn New Haven Conn Mr and Mrs Donald Falvey Boston Mass and Dr and Mrs Charles Gabeler Andover Mass Mr and Mrs Harry Piper were with Mr and Mrs Thomas -Crouch Jr all of Minneapolis Minn Miss Barbara Brooks Farber of Baltimore entertained with a buffet beach party In honor of Miss Peggy Mahony James Miller and James Egerton of Baltimore Col and Mrs William Neal Campbell Sanford Me entertained a party of 10 in their cabana Mrs John English and Mr and Mrs Henry Dumary Lowdenville formed a luncheon group Among others in luncheon parties on the boardwalk and beach were Mr and Mrs Allan Eldredge and Mr and Mrs Eugene Norwood all of New York Mr and Mrs John Johnstone Greenwich Conn Mr and Mrs De Witt Clough Glencoe 111 Mr and Mrs A Porter Short Hills Mr and Mrs Goldsmith St Louis Mo: Mr and Mrs Wilfred Cuddeback Forest Hills I Mr and Mrs Kenneth White Winchen-don Mass Mr and Mrs Eugene Farrell South Orange William Walker of Detroit Mich Dr and Mrs 8 Rudolph Light Kalamazoo Mich Mr and Mrs Matthew Brush New York: Mr and Mrs 8 Brush Boston: Mr and Mrs George Jewett Mr and Mrs Pick Malone and Dr and Mrs James West Hotel guests and their friends attended the Sunday night concert given by the Marque trio- composed cf Margaret McKay pianist Margaret Held Kiatler 'cellist and Robert Kist-ler violinist' KOTO Cl IB MEETS FOB TEA Members of' Roto club assembled at Roney Plaza tea garden on Saturday The group included Miss Jo Collins Miss Lois Be bant Miss Elaine Devery Miss Elizabeth Bayfield Miss Anns Moeseman Miss Aurelia Jordan Mtse Ellagene Barr Miss Helen Oehler Miss Marcia Brown Mi Roberta Butler and Mm Connie Cofarasios Mia Bayfield will entertain the club at her home in 3f Fifth street at 8 on Friday Winter Colony Members Entertain At Costume Party and Supper Dance About 100 guests attended a costume party which marked the opening of the new Crystal Lounge of Hotel Good on Sunday night when a number of parties were made up for the occasion co*cktails were served in the lounge and later guests assembled in the diningroom where there was a buffet supper and the costumes were judged Prizes for the best costumes were awarded to Mra Luther Smith Neidrach of Bal timore Md- and I 8 Randolph of Chicago In a party of Atlanta Ga visitors were Mrs Henry Heinz Mrs Nunnally Mr and Mra Frank Owens and Dr and Mrs Green Warren Another party was made up of Dr and Mrs Levering- Lafayette Ind Mr and Mrs Robert Malnes Maplewood Mr and Mrs George Bonders Lancaster Pa Mr and Mra Carrol Brown Swampscott Mass Mrs Ann Addelson Mr and Mrs Mortimer Mahony Miss Peggy Mahony Biggs Mahony and Walter Chandler Mr and Mra Harry Newby Mr and Mrs James Ward Mrs Williamson and Mrs Maloney all of Chicago formed a group Mr and Mrs Freeman of Ma plewood were hosts to Mr and Mrs Lang also of Maplewood Dancing and entertainment features In the new lounge followed the supper party MissourCs first Mrs Guy Park vrife of the governor of that state is being extensively entertained during her visit here Governor and Mrs Park are guests at the Embassy Hotel Photograph by Le Baron Studio Many Surf Club Member Entertain and Plan For Parties Among numerous luncheon parties at the Surf club yesterday was one given by Mrs Andre Rickmera who entertained for Mrs Gelston Bailey Morris Mrs George Brett Princess Diane Ertstavl-Tchltcherine Mr and Mrs George Brett Jr Mia Martha White and Miss Amelia White Mrs A Wallace was hostess to a group including Mrs A Reid Mrs A Young Mrs Rend Mrs- Walter Scheerer Miss Virginia Scheerer Mrs Hickson Mrs Leon Alvarez Mrs Charles Bohn and Mra George Hallman Hervey Allen was in a group Including DuBose Heyward Charleston Hamilton Owen Baltimore and Elliot Wheeler of Easton Miss Dorothy Jean Ryan entertained her house guest Miss Elizabeth West of Philadelphia Much interest Is shown in the "Bal which will be given at tbe club Saturday and many parties are being made up for tbe occasion The patio will be transformed to represent a square of