Aviation Activity Forecasts - England Airpark...Alexandria International Airport (AEX), there must be an understanding of potential levels of aviation activity that the airport is - [PDF Document] (2024)

Aviation Activity Forecasts - England Airpark...Alexandria International Airport (AEX), there must be an understanding of potential levels of aviation activity that the airport is - [PDF Document] (1)

Chapter 3 Aviation Activity


Aviation Activity Forecasts - England Airpark...Alexandria International Airport (AEX), there must be an understanding of potential levels of aviation activity that the airport is - [PDF Document] (2)


Chapter 3 Aviation Activity Forecasts 3.0 INTRODUCTION A critical component of any effective planning process is the development of future demand projections. In order to assess the future aviation facility needs for the England Airpark and Alexandria International Airport (AEX), there must be an understanding of potential levels of aviation activity that the airport is likely to serve over the next 20 years as the regional commercial service airport for Central Louisiana. AEX is designated as a disaster relief site by the Louisiana Department of Transportation Division (LaDOTD) and as an intermediate staging base (ISB) for the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) through its commercial lease with the United States Army (US Army). The long-term vision of the England Authority is to further expand on these operations while becoming an intermodal transportation hub and business center for the State of Louisiana. Thus, this chapter focuses on forecasting future aviation activity in terms of commercial, general aviation, military and air cargo activity. The approved FAA forecasts were used to determine the facility requirements and associated development provided in the remaining chapters of this report.

3.1 NEEDS AND BENEFITS Forecasts of future activity are a key component of a master planning study since every subsequent decision related to the purpose, size, design and location of any structure or equipment relies on estimated levels of activity. Failure to properly plan for the future can result in negative consequences to an airport's capacity, activity, safety and efficiency. Therefore, the forecast planning horizon is twenty years in order to ensure that adequate facilities are in place for the operator, the traveling public and the surrounding community. It is acknowledged that human vision generally does not reach 20 years into the future, and that significant modifications to the forecasts are likely in the out-years of the planning term. Nevertheless, experience in public policy proves it more cost-effective to modify an existing long-term vision that is based on sound planning principles, rather than to attempt to deal reflexively and inconsistently with inevitable changes in policy and physical environment. For this reason, most airport master plans are updated generally within 10 years of completion of the preceding plan. In some instances, unforeseeable changes in social, political or economic factors may require an even earlier update to the forecasts, with subsequent modifications to previously expected facility improvements as early as 5 years into the 20-year term. A primary objective of forecasting is to provide information needed to determine whether existing airport facilities would adequately serve future needs. In most growth scenarios, the levels of estimated future demand may suggest the expansion, renewal, strengthening, or other improvements to airport structures or facilities.

Aviation Activity Forecasts - England Airpark...Alexandria International Airport (AEX), there must be an understanding of potential levels of aviation activity that the airport is - [PDF Document] (3)


Furthermore, by projecting the most likely extents, high and low, of future numbers of passengers, aircraft, aircraft types, frequency of operations and types of operations, any constraints on existing infrastructure can be pinpointed. Comparing existing and future demand with existing facilities reveals potentially critical deficiencies before they become hazards, or are otherwise problematic. Airport management uses activity forecasts to develop capital investment strategies to resolve potential future airfield and landside access problems. At the same time, placement and construction of any specialized facilities desirable to accomplish the Authority’s particular vision and mission can either be programmed or modified to harmonize with changes in social and economic trends. The final benefit of developing a set of realistic forecasts is to ensure that the airfield and passenger terminal areas, as well as technical facilities, remain in accord with FAA standards. In addition as aviation technology continues to evolve, existing facilities are kept in alignment with industry trends and the airport remains responsive to economic and market needs. Forecasts of future demand not only reveal potential future facilities’ needs, but also quantify them. Airport management is thereby supplied with sufficient information regarding the need and approximate timing of capital expenditures. This process helps ensure that the airport itself remains functionally and aesthetically a valued community asset, a generator of local economic activity, provides continuing effective and convenient service to the public, and continues to provide an important link in the national air transportation system. Ultimately, all of these benefits combine to bring people, products and services together to improve the productivity of the nation.

3.2 FORECASTING LIMITATIONS Forecasting future activity is a complex assessment based on a multitude of factors, both controllable and those beyond an airport’s control. Forecasts of future activity are not to be construed with predictions of the future but rather an educated guess of future activity based upon a variety of predictors, mathematical formulae, assumptions and subjective judgment. The combined planning wisdom and forecasting includes allowances for differing viewpoints, which depend in part on the employers, be they federal and state government agencies, which exert a conservative influence (this includes the power to reject forecasts submitted on behalf of individual airports), private consultants who collect information in the field that may be unavailable to the government agencies, thereby influencing changes in the accepted wisdom at any specific place and time, and also by airport and aircraft operators, who tend to be optimistic and favor growth. Forecasts for a specific airport are an amalgamation of all of these viewpoints, tempered by years of observation and professional experience. In addition to judgment and experience, science is one of the final arbiters in the development of aeronautical activity forecasts.

Aviation Activity Forecasts - England Airpark...Alexandria International Airport (AEX), there must be an understanding of potential levels of aviation activity that the airport is - [PDF Document] (4)


The accuracy of the estimates decline as the planning term is extended by unforeseen local or geo-political events, by unpredictable events involving natural disasters, or, more subtly, longer-term weather or climatological events. These caveats notwithstanding, the forecasts provided in this section utilize all of these methods, which together constitute best practices in the industry. Additionally, within the constraints of statistical analysis, the reliability parameters of the forecasts are published as a product of the statistical analysis. Therefore, forecasts are not predictions, rather more correctly developed estimates. Forecasts are the best estimates of a range of future activity levels that are most likely to occur at the Alexandria International Airport (AEX), should a set of assumptions about the stability of the economic and political environment hold true for any stated planning horizon. Forecasting of aviation activity levels may also be viewed as contingency planning. Today’s forecasting methods provide a variety of pathways that an airport can follow, based upon factors unique to the airport and on set planning scenarios, designed to provide airport management flexibility in response to differing degrees of demand for aviation services. Acknowledging the limitations and caveats listed above, this chapter presents and analyzes recent and ongoing aviation industry trends, including the impacts of September 11, 2001, and projections of aviation demand at AEX. This information was assembled to project likely future levels of demand for air carrier/charter, air taxi/regional carrier, general aviation and military operations. Historically, military and general aviation activity predominates at AEX. Therefore, additional attention was given to the factors that affect these sectors of the market.

3.3 PREVIOUS AVIATION ACTIVITY FORECASTS In preparing an assessment of projected aviation activity and demand, it was necessary to review any existing and previous forecasts for accuracy and insight. These forecasts often provide both methodologies and benchmark comparisons. Further, specialized sources and databases such as the U.S. Department of Transportation's (U.S. DOT) Form 41, Federal Aviation Administration’s Air Carrier Activity Information System (ACAIS), Aerospace Forecasts, and Terminal Area Forecasts, as well as industry forecasts provided by EADS, Honeywell, General Electric (GE) and JP Airlines Fleets International were used to develop both short and long-range forecasts of aviation activity.

3.3.1 FAA Approved 2007 FAR Part 150 In 2007, the Alexandria International Airport and England Airpark completed a noise compatibility study under Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 150. This study contained FAA approved forecasts of general aviation (GA), military and commercial (scheduled and non-scheduled) aviation activity. This comprehensive forecast carefully analyzed several factors including historical activity and socioeconomic conditions. The level of detail provided in the forecast, in addition to its recent approval, makes the Part 150 forecast a credible benchmark for forecasts developed as part of this master plan update.

Aviation Activity Forecasts - England Airpark...Alexandria International Airport (AEX), there must be an understanding of potential levels of aviation activity that the airport is - [PDF Document] (5)



Year Air Carrier Commuter Total

2004 29,073 118,905 147,978 2009 32,073 134,333 166,406 2014 41,073 149,525 190,598 2019 41,073 166,434 207,507

Sources: FAR Part 150, URS Corporation, 2005 and the LPA Group Incorporated. 2007

3.3.2 Terminal Area Forecast Every year, or as necessary, the FAA releases a Terminal Area Forecast (TAF) for airports in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS). This forecast typically lacks an in-depth analysis of specific airport issues in its composition. However the TAF is used by FAA as a benchmark in evaluating detailed airport forecasts. The TAF includes a forecast of commercial enplanements, based aircraft and aviation activity segregated by the type, including commercial, military and general aviation local and itinerant operations. While the 2007/08 TAF is described in detail below, for the purposes of summarizing study area historical airport enplanement data, it is important to recognize that TAF historical data is derived from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s T-100 database. This database is comprised of enplanement data that is supplied directly by the airlines with regard to the airports at which they operate. However, occasionally this data can run contrary to the data gathered by the airports themselves. Table 3-3 displays the historical and forecast data for AEX from the FAA TAF issued in December 2007.

