On actions - Stellaris Wiki (2024)

Aside from the default polling another very common way to get an event triggered is on_action. The vanilla game itself has a number of events registered this way in Stellaris\common\on_actions\00_on_actions.txt

The situations of triggering range from polling less aggressive (monthly or yearly) to numerous developments of the galaxy like ending of a planetary invasion, survey, entering of a system and so forth. This is later part is comparable to registering an Event in a GUI Environment of many higher programming languages.

Registered events should be marked with "triggered only" modifier. As easily dozens of events can be registered to any one development (often belonging to the same chain) the triggers decide which events are actually called.

Since 3.0 you can define your own "on_actions" in script by effect fire_on_action = { on_action = <string> scopes = { from = X fromfrom = Y } }.Do note that when defining scopes, fire_on_action appears to be considered a scope and all non-event_target scopes require a prev added before them (from = prev will scope to the scope firing the on_action, and to scope to the previous scope from = prevprev must be used instead).In addition, non-global event_targets will not be available in the fired events if the from scope is overwritten.

For planet, system, starbase, leader and pop events, it's recommended to use pre_triggers (fast triggers that are checked before normal ones) to improve performance.

When multiple events are registered to the same action, they will be fired in the order listed. If they are registered in multiple files, they are fired in ASCII-betical order. So, if you have a file aaa_on_actions.txt with on_game_start = { events = { event.1 event.2 } } and a file bbb_on_actions.txt with on_game_start = { event = { event.3 event.4 } }, then those events will be fired in the order event.1, event.2, event.3, event.4. The ID of the event has no effect.