the famous Montmartre district de on the summit of Montmartre The Interior of the lounge find dining room will represent a Parisian cafet chantant with a panoramic view of Paris through the windows at the end of the dining room Attendants and musicians will be garbed to represent Apaches of the Montmartre district and table decorations and favora will be suggestive of the Apache quarter Roy Day Marries Miss Ethel Herrick rs Agnes Herrick announces the marriage of her daughter Miss Ethel A Herrick to Roy Day both of Miami at her home In 8 Third Avenue at 8:30 Friday The ceremony was solemnized by Thomson pastor of First Presbyterian Church The bride attired in white was attended by Mrs Geraldine Lee Jewell was best man Following the ceremony the couple left on a brief tour of the state alter which they will be at home to their friends at the Hollman Park apartments Guests Included Mrs Swift Mrs Ethel Smith Mrs Bris-ter Mr and Mrs Leslie Miller Mr and Mrs John Mobley Miss Ida Lassater Miss Beba Swift Miss Bessie Swirt Miss Isobel Swift Miss Viola Durham and Miss Elizabeth Conklin Mr and Mrs A Hughes Entertaining Executives Mr and Mra George A Hughes recently returned from the Boca Baton club where they attended the flfty-first annual meeting of the Association of Edison Illuminating Com panlea Accompanying Mr and Mrs Hughes to their home in Coral Gables were Ginn of tbe General Electric Company of Atlanta and Mrs Ginn Sawyer who is connected with the American Gas and Electric Company of New York and Mrs Sawyer and Babco*ck of the General Electric Company of New York and Mrs Babco*ck A number of social courtesies are planned for the visitors Mrs Lee Ball and her son Junior of Merlon Pa are at the Barclay Plaza Hotel for the winter Other recent arrivals at the hotel are Mr end Mrs Barnwell Elliott and Avrett New York: Mr and Mrs A Canfield Fairfield Conn Mrs Cuslck Detroit Mich Miss Helen Marshall Columbus Ohio Daniel Miller Rochester Mr and Mrs Wallace McKalg and Mrs niece Mlse Mabel Perry Edgemore Maryland Stork Entertains Aboard His Houseboat STOCK EXCHANGE HAS $209325 LOSS IN YEAR NEW YORK Jan 27 UP) The annual report of the New York Stock Exchange and Its affiliated companies shows a loss of 8209325 compared with a lose of 1060890 In the preceding year Total Income amounted to 7049183 against 6965469 in 1934 and expenses amounted to 7258509 compared with 8026359 a year previously Assets were listed as 41431-805 compared with 42323671 a year ago Cash on hand totaled 2490867 against 2042251 Reservations Are Made For Birthday Function a MS a mi Beach Mayor and Wife Will Be Among Guests At Ball Among those making reservations for boxes at the President's Birthbay Balt in the Boney Plaza Hotel palm gardens Thursday night are Mayor and Mrs Louis Snedigar of Miami Beach Mr and Mrs Benedum who are guests at the hotel and Mr and Mrs George Oles Having ringside tables will be Mr and Mra Peter Potts A Turrell Mr and Mrs John A McKenna Mr and Mrs William McKenna Mrs Ballagh Mr and Mrs William Bingfiam II Mr and Mrs A Keller Mr and Mrs Phllbrick Mr and Mrs IC Yocum Mr afid Mrs Hugh 8 Lerrlck Mr and Mis Walter Wilson Mr and Mrs Prank Smith William Delches Jr of Baltimore Md who is a guest at the Boney Plaza Hotel and Harvey Bobillard The 30 boxes which are to be arranged around the dance floor will be decorated with garlands of bougainvillea tvnd oleander festooned with plumoaa and other tropical flowers and greens The ringside tables to be plaoed directly behind the boxes will be decorated in a similar manner George Hussey la In charge of the floor show The Pan-American league will give Its tea dance on February 5 in the psilm gardens Instead of Friday as previously announced Hereafter the tea dances will be given from 4:30 to 8 on Wednesdays and Sundays instead of every day Guests attending dinner dances preceding the- President's Birthday Ball Thursday night will be privileged to attend the ball in the palm gardens