Aviation Activity Forecasts - England Airpark...Alexandria International Airport (AEX), there must be an understanding of potential levels of aviation activity that the airport is - [PDF Document] (6)



Year Air

Carrier Comm./AT

Total Comm.

GA Itinerant

Military Itinerant

Total Itinerant

GA Local

Military Local

Total Local

Total Operations

2004 2,013 8,985 10,998 5,534 3,419 19,951 22,531 8,551 31,082 51,033 2009 2,346 9,599 11,945 5,874 5,007 22,826 24,392 47,212 71,604 94,430 2014 2,490 10,242 12,732 6,235 5,007 23,974 26,200 47,423 73,623 97,597 2019 2,490 10,928 13,419 6,618 5,007 25,044 28,086 47,693 75,779 100,822

Sources: FAR Part 150, URS Corporation, 2005, and The LPA Group Incorporated 2007

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Enplanements Itinerant Local

Year Air

Carrier AT &

Commuter Total

Air Carrier

AT & Commuter

GA Military Total GA Military Total Total Ops Based

Aircraft 1996 21,827 8,089 29,916 412 3,039 11,946 10,368 25,765 7,690 3,581 11,271 37,036 51 1997 19,254 77,430 96,684 1,011 13,825 6,987 2,914 24,737 15,358 12,362 27,720 52,457 51 1998 20,052 84,870 104,922 1,399 14,026 5,664 2,193 23,282 21,602 10,002 31,604 54,886 51 1999 24,424 95,727 120,151 1,507 13,221 5,415 3,031 23,174 23,902 7,888 31,790 54,964 51 2000 16,123 101,801 117,924 1,649 13,528 5,637 3,067 23,881 23,152 11,160 34,312 58,193 51 2001 35,697 93,250 128,947 1,969 10,764 5,462 3,457 21,652 27,085 11,737 38,822 60,474 41 2002 17,863 85,976 103,839 1,428 9,689 5,008 3,803 19,928 25,305 12,382 37,687 57,615 41 2003 3,562 94,444 98,006 1,414 9,622 5,439 3,290 19,765 27,170 8,135 35,305 55,070 41 2004 11,665 111,373 123,038 1,669 9,068 5,471 3,146 19,354 24,632 7,626 32,258 51,612 52 2005 5,699 122,519 128,218 2,049 8,249 5,421 4,099 19,818 24,661 15,952 40,613 60,431 48 2006 2,120 120,320 122,440 1,469 8,549 5,193 3,661 18,872 28,499 7,174 35,673 54,545 43 2007 2,485 128,173 130,658 1,743 10,484 5,006 3,951 21,184 24,077 5,486 29,563 50,747 43 2008 2,485 132,081 134,566 1,743 10,667 5,287 3,951 21,648 24,414 5,486 29,900 51,548 44 2009 2,485 136,110 138,595 1,743 10,853 5,584 3,951 22,131 24,755 5,486 30,241 52,372 44 2010 2,485 140,262 142,747 1,743 11,042 5,898 3,951 22,634 25,101 5,486 30,587 53,221 44 2011 2,485 144,539 147,024 1,743 11,234 6,229 3,951 23,157 25,452 5,486 30,938 54,095 45 2012 2,485 148,948 151,433 1,743 11,431 6,577 3,951 23,702 25,808 5,486 31,294 54,996 45 2013 2,485 153,491 155,976 1,743 11,630 6,947 3,951 24,271 26,167 5,486 31,653 55,924 45 2014 2,485 158,173 160,658 1,743 11,833 7,337 3,951 24,864 26,532 5,486 32,018 56,882 45 2015 2,485 162,997 165,482 1,743 12,040 7,530 3,951 25,264 26,903 5,486 32,389 57,653 46 2016 2,485 167,968 170,453 1,743 12,250 7,729 3,951 25,673 27,280 5,486 32,766 58,439 46 2017 2,485 173,091 175,576 1,743 12,463 7,933 3,951 26,090 27,662 5,486 33,148 59,238 46 2018 2,485 178,370 180,855 1,743 12,680 8,142 3,951 26,516 28,048 5,486 33,534 60,050 47 2019 2,485 183,811 186,296 1,743 12,900 8,358 3,951 26,952 28,440 5,486 33,926 60,878 47 2020 2,485 189,417 191,902 1,743 13,125 8,579 3,951 27,398 28,838 5,486 34,324 61,722 47 2021 2,485 195,194 197,679 1,743 13,355 8,805 3,951 27,854 29,242 5,486 34,728 62,582 48 2022 2,485 201,147 203,632 1,743 13,589 9,038 3,951 28,321 29,650 5,486 35,136 63,457 48 2023 2,485 207,282 209,767 1,743 13,826 9,277 3,951 28,797 30,065 5,486 35,551 64,348 48 2024 2,485 213,604 216,089 1,743 14,068 9,522 3,951 29,284 30,484 5,486 35,970 65,254 50 2025 2,485 220,119 222,604 1,743 14,314 9,773 3,951 29,781 30,909 5,486 36,395 66,176 52

Sources: 2007 FAA Terminal Area Forecast, December 15, 2007

Aviation Activity Forecasts - England Airpark...Alexandria International Airport (AEX), there must be an understanding of potential levels of aviation activity that the airport is - [PDF Document] (8)



3.3.3 NPIAS The National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) report is submitted to the U.S. Congress by the FAA and outlines the five year development needs for over 3,400 of the U.S.’s most critical airports. While the plan provides five-year projection of enplanements and based aircraft, it does not include a base year. While not more than a general forecasting guide, the NPIAS is helpful in assessing an airport's state and national role.


Aviation Activity FY 2005 FY 2017 Annual Growth

Enplanements (millions) Domestic 669.8 948.4 2.9%

International 68.9 123.1 5.0% Total 738.7 1071.5 3.1%

Aircraft Operations (millions) Air Carrier 13.5 18 2.4%

Commuter/Air taxi 12.6 16.7 2.4%

General Aviation 34.1 42.7 1.9% Military 2.9 2.9 0.1%

Total 63.1 80.3 2.0%

Sources: FAA National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems, 2005-2017, released 2006, and The LPA Group Incorporated. 2007

According to the NPIAS, AEX is designated as a Commercial Service Primary Airport. This designation coincides with the England Authority’s vision of the airport as an intermodal transportation hub in conjunction with its role as an ISB joint readiness facility for the US Army and a disaster relief site as designate by the LaDOTD.

3.3.4 FAA Aerospace Forecast Recently, the FAA released an aerospace forecast for the fiscal years 2007 through 2020. This forecast covers national trends for all types of aviation activity from GA to scheduled service, as well as scheduled commercial aircraft load factors, fuel sales and demand, etc. However, these forecasts do not includes any specific airport activity rather it identifies national and international trends and provides growth rates which are useful in evaluating potential growth.

Aviation Activity Forecasts - England Airpark...Alexandria International Airport (AEX), there must be an understanding of potential levels of aviation activity that the airport is - [PDF Document] (9)




Calendar Year

Enplanements Itinerant Operations Local Operations

Air Carrier

Regional/Air Taxi

Air Carrier


Air Taxi/Commuter


General Aviation

Military General Aviation


2000-06 -1.39% 11.39% -1.18% 1.72% 0.71% 5.38% 0.60% 3.87% 2006-10 3.25% 3.30% 3.18% 0.87% 3.44% 1.84% 4.00% -0.41% 2010-20 3.56% 3.03% 3.36% 1.23% 2.02% 0.00% 1.33% 0.00% 2020-25 3.08% 2.97% 2.72% 2.24% 1.95% 0.00% 2.06% 0.00% 2025-30 3.02% 3.00% 2.80% 2.02% 1.77% 0.00% 2.04% 0.00%

Sources: Tables 10, 24, 40 & 41, FAA Aerospace Forecasts, 2007-2020 and FAA Long-Range Aerospace Forecasts, 2020, 2025 and 2030.