NameDescCommunity Noteson_game_startTriggers when the game startson_game_start_countryon_single_player_save_game_loadNo scope, like on_game_start
Does not run when loading MP saves due to OOS concernsBorder related triggers/effects do not work.on_monthly_pulseNo scope, like on_game_starton_monthly_pulse_pre_ftl_observationVia pre_ftl_tech_progress_situation / preftl.50
See also: on_monthly_pulse_pre_ftl_observation_broken_shackles (below)on_monthly_pulse_pre_ftl_observation_broken_shacklesThe following are considered valid for "Broken Shackles" empires observing their original civilizations; see also on_monthly_pulse_pre_ftl_observation (above)
Via pre_ftl_tech_progress_situation / preftl.50on_yearly_pulseNo scope, like on_game_starton_bi_yearly_pulseNo scope, like on_game_starton_five_year_pulseNo scope, like on_game_starton_decade_pulseNo scope, like on_game_starton_mid_game_pulseNo scope, like on_game_starton_late_game_pulseNo scope, like on_game_starton_monthly_pulse_countrythis = countryOnly country_types with has_pulse_events = yes will get these events. Notably, Fallen/Awakened Empires will not get these events.on_yearly_pulse_countrythis = countryOnly country_types with has_pulse_events = yes will get these events. Notably, Fallen/Awakened Empires will not get these events.on_bi_yearly_pulse_countrythis = countryOnly country_types with has_pulse_events = yes will get these events. Notably, Fallen/Awakened Empires will not get these events.on_five_year_pulse_countrythis = countryOnly country_types with has_pulse_events = yes will get these events. Notably, Fallen/Awakened Empires will not get these events.on_five_year_random_pulse_countrythis = country, fired via action.220 from on_five_year_pulse_countryon_five_year_random_pulse_overlordthis = country, fired via action.420on_five_year_random_pulse_pre_ftlthis = country, fired via action.620on_five_year_random_pulse_pre_ftl_tech_eventsthis = country, fired via action.630on_five_year_random_pulse_country_negative_listWhy do this, you might ask, and not just use a random_list? Because on_actions check the triggers of the event before they try to fire them and exclude them from the list if they are false, so a list with no 0 weight will always fire an event so long as any of them are able to be fired
Used in operation_diplomatic_incident. Beware when changing.
this = country, fired via action.2211 from on_five_year_random_pulse_countryon_decade_pulse_countrythis = countryOnly country_types with has_pulse_events = yes will get these events. Notably, Fallen/Awakened Empires will not get these events.on_mid_game_pulse_countrythis = countryOnly country_types with has_pulse_events = yes will get these events. Notably, Fallen/Awakened Empires will not get these events.on_decade_random_pulse_country_payback_broken_shackleson_late_game_pulse_countrythis = countryOnly country_types with has_pulse_events = yes will get these events. Notably, Fallen/Awakened Empires will not get these events.on_initialize_advanced_colonysetup advanced colony. So far it has a pop on the capital and a colony shelter building matching the is_colony trigger
scope: planet
from: countryon_become_advanced_empireon_press_beginTriggers when pressing begin in the intro window
This = country to press beginon_custom_diplomacyTriggers when trying to open the diplomacy view for countries with custom diplomacy.
Country scope
This = target country (player)
From = source countryon_first_contactTriggered when two empires discover each other
This = Empire 1
From = Empire 2
Fromfromfrom = System where contact occurredon_first_contact_finishedTriggered when a first contact process is finished
This = first contact scope
From = other countryon_enforce_bordersTriggered when an Empire has fleets within another Empire’s borders.
This = receiver
From = sender
FromFrom = fleet
FromFromFrom = systemon_ground_combat_startedTriggers when ground combat starts
This = planet
From = country attackingon_planet_attackers_winTriggers country_event for the attacker upon victory
(Before controller is switched)
This = country, leader attacker
From = country, planet owner
FromFrom = planet
IDENTITIES: attacker is the side that "IsHostile" to
the planet controller; e.g. spawned monster armies
are attackers, but if they win and the player attempts
to retake the planet, the player is the attackeron_planet_attackers_loseTriggers country_event for the attacker upon defeat
This = country, attack leader
From = country, planet owner
FromFrom = planeton_planet_defenders_winTriggers country_event for the defender upon victory
Root = country, planet owner
From = country, attack leader
FromFrom = planeton_planet_defenders_loseTriggers country_event for the defender upon defeat
This = country, planet owner
From = country, attack leader
FromFrom = planeton_system_first_visitedFires when you first get intel (_low and up) on a new system
Scope = Country
From = Systemon_entering_system_first_timeTriggers event when each country first sends a ship into the system (once per country)
Scope = Ship
From = System
FromFrom = Countryon_entering_systemTriggers event when ship enters a system. It’s usually better to use on_entering_system_first_time or on_entering_system_fleet
Scope = Ship
From = System