from 10 fn- until 3 a Mr and Mrs John Mackie of London Englauid were hosts at a co*ck-tall party yesterday complimenting Mr and Mxst Brooks Bristol England and Sflr and Mrs Ingram Toronto Canada Among others attending co*ck tail parties were Mr and Mrs A Cutttlng Tuxedo Park Mr and Mrs jJ Johnson Mr and Mrs Million Miss Helen Hyes Miss Catherine Brcpks A Dulireuil Santiago Cuba and Mr and Mrs Charles Blckard Forming a irty at the dinner dance Sunday night vyere Prince and Princess Selandia of Denmark Mitzi and Juanita Mayfair Button Ramos and Mrs McLellan Hunger all of New Ycprk Among other wfrek-end dinner parties was that given fcy Mr and Mrs Jack Sechler whose (guests included Mrs Alice Owens Mint Nlda Martin and Mr and Mrs Frank! Gough Mr and Mra A Small wooil were hosts to Mr and Mrs A JHilne Mr and Mrs William Gran were hosts to Mr and Mrs Miller Mrs Vernon Biddle Miss Vera! Bradshaw Mr and Mrs 8 Meaner and Kyohel Inukal Among other dinner guests' were Mr and Mrs HeuTy Dollman Mr and Mrs Haiielwood Mrs A Kelly Included lit parties at the Cafe de la Palx were Mr and Mrs George Oles Mis a Georgia md Miss Gale Oles Georges Danllo Mmi Harry Livingston Mis Madeline Nortjsway Mr and Mra Shlman Mr and Mrs Clark Mr and M-t Rov Allen Eunice Skelly Mra' Joan Williams Kathleen Williams B'ttrkar Capps Mrs Heermann alter Plummer Miss Grace Brennan and i Edward Higgins Bridge Luncheon fir iven For Mrs Paln er Mrs Frederick Basmerot of Pittsburgh Pa was hostess' yesterday at a bridge luncheon in the Whitman Hotel honoring Mrs Cf Palmer who will leave soon for Charleston Va to visit her son-in-law and daughter Mr and Mrs Frederick Gj Bannerot Jr The guests included Note-man Mrs Bascom (aimer Mrs William Whitman Mrs Kimble of Vineland Mra AVbert Bigler Mrs Pauli Challen of -Beacon on Hudson Mrs Wij ham Carey Coffin Mrs Harry Howelii and Mrs Uly Thompson TO STUDY FLOWER ARTISTRY Miami Beach Garden clua will Inaugurate a series of six stuay lectures on flower arrangement witau a meeting at 10 a Thursday (at Miami Beach club The Wtcrurse is open to anyone Interested anyfia small fee will be charged for the course All lectures will be given at theiolub Mr and Mrs George Early are expected to arrive on February 5 from Memphis Tenn to spend a month with his mother Mrs William Johnson 4001 Indian Creek drive Miami Beech end Mr Johnson Mrs Wymag Beckett and daughter Mrs Maurice Angel with her son Wyman and Mrs Joseph Band Beckett all of Indianapolis Ind are guests at Brampton Court apartments A Winter Residence of Distinction NO ADVANCE DIKING THE SEASON Per Day Per Week Per Month BEDROOM One Bath Miss Louise Taschereau a niece of Premier Taschereau of Quebec is guest st the Barclay Plaza end Is pending much of her time on the golf links Season $1000 $1800 $3000 $4000 Winter Colony Members Entertain At Club A number of informal luncheon parties were given yesterday at the Beach Cabana club Mrs Theo Wood of Mamaroneck had as her guests Miss Betty Farley and Miss Ann Farley daughters of Postmaster General James A Parley of Washington Dr and Mrs Elkins of Atlanta who are guests at the Columbus Ho tel were entertained at the club Among new members of the club are Mrs Smith and Mrs Allyn Brown Norwich Conn Miss Marian Turner Batavia and Mr and Mrs Leslie Buswell Parties are being planned for 'he which will be given Thursday at the club This will be the first of a series of weekly informal supper parties Weekly Bridge Luncheon To Be Given At Hotel A series of weekly bridge luncheons will be started at 1 today in the Whitman Hotel with Mrs Christine Smith In charge Luncheon in the main dining room will be followed tiy-' bridge" games ocean front lounge A number of parties have been made up for the event by members of the winter colony HOSTS AT DINNER PARTY Mr and Mrs McCullough Columbus Ohio winter visitors at the Atlantis Hotel were hosts at a dinner party In the ocean front dining 'room Sunday night Their guests were Mr and