3.3.5 Background Data Sources A variety of sources were used to provide baseline data for the enplanement and operational forecasts. The following section briefly describes some of the more specialized sources for aeronautical data.

Form 41/T-100 Each major airline and most regional airlines are required to report passenger traffic data to the U.S. DOT, which then becomes available to the public. Data from all reporting carriers at AEX was pulled and analyzed for load factor, enplanement, equipment and diversion trends. Although this provides historical data only, Form 41/T-100 data provides a comprehensive profile of commercial airline activity at the airport.

ACAIS The FAA collects enplanement data through the Air Carrier Activity Information System (ACAIS) and publishes the data for all U.S. airports with commercial enplanements. This data sometimes does not match other historical data sources, but it does provide a comparison of historical enplanement data.


The FAA has created the Air Traffic Activity Data System (ATADS) which contains data and statistics for air traffic centers, airports, and instrument and approach counts. The ATADS data is used to compare other historical data sources for accuracy, and well as provide accurate peak day and instrument operations data.

Aviation Activity Forecasts - England Airpark...Alexandria International Airport (AEX), there must be an understanding of potential levels of aviation activity that the airport is - [PDF Document] (10)



Airport Data The most comprehensive source for historical data is the airport itself, which compiles and maintains records from airlines, general aviation, cargo carriers, and air traffic control counts and any other airport relevant data. Data compiled from Alexandria International Airport's Comparative Air Traffic Reports and Air Traffic Control information provided by the Louisiana Air National Guard's Air Traffic Control Squadron (259th ATC Squadron) is presented in the following sections. This information in conjunction with FAA ACAIS and ATADS data were used as the primary source for both enplanement and operational data.


3.4.1 Enplanements Air carrier enplanements are comprised exclusively of non-scheduled operations, primarily composed of commercial aircraft charter flights associated with JRTC operations related to the US Army’s commercial lease. Although historic non-scheduled activity also includes operations associated with the U.S. Marshal’s service, prison transfers are not recorded as commercial enplanements or deplanements. Since AEX is designated as an ISB by the US Army, two nearby military bases, Ft. Polk and Camp Beauregard, utilize the airport to conduct numerous troop movements utilizing large (B737, B747 and B757) commercial transport aircraft. While the exact purpose of each flight may not be known, all air carrier activity at AEX is non-scheduled. Table 3-6 displays the historical air carrier passenger activity at AEX.


Calendar Year Enplanements Deplanements Total Passengers

2000 30,117 26,874 56,991 2001 34,467 39,112 73,579 2002 17,906 25,829 43,735 2003 24,416 17,404 41,820 2004 37,048 34,559 71,607 2005 22,638 22,855 45,493 2006 14,963 17,600 32,563 2007 16,765 12,139 28,904

Source: AEX Comparative Air Traffic Reports (2000-2007) and FAA ACAIS, 2007/08

3.4.2 Fleet Mix The current commercial fleet mix is comprised of a combination of narrow and wide-body commercial aircraft associated with commercial charters, US Marshal’s service, as well as limited maintenance and aircraft diversions. Delta Air Lines was the only airline ever to offer mainline flights to the Alexandria market (at ESF) in the late 1970’s using Boeing 727 aircraft

Aviation Activity Forecasts - England Airpark...Alexandria International Airport (AEX), there must be an understanding of potential levels of aviation activity that the airport is - [PDF Document] (11)



offering flights between Alexandria and Dallas/Ft. Worth and also Baton Rouge (continuing onto Atlanta). Airlines like Ryan Air, America Trans Air (ATA), Omni Air, and World Airways, etc. specialize in military troop transport using a variety of commercial aircraft including the B747, B737, DC10, MD11, B757, A340, etc. The airport historically has accommodated on-demand large cargo operations, as well as heavy transport aircraft associated with disaster relief operations as demonstrated by Hurricane’s Katrina, Rita and Gustav. In reviewing historic U.S. DOT Form 41 data, it was noted that AEX accommodated numerous diversions over the course of the base year, 2007, with a typical month having between two and twenty diversions. The geographical location of the airport makes it a convenient alternate airport for Houston (Intercontinental and Hobby), New Orleans, and Baton Rouge, which are each located less than 200 nautical miles (NM) from AEX. Diversions can occur at any time and for a multitude of reasons. Therefore, the exact aircraft type cannot be predicted, although historically most diversions were associated with regional jets and an occasional narrow body Boeing 737 aircraft. Houston’s Intercontinental Airport accommodates aircraft ranging in size from Saab 340’s to Boeing 747s. In addition to diversions and charter flights, historical air carrier activity includes aircraft operations associated with the U.S. Marshals Service and Pride Aviation maintenance flights. Historical operations data identifies over 100 annual operations in 2006 on older aircraft such as the Boeing 727-200 utilizing maintenance services then provided at AEX by Pride Aviation, which is no longer in business. Historic air carrier operations by aircraft for the years 2004 through 2007 are provided in Table 3-7.

Aviation Activity Forecasts - England Airpark...Alexandria International Airport (AEX), there must be an understanding of potential levels of aviation activity that the airport is - [PDF Document] (12)




HISTORIC AIR CARRIER OPERATIONSAircraft* 2004 2005 2006 2007

Boeing 727 (100/200) 713 199 149 0 Boeing 737 (200/300/400/500/700/800) 591 724 1,129 1,370 Boeing 747 (200/300/400) 138 50 35 47 Boeing 757 (200/300) 190 476 166 2 Boeing 767 (300) 101 11 14 89 Boeing 777 (200) 32 39 0 0 DC-10/MD11 170 144 78 39 Other (MD80, A319, B717, AN124, L1011 etc.) 77 122 90 148

Total Air Carrier 2,013 1,764 1,661 1,695 Notes: *includes passenger and cargo aircraft operations Source: GCR Associates, FAA Form 41 Data, AEX Historic Data, FAA Air Traffic Enhanced Management System, 2000, 2007 & 2008, 259th ATC 2007 & 2008 Data, JP Airline Fleets International, 2007 & 2008

3.4.3 Load Factor Because the air carrier operations at AEX are not scheduled, load factors associated with these flights will vary depending on the type of operation. Cargo operations and maintenance flights are assumed to have no passengers on board, while the commercial charters are typically at or near 100 percent full. The load factor on diverted flights is not relevant to this study because passengers typically remain onboard the aircraft. In reviewing 2007 ACAIS Enplanement and DOT 2007 Form 41 Data, the average air charter load factor percentage was 112 percent or 180 enplanements. This anomaly can only be traced to under or over reported aircraft departures or enplanements to FAA. Thus, based upon discussions with charter operators and the US Army, a load factor of 100 percent was utilized to forecast air charter enplanements. Based upon the fleet mix evaluation for non-scheduled commercial aircraft, the average seats per departure in 2007 were calculated at approximately 161. These commercial charter passengers, however, are processed through the military passenger processing center adjacent to the Military/Air Cargo apron. Therefore, since charter passengers do use the Passenger Terminal facility, air carrier load factor issues only need to be revisited if scheduled air carrier activity is initiated.

3.4.4 Operations All of the current air carrier traffic at AEX is associated with non-scheduled activity. Commercial charters, U.S. Marshals Service, cargo transport, diversions, and maintenance have all provided a steady level of air carrier aircraft activity at AEX. While the amount of activity has fluctuated from year to year, air carrier operations continue to exceed the FAA planning design threshold of 500 annual itinerant operations. Table 3-8 illustrates historic air carrier operations for the years 2000 through 2007. It is significant to note that surges in air carrier activity in both 2001 and 2004 were associated with the international deployment of troops related to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and the Iraq War.

Aviation Activity Forecasts - England Airpark...Alexandria International Airport (AEX), there must be an understanding of potential levels of aviation activity that the airport is - [PDF Document] (13)





1996 503 1997 1,094 1998 1,399 1999 1,416 2000 1,719 2001 2,006 2002 1,429 2003 1,293 2004 2,013 2005 1,764 2006 1,661 2007 1,695

Source: AEX Comparative Air Traffic Reports, 1996-2007 and FAA ACAIS Report, 2007/08.