FromFrom = Countryon_entering_system_fleetSee also: on_fleet_auto_move_arrival
Scope = Fleet
From = Systemon_crossing_borderA fleet executes a move order to exit borders
Scope = Fleet
From = Origin System
FromFrom = Destination Systemon_surveyA ship has surveyed a planet.
Scope = Ship
From = Planeton_planet_surveyedA country has gained a surveyed status on a planet. Happens after "on_survey" if a science ship surveyed a planet. (Can also happen without a ship through changes in intel levels)
Root = Planet
From = Country
FromFrom = Fleet of the science ship that surveyed it, if anyon_system_surveyA country has gained a surveyed status on a planet. Happens after "on_survey" if a science ship surveyed a planet.
Root = Country
From = system
FromFrom = Fleet of the science ship that surveyed it, if anyon_system_survey_shipA ship is done surveying the last unsurveyed planet in a system
Scope = ship
From = systemon_colonization_startedA planet has begun the colonization process.
Scope = Planeton_colonizedA planet has been colonized.
Scope = Planeton_colony_destroyedA colony has been destroyed. Called just before owner and controller is cleared
Scope = Planeton_entering_battleThis = owner of fleet 1
From = owner of fleet 2
FromFrom = fleet 1
FromFromFrom = fleet 2on_ship_destroyed_victimThis = owner of ship 1 (destroyed)
From = owner of ship 2 (combatant)
FromFrom = ship 1
FromFromFrom = ship 2on_ship_destroyed_perpThis = owner of ship 1 (combatant)
From = owner of ship 2 (destroyed)
FromFrom = ship 1
FromFromFrom = ship 2on_starbase_destroyedThis = starbase being destroyed (not ship!)
From = fleet that destroyed the starbaseon_starbase_disabledThis = starbase being disabled (not ship!)
From = fleet that disabled the starbaseon_ship_disengaged_victimThis = owner of ship 1 (destroyed)
From = owner of ship 2 (combatant)
FromFrom = ship 1
FromFromFrom = ship 2on_ship_disengaged_perpThis = owner of ship 1 (combatant)
From = owner of ship 2 (destroyed)
FromFrom = ship 1
FromFromFrom = ship 2on_fleet_destroyed_victimThis = owner of fleet 1 (destroyed)
From = owner of fleet 2 (combatant)
FromFrom = fleet 1
FromFromFrom = fleet 2on_fleet_destroyed_perpThis = owner of fleet 1 (combatant)
From = owner of fleet 2 (destroyed)
FromFrom = fleet 1
FromFromFrom = fleet 2on_space_battle_wonThis = owner of fleet 1 (winner)
From = owner of fleet 2 (loser)
FromFrom = fleet 1
FromFromFrom = fleet 2on_space_battle_lostThis = owner of fleet 1 (loser)
From = owner of fleet 2 (winner)
FromFrom = fleet 1
FromFromFrom = fleet 2on_fleet_disbandedThis = owner of fleet
From = disbanded fleeton_fleet_auto_move_arrivalThis = owner of fleet
From = fleet
FromFrom = planet (if any)on_fleet_contract_startedThis = fleet
From = country that borrowed the fleet
FromFrom = country that owns the fleet
Is fired immediately after fleet is leased outon_fleet_contract_expiredThis = fleet
From = country that borrowed the fleet
FromFrom = country that owns the fleet
FromFromFrom = country that initiated the ending (the same as owner in a case of expiration)
Is fired immediately after fleet contract is expiredon_fleet_contract_cancelledThis = fleet
From = country that borrowed the fleet
FromFrom = country that owns the fleet
FromFromFrom = country that initiated the ending (trade deal actor when the contract cancellation is a part of trade deal)
Is fired immediately after fleet contract is cancelled (when controller prematurely finishes the contract or when the contract cancellation is a part of trade deal)on_fleet_contract_brokenThis = fleet
From = country that borrowed the fleet
FromFrom = country that owns the fleet
FromFromFrom = country that initiated the ending (main attacker in a case of war)
Is fired immediately after fleet contract is broken (when country is attacked by someone of when a war is started)on_building_mining_stationThis = construction ship
From = planet it is built on
Fires when construction is complete,
immediately before station is createdon_building_research_stationThis = construction ship
From = planet it is built on
Fires when construction is complete,
immediately before station is createdon_building_outpost_stationThis = construction ship
From = planet it is built on
Fires when construction is complete,
immediately before station is createdon_building_wormhole_stationThis = construction ship
Fires when construction is complete,
immediately before station is createdon_building_starbase_outpostThis = ship (starbase)
From = owner countryon_building_starbase_fe_outposton_building_observation_stationThis = construction ship
From = planet it is built onon_building_starbase_aion_building_starbase_exd_0on_building_starbase_exdon_building_starbase_swarmon_building_starbase_marauderon_destroying_stationThis = station
From = planet it was built onon_losing_station_controlThis = station
From = planet it was built onon_gaining_station_controlThis = station
From = planet it was built onon_entering_warThis = country
From = opponent war leaderon_fleet_detectedThis = Country
From = Fleeton_ship_disabledThis = Ship
From = Disabler Shipon_ship_enabledThis = Shipon_uplift_completionTriggers when a Special Project to uplift a pre-sapient species is completed.
Note that this will trigger once for each combination of planet & original
species (but for uplifting this should be only once).