Mrs Harry Price and their son Harry Price Jr all of ONE Twin Beds No Kitchenette Double tot nn or Single Occuoancy (without meals) TWO-ROOM SUIT $4500 Living Room Bedroom Twin Beds Bath Kitchenette Double or Single Oceupaney (without meals) THREE-ROOM BUTT $7000 Living Room Two Bedrooms Two Baths Kitchenette (without meals) POUR-ROOM SUIT $9500 Living Room Three Bedrooms Three Baths Kitchenette (without meals) Garage $20 Per Month $2000 per day $3750 per day $6000 per day $8500 per day Mr end Mrs Evens of New York ere et the Whitten apartments for the winter Winter Colony Member Are Guests At Party On Jewel Complimenting a group of his friends Clinton Warner Stork entertained yesterday afternoon aboard his houseboat Jewel which Is anchored near Palm Island His guests Included 8ir Graeme Lockhart Lady Sinclair Lockhart Mrs Merrill Mrs William Cane Mrs Marie Richardson Ives Mra William Reed Mrs Arthur Whiting Miss Patricia Paine Mrs William Bopley of Washington and her son William Ropley Jr Miss Evelyn Gordon Washington Miss Bena Owens Mrs Stevens Mrs Mary Graves Mr and Mrs William Brandon Col Edward Dickerson Mr and Mrs Adam Keefer Mrs Della Lucken-bach William Warren A Ford and Bert Mandervllle Mrs Zell Deming Returns From Palm Beach Mrs Zell Hart Deming of Warren Ohio has returned to the Pancoast Hotel after spending the week-end In Palm Beach where she was the house guest of Mrs Charles Chadwick at her home Villa Today In Via Bel-laria 1 While in Palm Beach Mra Deming wa honor guest at a dinner party given by Mrs Glenn Hodges at Jardln Bijou Other guests were Mr and Mrs Hugh Dlllman Mr and Mrs Dulany Hunter Mr and Mrs Louis Stanton Bader Mr and Mrs Jack Salisbury Mrs Chadwick Comte Serge Fleury A Atwater Kent and George Singer 6061 Collins Avenue Miami Beach Hare Tea Visited the VCFFC3D GRILL During co*cktail Hour Oi iiae's Treat hi iBiiot Bad xrsic Ia the SFA SPRAT CLUB RESTAURANT Mr and Mrs Griesedieck of 8t Louis Mo have arrived to spend the winter at the Whitman Hotel Miss Helen II Piercy's Engagement Announced Mr and Mrs 8 Plercy of Westfield 7N announce the engagement of their daughter Miss Helen Howell Ptercy of Miami Beach formerly of Westfield to James McDermld Butler of Miami Beach formerly of Charleston 8 son of Mrs Valeria Butler of Miami Beach and Charleston Mias Piercy is a graduate of Packard Commercial School New York and attended Columbia University Mr Butler attended the University of South Carolina and Is associated with Grant Company in Miami vcFFcro HOTEL LINCOLN ROAD Air Conditioned 'eaufrtel eSAct SIS Worth Ave Palm Beach flS UaealaSMiaal Beach OF NEW YORK 1 Miami Beach" Branch Store Collins Avenue and 22nd Street Seven Little Juliets on a' balcony OWN TROPICS MIAMI BEACH Qnly at A Bit of Knitted Magic that Makes a Hat THE FISHER HOTELS FLAMINGO NAUTILUS KING COLE LINCOLN I American Plan BOULEVARD European Plan Seven new Balcony departments each as important to you as Juliet was to Romeo! NOTIONS needles and pins are just a hint Games and Books with a circulating library for romanticists or realists Luggage Gifts Yarns (with free instructions if you purchase so much as a single ball) and a Beauty Salon with cool sound-proof booths! Prices are identical at Miami and Lincoln Road Courtesy parking court in rear of Lincoln Road Location and seclusion nice! combined with a tariff range that pleases all budgets a Cottages pools tennis courts Golf at La Gorce and Bayshore FfROM FRANCE comes this ingenious piece of knitted wool Flat as a handkerchief in the hand it can be twisted in a variety of ways to make a becoming turban Wear it for tennis Wear it for golf Wear it to keep your curls in place sailing or motoring (It comes in bright colors and pastels to blend with almost any costurrAe) Stuff it in your pocket Sit on it Kick it Here is one hat you harm liiilillillliilillli!.

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The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.