3.5.1 Enplanements All scheduled commercial activity at AEX is associated with regional, commuter or air taxi operations. The bulk of commercial enplanements and operations are associated regional/commuter activity. Historically Continental Express/Connection was the primary commuter operator accommodating nearly 40 percent of all commercial passengers. The remaining commuter activity is provided by a Delta Connection carrier and Atlantic Southeast Airlines. Table 3-9 displays historic commuter enplanement activity from 1996 through 2007.


Calendar Year Enplanements Deplanements Total Passengers

1996 71,095 70,994 142,089 1997 79,538 79,058 158,596 1998 88,501 87,903 176,404 1999 99,349 98,436 197,785 2000 103,803 103,061 206,864 2001 89,299 87,005 176,304 2002 89,900 87,999 177,899 2003 95,891 96,233 192,124 2004 118,770 116,620 235,390 2005 118,312 114,344 232,656 2006 118,815 113,614 232,429 2007 129,005 127,911 256,916

Source: AEX Comparative Air Traffic Reports (1996-2007) and FAA ACAIS, 2007/08

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3.5.2 Fleet Mix Over the past five years, the fleet mix has fluctuated between a mix of turboprop aircraft and regional jets. Much of this fluctuation occurred as a result of fleet modifications by the operating airline. For example, Atlantic Southeast Airlines (flying for Delta Connection), was serving AEX with 30-seat Embraer 120 aircraft, and later switched to Canadair Regional Jets, while Continental Express was flying all Embraer Regional Jets, and recently changed to the Saab 340 turboprop aircraft. However, based upon data provided by JP Airlines Fleet International, American Eagle, Atlantic Southeast Airlines (ASA) and Comair (a Delta Connection carrier) have firm orders for delivery of the CRJ-700s as early as 2008. As a result, it is anticipated that air taxi/commuter operations may decrease while enplanements increase as a direct result of more available seats. Historic commuter operations by aircraft are provided Table 3-10.

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TABLE 3-10


Ops. % of Ops Ops % of Ops Ops % of Ops Ops % of Ops CRJ-200 3,501 38.97% 2,180 26.52% 2,476 28.28% 3,230 30.04% CRJ-700/900 2 0.02% 4 0.05% 5 0.06% 7 0.07% ERJ 135/145 3,235 36.00% 3,210 39.04% 2,979 34.03% 2,050 19.06% Saab 340 2,243 24.96% 2,728 33.18% 3,270 37.35% 5,466 50.83% Other 4 0.05% 99 1.21% 25 0.29% 0 0.00%

Total Commuter

8,985 100% 8,222 100% 8,754 100% 10,753 100.00%

Sources: FAA GCR Data, 2004-2006, AEX Comparative Air Traffic Reports (2004-2007),FAA ACAIS, and air carrier data, 2007

3.5.3 Load Factor In reviewing FAA and US DOT recorded data for the years 2000 through August 2008, the load factors were steadily increasing. The average seats per air taxi departure in 2007 were 41. In reviewing air taxi enplanement data for 2007, an average load factor of 59.26 percent or 24 enplanements per departure was determined. In the long-term, air taxi operators to obtain higher economies of scale are transitioning to larger turboprop and regional jets. As a result, it is anticipated that the load factor would continue to increase in the short to mid-term and declining in the long-term with the introduction of larger aircraft.

3.5.4 Operations Any commercial flight, both scheduled and unscheduled on an aircraft with less than 60 seats is considered to be an air taxi/commuter operation. The air taxi operations account for all of the scheduled aircraft into AEX such as the Saab 340, Canadair Regional Jet, and Embraer Regional Jets. The bulk of the commuter/air taxi operations at AEX are directly correlated to the scheduled flights into and out of AEX, and the overall counts will fluctuate as airlines adjust flights and frequencies in their schedule based upon current demand and operating costs.

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Year Commuter/Air Taxi Operations

1996 6,344 1997 23,676 1998 14,035 1999 13,249 2000 13,404 2001 10,098 2002 9,466 2003 9,472 2004 8,985 2005 8,222 2006 8,754 2007 10,753

Source: AEX Comparative Air Traffic Records, 1995-2007.

3.6 HISTORIC MILITARY As mentioned earlier, AEX is not a joint use facility. The US Army continues to operate at AEX through a commercial lease with the England Authority. Since England Authority receives state and federal funding, it is obligated under funding grant assurances and 49 CFR Part 21 to provide economic non-discrimination. As such, the Authority must make the airport available as an airport for public use on reasonable terms and without unjust discrimination to all types, kinds and classes of aeronautical activity. Since the US Army is a commercial tenant, military operations of any kind (commercial or GA) cannot be discriminated against and, therefore, should be consider as part of AIP eligibility. Historic military activity is primarily associates with military training and transport operations. Military activity is designated as either local or itinerant, even though no military aircraft are based at the airport, due to the amount of training operations performed within the airport flight pattern. Military operations are attracted to AEX due to the proximity of several military bases, the Joint Readiness Training Command and surrounding special use airspace consisting of both military operations areas and restricted areas. Also, a Precision Approach Radar (PAR) is in the process of being installed on Runway 14-32 and should be operational by March 2010. Since this is part of the military training syllabus, it is anticipated to increase not only local military but instrument operations at AEX.

3.6.1 Fleet Mix The 2007 FAA approved FAR Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study indicated that several large military aircraft, including the C-5, C-17, C-130 and C-141, use AEX on a regular basis. These larger aircraft use the airport for transport, including during disaster relief, and training exercises.

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In addition to transport aircraft, a variety of small aircraft, such as the T-38 and T-1, as well as rotorcraft also use AEX as shown in Table 3-12. Fixed wing aircraft conduct approximately 60 percent of the military activity, with helicopters comprising the other 40 percent.


Itinerant Local

Jet Fixed Wing C-130 23.44% C130 41.43%

C-5 7.81% C141 0.28% C-141 1.80% C17A 8.32% C-135 1.20% C135 2.10% C-17A 15.02% T38A 0.70% T-38A 3.61% T37B 0.70% T-37A 2.40% T1A 6.90% T-1A 4.81%

Total Fixed Wing 60.10% Total Fixed Wing 60.43% Helicopters

CH-47 3.99% CH47 3.96% UH-1 4.00% UH1 3.96%

UH-60 9.97% UH60 9.89% AH-64 9.97% AH64 9.89% H-58 11.97% H58 11.87%

Total Helicopter 39.90% Total Helicopter 39.57% Total Itinerant 100.00% Total Local 100.00%

Source: Alexandria International Airport and England Airpark FAR Part 150 Noise Compatibility Report, June 2005

3.6.2 Operations Military operations occurring at AEX fluctuate from year to year, though they typically comprise over 20 percent of the airport's total operational activity. The transport activity at AEX is classified as itinerant, while the training is considered to be primarily local. As displayed in Table 3-13, the itinerant military activity has historically been stable over the past 10 years. Local military activity, however, has fluctuated primarily due to specific training requirements. Based upon discussions with the 259th ATC Squadron, it is anticipated that the installation of the new PAR approach will result in a significant increase in local military operations.

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TABLE 3-13

HISTORIC MILITARY OPERATIONS Year Itinerant Local Total Military

1996 9,541 4,352 13,893 1997 2,650 12,596 15,246 1998 2,405 10,827 13,232 1999 2,846 7,966 10,812 2000 3,181 11,465 14,646 2001 3,642 11,548 15,190 2002 3,536 12,107 15,643 2003 3,208 7,181 10,389 2004 3,412 8,507 11,919 2005 3,996 15,451 19,447 2006 3,856 7,326 11,182 2007 4,435 5,697 10,132

Source: AEX Comparative Air Traffic Reports, 1995-2007.

3.7 HISTORIC AIR CARGO In addition to the transportation of people, the airport can stimulate commerce and the surrounding economy with the transportation of cargo. Presently, there is no scheduled air cargo activity into or out of AEX, though on-demand and charter cargo flights are operated periodically throughout the year. In addition to chartered cargo flights, the commercial airlines often transport small packages and mail onboard the scheduled flights.

3.7.1 Commercial On a day to day basis, small packages and light cargo can be transported onboard the scheduled commercial flights. The smaller regional and turbo prop aircraft that serve AEX are limited in what can be transported due to the size and payload limitations of the smaller aircraft. On occasion, larger aircraft can be brought in to transport larger items/shipments as needed. A review of U.S. DOT Form 41 activity revealed that the Russian Antonov-124, one of the largest specialized cargo aircraft in the world, has visited AEX several times over the past several years. Several commercial cargo Boeing 747s have also been documented throughout the recent years.