Scope = planet_event
This = planet scope
From = uplifted species (pre-modification)

on_terraforming_begunPlanets starts being terraformed
This = Planet
From = Terraforming countryon_terraforming_completePlanet has been terraformed
This = Planet
From = Terraforming countryon_planet_class_changedPlanet has changed planet class in whatever way. Note that this is also called during galaxy creation in some places.
This = Planeton_planet_bombardedPlanet has taken damage from orbital bombardment – Damage is applied daily
This = Planet
From = Bombarderon_planet_zero_popsPlanet has reached 0 pops from orbital bombardment
This = Planet
From = Bombarderon_planet_zero_pops_ground_combatPlanet has reached 0 pops from collateral damage
This = Planet
From = Army owneron_pop_abductedPop is abducted by raiding stance
This = Pop scope
From = planet abducted fromon_pop_enslavedPop is enslaved
This = Pop scope
owner_species = { (species)
owner = { owner_species = { (empire main species)
owner = { (empire)on_pop_emancipatedPop is released from slavery
This = Pop scope
owner_species = { (species)
owner = { owner_species = { (empire main species)
owner = { (empire)on_pop_resettledPop is resettled
From is previous planet
planet = { } is new planeton_pre_communications_establishedExecuted right before a country has established communications with another country
This = Country which established the communications
From = Country which communications were established withon_post_communications_establishedExecuted right after country has established communications with another country. Does not fire if comms are established with establish_communications_no_message
This = Country which established the communications
From = Country which communications were established withon_post_communications_established_always_fireExecuted right after country has established communications with another country. Always fires, even if comms are established with establish_communications_no_message
This = Country which established the communications
From = Country which communications were established withon_presence_revealedServes to reveal presence to pre-ftl country
This = Country which is revealing its presence
From = Pre-ftl countryon_pop_bombed_to_deathExecuted just after country has established communications with another country
This = Planet where the pop was bombed to death
From = Country which is raining down fire and brimstoneon_leader_deathExecuted as a leader has died
This = Country
From = Leaderon_leader_firedExecuted as a leader has been fired
This = Country
From = Leaderon_leader_level_upA leader leveled up.
Scope = Country
From = Leaderon_leader_assignedScope: Leader (after assignment)on_leader_unassignedScope: Leader (just before unassignment)
Fires if a leader is unassigned from their position for any reason (including being assigned elsewhere)on_ruler_setExecuted as new ruler has been set
This = Countryon_ruler_removedExecuted when a ruler has been removed
From = Previous Ruler
This = Countryon_ruler_back_to_pre_ruler_classExecuted when the ruler is ousted and goes back to their pre-ruler class
From = Previous Ruler, already has the new class
This = Countryon_blocker_clearedThis = Planeton_ship_orderA ship has started a new order
Root = Ship
From = Countryon_policy_changedExecutes after a policy has been changed
use last_changed_policy to identify which policy it was
This = Countryon_ship_builtScope: Ship Event
A ship has been built
Root = Ship
From = Planeton_ship_designedA ship design has been finished
Root = Countryon_ship_upgradedA ship has been upgraded
Root = Shipon_war_beginningA war is beginning, executed for every country in the war.
Root = Country
From = Waron_war_endedA war has ended
Root = Loser
From = Main Winneron_country_released_in_warA country has been released through a peace deal in a war
Root = new country
From = country forcing the release
FromFrom = country they are released from
FromFromFrom = waron_tech_increasedA country has increased the level of a tech, use last_increased_tech trigger to check tech and level.
This = Countryon_modification_completeTriggers when a Special Project to apply a species modification template has completed.
Note that this will trigger once for each combination of planet & original species.

This = Country
From = Species (Post Modification )