3.7.2 Military With the military being a key user of the airport for both transport and training, cargo from military operations has become a notable part of the operations at AEX. Many of the military cargo flights are conducted in association with the same mission profiles as the commercial charter flights for military troop movements. A summary of the air cargo activity at AEX is displayed in Table 3-14.

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(IN POUNDS) Calendar

Year Commercial Military Total

1996 238,935 0 238,935 1997 215,595 0 215,595 1998 185,157 0 185,157 1999 186,188 0 186,188 2000 156,339 0 156,339 2001 127,320 0 127,320 2002 165,272 0 165,272 2003 150,427 0 150,427 2004 148,049 20,827,322 20,975,371 2005 135,206 16,947,732 17,082,938 2006 69,571 12,808,100 12,877,671 2007 79,047 11,992,100 12,071,147

Source: AEX Comparative Air Traffic Records, 1995-2007

3.8 HISTORIC GENERAL AVIATION While much of the infrastructure and facilities at AEX support commercial service and military activity, general aviation accounts for over half of the airport’s flight operations. General aviation demand is also supported by surrounding airports such as the Esler Regional Airport (ESF) which offers a 6,000 ft runway and an ILS, and the Pineville Regional Airport which accommodates approximately 25,000 annual general aviation operations. Of the three primary public airports serving the Alexandria area, AEX accommodated roughly half of the general aviation demand. This demand, however, is primarily associated with itinerant aircraft since the airport only accommodates 40 based aircraft as a result of competition from nearby GA airports.

3.8.1 Fleet Mix As mentioned in the previous inventory chapter, there are 40 aircraft based at AEX, 28 single-engine, 3 multi engine, 8 jets and 1 helicopter. The based aircraft mix ranges from single engine Cessna aircraft to Learjet 35 and Israeli Westwind Jets. The fleet of general aviation aircraft is much more diverse than that of commercial and military aircraft. Some of the more common general aviation aircraft utilizing AEX are displayed in Table 3-15.

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Local Itinerant

Cessna 172 Beech Kingair (200/250/350) Cessna 182 Bombardier Challenger (300/600) Diamond 40 Cessna 402/414/441

Piper Cherokee Cessna Citation (550/650/750) Piper Seneca Learjet (24/25/35/45/60)

Piper Seminole Raytheon Hawker 125 Source: Alexandria International Airport Data, FAA/GCR Data, 2004-2006, and The LPA Group Incorporated, 2007

3.8.2 Operations General aviation activity at AEX has ranged from aircraft training using a Cessna 172 to international business operations associated with a Gulfstream V. General aviation operations were stable over the previous 10 years, although no real growth trend could be determined. Table 3-16 displays the local and itinerant general aviation operations over the past 10 years.


Year Itinerant Local Total General Aviation

1996 10,076 8,489 18,565 1997 6,790 15,631 22,421 1998 5,697 21,544 27,241 1999 5,511 20,617 26,128 2000 5,781 22,974 28,755 2001 5,302 28,662 33,964 2002 5,236 23,519 28,755 2003 5,288 30,230 35,518 2004 5,527 22,515 28,042 2005 5,464 26,255 31,719 2006 5,098 26,902 32,000 2007 5,013 23,025 28,038

Source: AEX Comparative Air Traffic Data, 1995-2007

3.9 FACTORS AND OPPORTUNITIES IMPACTING ACTIVITY Reviewing the previous 20 years, many of the developments and changes that have since occurred were not anticipated in any forecast at that time. Evolution of technology and business practices has resulted in gradual changes, while political events and natural disasters also impacted demand. Many of these factors cannot be forecast; however, they should be considered. 3.9.1 Operational and Fleet Mix Changes Changes in the operating characteristics such as aircraft type are unlikely to occur in the form of sudden changes but rather more of a gradual shift over time. Small changes such as a shift to

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larger regional jets (i.e. CRJ-700), additional military training, or more general aviation jets, likely will only require minor changes, if any, to the airport operating practices, whereas more notable changes may result in additional airport improvements required.

Commercial Service Operating practices of the commercial airline industry have been ever changing since deregulation occurred in 1978. The 1980’s saw the development of the hub-and-spoke system and a significant number of mergers and acquisitions. The 1990’s introduced the regional jet, which changed the commercial service profile at smaller airports throughout the country. Recent years are plagued with airline bankruptcies, domestic capacity reduction, international expansion, and fare increases to offset rapidly rising fuel costs. The financial difficulties of the industry have placed incredible pressure on the relationship between airline management and labor, as well as the relationship between air carriers and outside suppliers. Every carrier in the industry is continually striving to cut its controllable costs. Consequently, the airlines have sought wage and benefit concessions from employees and have employed outside contractors for aircraft maintenance, baggage handling, ticketing, and gate agent duties at airports where activity is limited. In an effort to lower their ticket sales costs, airlines have ceased the practice of paying travel agent commissions and are using the Internet to sell their tickets directly to passengers. The industry has also turned to airports to reduce their costs for landing fees, leases, and ground operation fees. It is important to note that these costs have been trending upward as many airports, facing large capital improvement and maintenance programs, utilize airline fees to help maintain their financial self-sufficiency. As the relationships between the airlines and the airports have become more tenuous, airports have had to take a role in advertising and in some instances subsidizing their own air service. While U.S. air carriers have struggled financially, growth in annual commercial airline passengers has continued. According to the FAA’s Aerospace Forecasts Fiscal Years 2007-2020, domestic passenger totals in 2004 rebounded to pre-9/11 levels, and passenger growth is projected to exceed 3.5 percent on a compound annual basis through 2020. However, increases in fuel costs have reduced the economic efficiency of some older aircraft especially on short-haul routes. Recent aircraft orders have surged for more efficient aircraft such as the 70-90 seat regional jets, the narrow body Boeing and Airbus products, and the new fuel efficient Boeing 787. Quieter and more fuel efficient turboprop aircraft such as Bombardier’s Q400 have also seen an increase in sales with the fuel increases.

Military Even after the conversion of the airpark from military to civilian use back in 1993, the U.S. military has consistently utilized the airport through a commercial lease with the Authority for transport and training needs. Unlike commercial airlines, itinerant military operations have been rather stable with only minor changes in activity and aircraft use. However, local operations

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have fluctuated from high of 15,451 in 2005 to a low of 5,697 in 2007. This fluctuation in local military operations may be directly attributed to Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Gustav as well as continued conflict in the Middle East.

General Aviation Despite the large scope of activity, general aviation has not experienced many major changes in its operating characteristics over the past decade. Technological improvements using GPS technology has resulted in instrument approaches to smaller airports that may have been previously limited to exclusively visual approaches. Until recently, the general aviation fleet has been largely unchanged, primarily consisting of single-engine and multi-engine piston aircraft. However, based upon changes in technology, including the certification of several micro jet aircraft, it is anticipated that growth in the turbine engine market will be significant. These micro jets or very light jets (VLJs) such as the Eclipse Jet and Cessna Citation Mustang, seat 4-6 people and have a much lower acquisition cost than the current fleet of business jets. Several new operators have proposed offering ‘per-seat, on-demand” charter service charging rates similar to full fare commercial airline tickets. While this increase in jets has not yet been demonstrated, it is anticipated, and is also reflected in the most recent FAA forecasts. Trends in the very light jet aircraft market should be considered as part of the general aviation fleet mix forecast for AEX.

3.9.2 Political, Economic, and Natural Events Unlike emerging trends and gradual shifts, some events have the potential to cause sharp changes in activity either positively or negatively. These events are often harder to predict, and more difficult to plan for within the normal operating actions of an airport. Aviation is a global industry, meaning the effects of some events from across the world can impact local demand.

Terrorism/Security As evidenced with the events of September 11, 2001, and the British bomb plot in 2006 with the proceeding liquids ban, terrorism and security issues are a current and serious threat to aviation demand. Commercial service demand has recovered to pre-9/11 demand, but both events have impacted airport security procedures. The level and type of threats impacting commercial aviation is ever changing, therefore, airport security is in a state of flux. As a result, security procedures have and will continue to impact commercial aviation demand which cannot be accurately forecast beyond short-term demand.