on_planet_occupiedA planets controller becomes a country not the same as the owner.
Root = Planet
From = Planet Owner
FromFrom = Planet Controller (the one occupying)on_emergency_ftlA fleet has successfully escaped from combat, executed right before the fleet enters FTL
This = escaping fleet
From = system escaped from
FromFrom = system escaping toon_army_recruitedAn army construction has been completed.
This = Planet
From = Armyon_army_killed_in_combatAn army has been killed in ground combat
This = owner
From = army
FromFrom = opponent
FromFromFrom = planeton_army_killed_no_combatAn army has ceased to exist for any other reason
This = country
From = armyon_building_completeA building construction has been completed.
This = Planeton_building_queuedA building construction has been queued.
This = Planeton_building_unqueuedA building construction has been unqueued.
This = Planeton_building_upgradedA building construction has been completed, which is an upgrade of previous building.
This = Planeton_building_demolishedA building construction has demolished.
This = Planeton_district_completeA district construction has been completed.
This = Planeton_building_replacedA building construction has finished, replacing another building.
This = Planeton_building_downgradedA building construction has been downgraded and replaced.
This = Planeton_district_queuedA district construction has been queued.
This = Planeton_district_unqueuedA district construction has been unqueued.
This = Planeton_district_demolishedA district construction has demolished.
This = Planeton_tutorial_level_changedTutorial level for a country has changed
This = Countryon_war_wonA war has been won
Root = Winner Warleader
From = Loser Warleader
FromFrom = Waron_war_lostA war has been lost
Root = Loser Warleader
From = Winner Warleader
FromFrom = Waron_status_quoA status quo has been signed
Root = Actor
From = Recipient
FromFrom = Main Attacker
FromFromFrom = Main Defender
FromFromFromFrom = Waron_status_quo_forcedA status quo has been signed, by force
Root = Recipient
From = Actor
FromFrom = Main Attacker
FromFromFrom = Main Defender
FromFromFromFrom = Waron_pop_addedA pop has been added to the planet
Root = pop
From = planeton_pop_rights_changeWe changed a species right
This = popon_pop_grownA pop has finished growing
This = Planet scope
From = Country
FromFrom = Popon_pop_assembledA pop has finished assembling
This = Planet scope
From = Country
FromFrom = Popon_pop_purgedA pop has finished purging
This = Planet scope
From = Country
FromFrom = Popon_pop_declinedA pop has finished declining (while not being purged)
This = Planet scope
From = Country
FromFrom = Popon_pop_displacedA pop has been displaced
This = Planet scope
From = Country
FromFrom = Popon_rebels_take_planetInitial rebels manage to take control of the planet, happens before the new owner is set, after the war is created.
This = Rebel Country
From = Planet
FromFrom = Waron_rebels_take_planet_owner_switchedInitial rebels manage to take control of the planet, happens after the new owner is set, after the war is created.
This = Rebel Country
From = Planet
FromFrom = Waron_planet_ownerlessFromFrom = Former Owner
From = Country scope (new owner, so invalid)
This = Planet scopeon_planet_transferFired whenever a new owner is set for a planet,
be it after a war or through a trade
FromFrom = Former Owner (if any)
From = Country scope (new owner)
This = Planet scopeon_planet_conquerFired whenever a new owner is set for a planet, and the planet was aggressively conquered
Fired in ADDITION to on_planet_transfer
FromFrom = Former Owner
From = Country scope (new owner)
This = Planet scopeon_capital_changedYou have changed the location of your capital. Also called when a country’s capital is first set e.g. during galaxy creation (but then FROM is not set)
this/root = new capital
from = old capitalon_fleet_enter_orbitFrom = Planet/Starbase/Megastructure scope
This = Fleet scopeon_join_federationThis = Federation leader
From = Joining memberon_leave_federationThis = Federation leader
From = Leaving memberon_federation_law_vote_succeedThis = Country scope, federation leader
From = Country to initiate the voteon_federation_law_vote_failedThis = Country scope, federation leader
From = Country to initiate the voteon_federation_leader_electionsThis = Country scope, federation leader
From = Country to exclude from the federation electionson_federation_new_leaderThis = Country scope, new federation leader
From = Previous leader (if still existing)on_federation_leader_challengeon_country_createdA country is created via create_country or create_rebels
This = created country
From = root of context where create_country/create_rebels happenson_country_destroyedThis = destroyed country
From = optional, destroyer (country)on_megastructure_builtA Megastructure has been built
Root = Country
From = Megastructure
FromFrom = System
FromFromFrom = Fleeton_megastructure_upgrade_beginA Megastructure has begun to be upgraded
Root = Country
From = Megastructure
FromFrom = Systemon_megastructure_upgradedA Megastructure has been upgraded
Root = Country
From = Megastructure
FromFrom = Systemon_colony_1_year_oldX years has passed since a planet was colonized (won't trigger on empire homeworld)on_colony_2_years_oldon_colony_3_years_oldon_colony_4_years_oldon_colony_5_years_oldon_colony_6_years_oldon_colony_7_years_oldon_colony_8_years_oldon_colony_9_years_oldon_colony_10_years_oldon_colony_25_years_oldon_colony_yearly_pulseFires for each planet every year (counting up from colonisation date, includes home planet)on_colony_5_year_pulseFires for each planet every 5 years (counting up from colonisation date, includes home planet)on_colony_10_year_pulseon_leader_spawneda new leader is generated for an empire, to be available for recruitment
scope: country, from: leaderon_election_startedCalled when an election starts
scope: countryon_election_endedCalled when an election ends
scope: countryon_entering_gatewayCalled upon entering FTL (on-action name scripted on the Bypass type)
THIS = Fleet
FROM = System jumping to
FROMFROM = System jumped fromon_entering_wormholeCalled upon entering FTL (on-action name scripted on the Bypass type)
THIS = Fleet
FROM = System jumping to
FROMFROM = System jumped fromon_entering_shroud_tunnelCalled upon entering FTL (on-action name scripted on the Bypass type)
THIS = Fleet
FROM = System jumping to
FROMFROM = System jumped fromon_jump_driveTHIS = Shipon_ship_quantum_catapultCalled upon a catapult jump being finished, per ship in catapulted fleet
THIS = Ship
FROM = System jumping to
FROMFROM = System jumped fromon_fleet_quantum_catapultCalled upon a catapult jump being finished, per fleet
THIS = Fleet
FROM = System jumping to
FROMFROM = System jumped fromon_pirate_spawnthis = countryon_starbase_transferCalled when a Starbase changes owner
THIS = Ship (Starbase)
FROM = Former Owner (Country)on_fleet_combat_joined_attackerThis = Aggressor Fleet
From = Attacked Fleet
FromFrom = Additional Attacked Fleet (if part of ongoing combat)
FromFromFrom = Additional Attacked Fleet (if part of ongoing combat)on_fleet_combat_joined_defenderThis = Attacked Fleet
From = Aggressor Fleet
FromFrom = Additional Attacked Fleet (if joining ongoing combat)
FromFromFrom = Additional Attacked Fleet (if joining ongoing combat)on_system_lostFrom = system
FromFrom = country (new owner)
This = country (previous owner)on_system_gainedFrom = system
FromFrom = country (previous owner)
This = country (new owner)on_slave_sold_on_marketThis = Pop
From = Country (buyer)
Fromfrom = Country (seller)on_relic_activatedThis = Countryon_arch_stage_finishedThis = Fleet (science vessel )
From = Archaeological Siteon_arch_site_finishedon_resolution_passedA galcom resolution passed
this/root = proposer
from = target if valid
To find out which resolution it was, use last_resolution_changed triggeron_resolution_failedA galcom resolution failed to pass
this/root = proposer
from = target if valid
To find out which resolution it was, use last_resolution_changed triggeron_galactic_community_formedThis = Country, first member addedon_galactic_council_establishedon_add_community_memberThis = Countryon_remove_community_memberon_add_to_councilon_remove_from_councilon_join_allianceon_leave_allianceon_sign_commercial_pactThis = Country who accepted the proposal
From = Country who proposed the commercial pacton_sign_defensive_pactThis = Country who accepted the proposal
From = Country who proposed the defensive pacton_sign_migration_pactThis = Country who accepted the proposal
From = Country who proposed the migration treatyon_sign_non_aggression_pactThis = Country who accepted the proposal
From = Country who proposed the non-aggression pacton_sign_research_actThis = Country who accepted the proposal
From = Country who proposed the research agreementon_becoming_subjectThis = subject
From = subject’s overlordon_subject_integratedfires when a country finishes being integrated
This = overlord
From = subjecton_released_as_vassalfires when a country releases a sector as a vassal
This = released vassal
From = overlordon_ask_to_leave_federation_declinedThis = empire trying to leave federation
From = empire who declined (federation leader)on_spynetwork_formedthis = owner country, from = spynetwork scopeon_add_to_imperial_councilTHIS = Country: Emperor
FROM = Country added to councilon_remove_from_imperial_councilTHIS = Country: Emperor
FROM = Country removed from councilon_first_contact_startedthese three are fired from script, basically for modders who want to change how first contact works or add some extra flavour stories in without overwriting things