Fuel Prices

All modes of transportation from automobiles to aircraft are adversely impacted by the sharp increase in energy prices in recent years. Some increases are considered short-term demand “spikes” though the overall trend reveals fuel costs increasing at an alarming rate. Table 3-17 displays jet fuel costs as reported by the Air Transport Association which reveals a 115 percent increase in the cost of jet fuel since 2000. The table references an average price if $1.94 for the first half of 2007; however, the average price in early December 2007 is $2.61 per gallon.

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Year U.S. Jet Fuel (¢ per gallon)

2000 90 2001 75 2002 70.8 2003 88.2 2004 120.8 2005 172.2 2006 196.8

2007 (First Half) 194 2007 (First Half) vs. 2000 115.60%

Source: Air Transport Association, 2007

Economic Conditions Through the years, economic conditions have fluctuated over time, though the long-term trend is gradual growth. An economic recession is defined as three consecutive quarters experiencing a decline in national Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Over the past several years there have been a few negative quarters, but not three consecutive. The rapidly rising fuel costs have created some concerns about the economy going into 2008. Periods of fluctuation should be anticipated throughout the planning period. A balanced fiscal and planning approach to airport operations and development will help AEX perform better during slower economic times.

Natural Disasters In recent years, the gulf coast region has suffered the effects of three major hurricanes, Hurricane Katrina (August 2005), Rita (September 2005) and Gustav (August 2008), which devastated the area and crippled the region. Natural disasters such as hurricanes can have a dual impact on airports. Large scale disasters can result in suspended or reduced air service; however, inland airports such as AEX can play a vital role in recovery and relief efforts through the transportation of people, goods, and relief supplies needed during the response effort. AEX filled this role as a disaster relief site when emergency relief agencies staged their operations at AEX in response to all three hurricanes. As a result, the LaDOTD has designated AEX as a disaster relief site for the State. As a result, the runway extension program at AEX continues to be one of the priority objectives addressed in the Alexandria International Airport Master Plan Update. AEX’s role as a disaster resupply and support facility for the region supports the airport’s runway extension program as originally recommended in the FAA approved 1998 Alexandria International Airport Master Plan. The needs associated with this role are addressed in subsequent facility requirement and alternatives analyses.

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3.10 SOCIOECONOMIC CONDITIONS In assessing potential growth at an airport, it is common to compare past growth to various socioeconomic variables such as population, per capita income and employment. Socioeconomic conditions are reviewed as part of the master plan process to determine if there is the existence of a relationship between demand for aviation travel services and changes in the local economy. A relationship may exist if growth occurs in one or more of the social and economic variables selected (i.e. population, employment, and per capita income) in tandem with the demand for aviation services. However, in order to determine if a correlation exists, the strength of the relationship between demand and changes in the local economy must be determined. It is important to note that some items such as unemployment and personal income cannot accurately be forecast beyond five years; therefore, these variables primarily provide a snapshot of current economic conditions influencing the airport.

3.10.1 Population The population of the surrounding area is one of the most critical factors in assessing aviation demand since they directly support the airport. Facilities, infrastructure, geography and climate are all features which make an airport attractive, but mean nothing without the support of the local users and those requiring the aviation services in the surrounding area. Table 3-18 compares the Alexandria MSA population to the State of Louisiana. Both the State of Louisiana and the Alexandria MSA show a decline in population from 1984 through 1996, with slow growth from 1997 through 2005.

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Year Alexandria MSA Louisiana

1984 136,903 4,400,474 1985 136,340 4,408,113 1986 136,579 4,406,922 1987 135,563 4,344,151 1988 133,729 4,288,859 1989 132,559 4,252,896 1990 131,494 4,221,563 1991 131,562 4,253,279 1992 130,127 4,293,003 1993 124,681 4,316,428 1994 125,547 4,347,481 1995 126,207 4,378,779 1996 125,726 4,398,877 1997 125,767 4,421,071 1998 125,860 4,440,344 1999 126,104 4,460,811 2000 126,437 4,469,529 2001 126,311 4,463,421 2002 126,565 4,470,543 2003 127,012 4,480,928 2004 127,494 4,495,706 2005 127,887 4,507,331

Sources: United States Census Bureau, 1984-2005 and The LPA Group Incorporated, 2007

However, based upon census estimates for 2006, both the State and Alexandria MSA have experienced a decline of approximately 4 percent and 1.4 percent, respectively. This is considered a direct result of Hurricane Katrina, and its impact on the overall economy of the state.

3.10.2 Employment Local and regional employment/unemployment is considered to be one of the more widely used economic indicators for economic performance. Lower unemployment levels are consistent with stronger economic conditions, more prosperity and disposable income for economic stimulation. A review of the historical employment data for the Alexandria MSA (Rapides and Grant Parishes) and the state of Louisiana is displayed in Table 3-19. The Alexandria MSA performed near that or slightly worse than the state average in the late 1990’s but had outperformed the state average in recent years. This recent improvement in unemployment rates indicates a stronger local economy, which in turn indicates stronger demand for aviation services.

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TABLE 3-19


Year Labor Force

Employment Unemployment Unemployment

Rate Year

Labor Force

Employment Unemployment Unemployment


1997 63,633 59,883 3,750 5.9 1997 2,004,792 1,890,102 114,690 5.7 1998 64,636 61,300 3,336 5.2 1998 2,027,265 1,918,907 108,358 5.3 1999 66,447 63,610 2,837 4.3 1999 2,022,162 1,926,732 95,430 4.7 2000 63,518 60,236 3,282 5.2 2000 2,031,292 1,930,662 100,630 5 2001 63,611 59,999 3,612 5.7 2001 2,030,887 1,922,110 108,777 5.4

2002 63,940 60,135 3,805 6.0 2002 2,010,850 1,892,636 118,214 5.9

2003 62,566 58,437 4,129 6.6 2003 2,025,006 1,899,642 125,364 6.2 2004 64,627 61,181 3,446 5.3 2004 2,039,182 1,926,594 112,588 5.5 2005 68,019 64,126 3,893 5.7 2005 2,077,123 1,938,280 138,843 6.7 2006 68,708 66,268 2,440 3.6 2006 1,990,120 1,910,348 79,772 4.0 Sources: United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2006 and The LPA Group Incorporated, 2007

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3.10.3 Per Capita Personal Income Outside of the core aviation services vital to the local community, most aviation activity requires some sort of disposable income from the users, whether it is purchasing airline tickets, chartering an airplane, or taking flight lessons. Per capita personal income measures the average income for the sum of the population. Table 3-20 reveals that Rapides Parish has been countering the negative trend in per capita personal income and was actually ranked 4th in the state for the highest PCPI. This stronger PCPI indicates economic strength in comparison to most other areas within the state which will likely result in increased demand for aviation services.


Area name 2003 2004 2005

Louisiana 25,819 27,088 24,664 Louisiana Metropolitan Portion 27,427 28,780 25,365

Rapides 26,458 28,533 30,203 Sources: United States Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2007 and The LPA Group Incorporated, 2007

3.11 FORECASTING APPROACH Two primary considerations influencing activity forecasts at an airport include historical and industry trends. By tracing historical trends, it is possible to determine the impact that economic fluctuations, as well as changes in the market or in airline business practices, have on airport activity. Likewise, applying recent or anticipated industry trends allows educated assumptions on how a market may be served or activity may be affected in the future. These considerations play a key role in the forecast of enplanements and operations presented in this chapter. A key element in the forecast process is the identification of national and local trends that enhance the potential for new or expanded service by existing commercial operators, as well as the potential for the airport to secure new service and users. Several sources of data were utilized to identify both national and local trends. In addition to the historic data and previous studies (i.e. FAA approved England Airpark Reuse Plan, FAA approved 1998 Master Plan, and FAA approved 2007 FAR Part 150 Study) conducted, national and local industry information was collected from the current FAA Aerospace Forecasts, the FAA Terminal Area Forecast, airline reports, and industry periodicals. Moreover, interviews were conducted with airport management, air traffic control, fixed base operators, and other airport tenants. Using the information gathered, assumptions were made with respect to how aviation activity may change in the future based specifically on emerging aviation trends. This included evaluating AEX’s role in the nation’s aviation transportation network. Along these lines, many different factors were considered which might influence the course in which activity at an airport develops. The primary goal of the analysis was to develop an approach that gives reasonable consideration to these factors while at the same time providing a rational basis for the forecasting process.

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Since the entire aviation industry has undergone dynamic changes since 2001, including new federal requirements for airport design, airport funding debates, reformed airline business structures, and emerging aircraft and navigational technologies. These considerations, including relevant trends and airpark management's specific goals and objectives, were considered in the development of forecast scenarios.