THIS = first_contacton_first_contact_stage_1_no_pathuse for custom country types that need first contact paths
THIS = first_contacton_first_contact_generic_stage_2THIS = first_contacton_branch_office_establishedTHIS = Planet: Branch office planet
FROM = Country: Branch office owneron_branch_office_closedTHIS = Planet: Branch office planet
FROM = Country: Branch office owneron_system_occupiedTHIS = System: system being occupied
FROM = Country: Conqueror of the system
FROMFROM = Country: Original owner of the systemon_system_controller_changedTHIS = System: system whos controller has changed
FROM = Country: New controller of the system
FROMFROM = Country: Old controller of the systemon_system_returnedTHIS = System: system being returned from occupation
FROM = Country: Previous owner of the system
FROMFROM = Country: Occupier of the systemon_orbital_defense_planet_ownerlessA planet has been rendered ownerless, it has an orbital ring or similar, though. The orbital ring is still there, but is about to be deleted
this = starbase
from = planet
fromfrom = old owneron_operation_chapter_finishedTHIS = Espionage operation
FROM = Operation targeton_operation_finishedTHIS = Espionage operation
FROM = Operation targeton_operation_cancelledTHIS = Espionage operationon_pre_government_changedExecuted just as country is changing its government, before the new one is applied
THIS = countryon_post_government_changedExecuted just as country is changing its government, after the new one is applied
THIS = countryon_custodian_term_endsExecuted when the Custodian’s term ends
THIS = countryon_tradition_pickedExecuted when a country picks any tradition (including starters and finishers)
THIS = countryon_ascension_perk_pickedExecuted when a country picks an ascension perk
THIS = countryon_megastructure_change_ownerExecuted when a megastructure has a new owner
this = new owner
from = megastructure
fromfrom = old owner (if existing)on_megastructure_ownerlessExecuted when a megastructure is rendered ownerless
this = solar system containing megastructure
from = megastructure
fromfrom = old owner (if existing)on_crystalline_empire_taskon_destroy_star_systemFired from destroy_star_system scripted effect
This = system
From = destroyer (if using a star cracker)on_admirals_bickering_event_chainon_establish_mercenary_enclaveExecuted when an empire wishes to turn a mercenary fleet into a Mercenary enclave
This = fleeton_debris_researchedFired when a science ship succesfully analyzed or scavenged debris
this = country
from = debris
fromfrom = controller of destroyed shipon_debris_scavengedFired when a science ship succesfully analyzed or scavenged debris
this = country
from = debris
fromfrom = controller of destroyed shipon_debris_scavenged_and_researchedFired when a science ship succesfully analyzed or scavenged debris
this = country
from = debris
fromfrom = controller of destroyed shipon_specialist_subject_conversion_startedFired when a subject has started converting to a specialist type
This = agreement
owner = overlord
target = subjecton_specialist_subject_conversion_finishedFired when a subject has finished converting to a specialist type
This = agreement
owner = overlord
target = subjecton_specialist_subject_conversion_abortedFired when a subject specialist conversion has been aborted
This = agreement
owner = overlord
target = subjecton_capitals_connectedExecuted when a two capitals get connected through relay network
THIS = Country: Owner
FROM = Country: Otheron_agreement_change_acceptedFired when a change to an existing subject agreement has been accepted
This = agreement
owner = overlord
target = subjecton_shroudwalker_divination_visitors_situationon_shroudwalker_divination_locus_situationon_shroudwalker_insight_situation_finishon_cloaking_activatedFired when a fleet activates cloaking
This = Fleeton_cloaking_deactivatedFired when cloaking is deactivated for a fleet (voluntarily or involuntarily)
This = Fleeton_awareness_level_increaseFired when a pre-FTL's awareness level increases (by uncloaking ships or using add/set_awareness in events)
This = PreFTL Country
From = Observing Countryon_awareness_level_decreaseFired when a pre-FTL's awareness level decreases (by uncloaking ships or using add/set_awareness in events)
This = PreFTL Country
From = Observing Countryon_pre_ftl_pop_ethic_shiftChance of pre-FTL civilizations to shift their ethicson_country_attackedFired when a country attacks another country
This = attacked country
From = attacker country
On actions - Stellaris Wiki (2024)
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Author: Chrissy Homenick

Last Updated:

Views: 6369

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Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.