3.11.1 Forecast Range & Scenarios Most future events influencing airline bookings and other air travel services are unknowable. Therefore, a range of scenarios were developed using FAA growth rates, market share, trend analyses methodologies and information provided by the airport and its primary users. This data will allow airport management to make critical decisions relative to expenditures for facility improvements, based on which of the scenarios most closely matches actual airline activity variables. Examples of such variables of particular concern to the operators include the number of aircraft passenger seat bookings, service improvements, schedule frequencies, fleet composition, and related information. The ultimate goal of forecasting, therefore, lays much less in predicting any precise level of activity, than to anticipate the greater or lesser order of magnitude in demand for service. First, this helps the England Authority and FAA prevent traffic bottlenecks, whether inside the terminal or in the airways leading to or from the airport. Second, it reduces the possibility of over-investment of public air transportation funding in facilities whose need did not materialize, and allows funding to be diverted to other projects which can be demonstrated to have a greater priority, either at AEX or airports elsewhere within the national system. Any number of events can trigger an upward, downward or steady trend in passenger demand, whether it is a series of bad weather events, a suddenly surging economy – or the reverse – labor problems, fuel prices, and other concerns. The preceding is a short list among a host of other factors that influence the public’s decisions to fly to any given destination, and the operators’ decisions about which aircraft, flight schedules, fares, and other related factors that dictate service levels (aircraft type/seating capacity, scheduled frequency of service, and the many other variables that must be considered). Related factors include the aircraft size, weight, and number of types in the future fleet, as well as the aircraft’s physical dimensions and schedule frequency which all play a key role in airport development decisions. Forecasts almost always are based upon estimates of the size of the future market, and they make basic assumptions that airline operators will respond to the market. Airport management’s role is to make the airport as safe, as efficient and as effective as it can, according to standards developed by the Federal Aviation Administration, in order to accommodate the public and the aircraft operators.

3.11.2 Aviation Activity Peaking Peak operational activity such as peak month, peak day, and peak design hour forecasts are used in airport planning to determine the airfield’s ability to accommodate projected demand and for the sizing of facilities. There are a number of different peaking analyses that can be conducted. For example, airfield evaluations require that every annual aircraft operation be considered,

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while passenger terminal facilities need only those operations associated with commercial passenger airlines. To properly plan, size, and design passenger terminal facilities, peaking analyses need to also include the level of enplanements. Basically commercial service airports experience peaks in both passenger airline operations as well as passenger enplanements, although these do not necessarily occur at the same time. Therefore, each of these peaking elements must be evaluated separately since peak airline operations define the demand for airside facilities (gates and ramp), while peak enplanements pose a direct impact on landside facilities (terminal and parking). The following sections provide individual peaking analyses for total airport operations, passenger enplanements, and passenger operations. These projections are based on the historic monthly schedules and airline traffic reports provided by the Authority.

3.12 COMMERCIAL AIR SERVICE In evaluating commercial air service at AEX, which historically consisted of a combination of air charter and regional/air taxi operations, it is necessary to apply both current commercial industry and socio-economic trends to the historic enplanement information in order to provide a relatively realistic forecast of future commercial demand. In recent history, the airline industry has been characterized by mergers, bankruptcies and fare wars. This led to the growth of a variety of low-cost start-up operations and the emergence of regional carriers. With the maturation of the hub-and-spoke system, growth in the regional airline industry occurred. Regional carriers returned to point-to-point service using small, efficient and high-technology turboprops and regional jets to secondary markets. These regional airports although not usually located within a large city are favored by many travelers due to their smaller scale, less crowding and ability to process passengers with relative ease. The FAA continues to note an inverse relationship in air traffic within these segments of the airline industry. These are documented by the FAA in its annual National Aerospace Activity Forecast Conferences, where officials repeatedly noted during the initial years of the new century, that whenever operational, economic or political events cause a downturn in passenger statistics among the major carriers, an upturn in traffic among the regional carriers can be observed in mandated traffic reports to the agency from air traffic control towers and airline operations and enplanements traffic reports. Another significant trend is the increase in regional jet capacity from 10 - 30 seats to 50 - 90 seat aircraft. This is a direct result of rising fuel costs, airline consolidations, and higher load factors. Due to these variables, the FAA continues to forecast average annual passenger demand to continue to outgrow commercial operations.

3.12.1 Correlation between Historic and Forecast Air Service Regression analysis is the strongest scientifically based method available to establish: first, the existence of a relationship between demand for aviation travel services and changes in the local economy that drive this demand; and, second, the overall strength of that relationship. In this study, enplanements were used as the key variable since typically the magnitude of growth

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prompts airline operators to consider the type of service, aircraft and fare levels to offer. Airline choices, in turn, impact airport facilities including terminal space and gates, aircraft apron space, runway and taxiway requirements, as well as landside parking and fueling needs. In order to determine if a true correlation exists between key social and economic variables at least 10 years of data is needed. Also, a strong statistical relationship must be determined between demand for airport services and independent economic indicators including population, employment and per capita income. In an effort to determine if a correlation exists between commercial enplanements and population forecasts, a regression analysis was performed. Table 3-21, Commercial Charter Enplanements Regression Analysis, illustrates that there is no correlation between Commercial Charter Enplanements and growth in local population (R2 Value of 9%). This is true since Commercial Air Charter activity is primarily associated with military training operations rather than local socio-economic conditions. This could be attributed to a variety of variables including fuel prices, conflicts in the Middle East, the impact of Hurricane Katrina, etc. Thus, this lack of correlation does not justify the use of regression analysis to accurately forecast commercial charter service demand over the twenty-year planning period. However, in evaluating the correlation between Commercial Regional/Air Taxi Enplanements and local population forecasts (Table 3-22, Commuter/Air Taxi Enplanement Regression Analysis), although less than 1, it does show, with an R2 value of 85%, that there is a correlation between commercial regional operations and historic economic indicators. With continued forecast growth in population and per capita income within the region, this further supports an expected increase in Commercial Regional/Air Taxi activity at AEX throughout the planning period.

3.12.2 Air Carrier Charter Activity Forecasts Historically, air carrier activity at AEX was generated from commercial charters, the U.S. Marshals Service and air carrier aircraft maintenance provided by Pride Aviation. All three types of activity were performed on a non-scheduled basis. As of 2007, heavy aircraft maintenance and refurbishment activities are no longer performed at AEX as a result of Pride Aviation ceasing operations. However, operations associated with the U.S. Marshals Service and commercial air charters in support of deployments and local exercises still occur.

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TABLE 3-21


Year AEX MSA Population

(X-Value) Historic Charter Enplanements

(Y-Value) 1984 136,903 1985 136,340 1986 136,579 1987 135,563 1988 133,729 1989 132,559 1990 131,494 1991 131,562 1992 130,127 1993 124,681 1994 125,547 1995 126,207 1996 125,726 15,912 1997 125,767 26,859 1998 125,860 27,147 1999 126,104 27,860 2000 126,437 30,117 2001 126,311 34,467 2002 126,565 17,906 2003 127,012 24,416 2004 127,494 37,048 2005 127,887 22,638 2006 128,158 14,963 2007 128,429 16,765

Sources: US Census Data and The LPA Group Incorporated, 2008

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COMMERCIAL CHARTER REGRESSION ANALYSIS Regression Statistics: Multiple R 0.309878949

R Square 0.096024963

Below 1 discount

Adjusted R Square 0.005627459 Standard Error 7394.253843 Observations 12 ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F Regression 1 58078637.75 58078637.75 1.062252 0.326985109 Residual 10 546749898.9 54674989.89 Total 11 604828536.7 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% Intercept 326883.8033 293330.0652 1.114389018 0.291179 -326696.3087 980463.9153 -326696.3087 980463.9153

X Variable 1 -2.383948271 2.313039091 -1.030656283 0.326985 -7.537720513 2.769823971 -7.537720513 2.769823971

Source: The LPA Group Incorporated, 2008

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TABLE 3-22


Year AEX MSA Population (X-Value)

Historic Air Taxi Enplanements (Y-Value)

1984 136,903 1985 136,340 1986 136,579 1987 135,563 1988 133,729 1989 132,559 1990 131,494 1991 131,562 1992 130,127 1993 124,681 1994 125,547 1995 126,207 1996 125,726 71,095 1997 125,767 79,538 1998 125,860 88,501 1999 126,104 99,349 2000 126,437 103,803 2001 126,311 89,299 2002 126,565 89,900 2003 127,012 95,891 2004 127,494 118,770 2005 127,887 118,312 2006 128,158 118,815 2007 128,429 128,812

Sources: US Census Data and The LPA Group Incorporated, 2008

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COMMUTER/AIR TAXI REGRESSION ANALYSIS Regression Statistics: Multiple R 0.920259

R Square 0.846876

supports anticipated growth

Adjusted R Square 0.831564

Standard Error 7327.158 Observations 12 ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F Regression 1 2969254500 2969254500 55.30652094 2.21849E-05 Residual 10 536872406.6 53687240.66 Total 11 3506126906 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% Intercept -2061422 290668.363 -7.092006056 3.327E-05 -2709071.261 -1413772.321 -2709071.261 -1413772.321 X Variable 1 17.0456 2.292050375 7.436835412 2.21849E-05 11.93859493 22.15260787 11.93859493 22.15260787 Source: The LPA Group Incorporated, 2008

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Typically forecast operations are based upon a correlation to forecast enplanements. At AEX, however, air carrier operations and enplanements are driven largely by military and prisoner transportation requirements. Further, military transport activity will and has varied based upon several external factors including: military spending, deployment demands, specific events (i.e. Iraq War), as well as training requirements. As stated earlier, previous forecasts, including the most recent FAA approved 2007 Part 150 Study, projected a level of participation based upon the following assumptions and information: 120 monthly operations associated with the U.S. Marshals Service and Pride Aviation 59 percent of air carrier operations in 2004 were associated with Pride Aviation and the

U.S. Marshals Service. An increase of 253 non-scheduled commercial charter operations was expected between

2005 and 2020. Due to operational increases based upon exercises at Fort Polk, ISB Management

(military air carrier) anticipates an additional 80 annual charter commercial air carrier operations through 2010 resulting in 3 battalions or 3,000 enplanements annually.

After 2010, the Joint Readiness Training Command (JRTC) plans to add 3 additional exercises per year which would add 144 commercial charter operations annually and approximately 9,000 enplanements.

After 2010, air carrier operations were forecast to flat line through the remainder of the planning period.

In reviewing enplanement and operations data from 2004 through 2007, there was a significant increase in air carrier enplanements in 2004 in conjunction with the Iraq War and troop surge. Enplanements declined the following year and continued through 2006 and have recently started to recover in 2007 with 16,765 enplanements.

Passenger Enplanement Projections Enplanements are passengers that board commercial aircraft; deplanements are passengers leaving an arriving flight. For most airports, the number of enplanements and deplanements are similar. Together enplanements and deplanements represent an airport’s total passengers. Enplanements are most often projected in a planning study such as this because that help to determine facilities needed to accommodate future demand. The projection of passenger enplanements provides a beginning point for the determination of future commercial service aircraft operations. Projected passenger enplanements are considered in conjunction with other factors that influence the forecast level of airline operations, which include the aircraft type (fleet mix) and number of seats available on a per departure basis. This data is then coupled with the average load factor to determine the number of departures required to meet anticipated enplanements. Fleet mix data and the historic load factors for AEX were derived from the airport’s consolidated monthly schedules and traffic reports. Load factors were calculated for each airline serving the airport based on enplanements versus total available seats as reported by the airlines to the airport on a monthly basis.

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Traditional forecasting methodologies examine past trends to predict the future. As a result, standard projection techniques have more limited application for this study’s forecasting effort. While traditional methodologies were considered in developing projections of future commercial air charter passenger demand for the study area, other non-standard approaches were also used. In total, approximately 9 different forecasting approaches were tested as shown in Table 3-23.


Calendar Years


Market Share

Louisiana Market Share

FAA Projected Growth

Growth by U.S. GDP

Form 41

Linear Trend

FAR Part 150

Preferred Air

Charter Forecast

2007 2,485 16,765 16,765 16,765 16,765 16,765 2,616 32,073 16,765 2008 2,485 17,310 26,437 15,290 17,309 17,263 0 32,073 19,409 2012 2,485 19,318 29,525 21,771 19,788 19,393 0 36,295 33,117 2017 2,485 22,252 33,893 28,340 23,571 22,407 0 41,073 33,117 2022 2,485 26,207 38,913 32,677 27,815 25,873 0 41,073 42,117 2027 2,485 31,080 42,282 37,656 32,327 29,849 0 41,073 42,117

Average Annual Growth Rate 2007-12 0.00% 2.88% 11.98% 5.36% 3.37% 2.95% NA 2.50% 14.59% 2012-17 0.00% 2.87% 2.80% 5.42% 3.56% 2.93% NA 2.50% 0.00% 2017-22 0.00% 3.33% 2.80% 2.89% 3.37% 2.92% NA 0.00% 4.93% 2007-27 0.00% 3.47% 1.67% 2.88% 3.05% 2.90% NA 0.00% 0.00%

Sources: FAA Terminal Area Forecasts (AEX, U.S. & Louisiana), Louisiana Aviation System Plan, FAA Aerospace Forecast (2007-2020), DOT Part 41 Air Carrier Data, FAA approved URS FAR Part 150, 2005, and The LPA Group Incorporated

Information to support the preferred forecast was based upon data provided by the 259 ATCS/AT with regard to planned military operations (Appendix C) as well as data outlined in the FAA approved 2007 FAR Part 150 Study. Since Fort Polk is home to the Joint Readiness Training Center, 4th Brigade of the 10th Mountain Division, and the Warrior Brigade of which AEX is the national and international deployment center, the increase in anticipated operations in conjunction with both military deployment and exercises is realistic. Although enplanements showed a marked decrease from the previous years, the upswing of enplanements in 2007 shows that commercial air charter activity will likely grow to its previous levels based upon projected national and statewide growth, projected GDP and military spending, and the anticipated withdrawal from Iraq. Further, it is expected that enplanements associated with JRTC will still occur after 2010 as originally outlined in the FAA approved 2007 FAR Part 150 Study. Thus, applying the assumptions of military activity as outlined in the FAA approved FAR Part 150 Study to historic 2007 base year operations, the preferred air charter enplanement forecast shows that commercial air charter enplanements from 2007-20 will increase at an average annual rate of approximately 7 percent. However, based upon limited information, commercial air charter enplanements are forecast to remain unchanged from 2020 through 2027. The TAF Forecast was not used since it assumes no growth in air carrier enplanements from the year 2007 through 2027, which was considered unrealistic.

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Air Charter Fleet Mix Assumptions Aircraft departure load factors are often used to determine the likely number of operations based upon historic and forecast fleet mix and available seats. In the case of AEX, the average load factor based upon data provided to FAA was 112 percent. This anomaly, as mentioned earlier, is likely caused by over or under reporting of enplanement or operations data. Further based upon the commercial air charter fleet mix, average seats per departure were 161. Therefore, based upon discussions with military personnel and airport staff, it was determined that a load factor of 100% was realistic based upon existing and anticipated operations. Although prisoner enplanements are not considered as part of the Air Carrier/Charter Enplanement forecast, operations associated with the Air Marshals Service and any designated cargo carriers must be included in the operational forecast. Historically, the Air Marshal’s service has operated a combination of MD-11 and B737 aircraft. Since MD-11 aircraft have been retired from production, it is anticipated that the Air Marshal’s operations will continue to shift to newer B737 series aircraft.

Air Charter Operations Projections As stated in the FAA approved FAR Part 150 Study, aircraft operations associated with the US Marshals Service and Pride Aviation were anticipated to increase from 80 to 120 operations starting in 2004. In addition, ISB management, through its commercial lease with the Authority, outlined plans to increase the number of air carrier operations associated with annual exercises at Fort Polk starting in 2003. In reviewing historic activity from 2003 through 2007 compared to the FAA approved FAR Part 150 forecast as shown in Table 3-24, air charter operations were lower than projected. This decrease in air carrier operations can be attributed a decrease in training exercises due to the Iraqi War as well as the end of Pride Aviation services at the airport.


Year Part 150 Forecast Actual Air Charter Operations 2003 1,293 1,293 2004 2,013 2,013 2005 2,346 1,764 2006 2,346 1,661 2007 2,346 1,695

Sources: URS FAR Part 150 Study, 200, AEX Comparative Air Traffic Report, 2003 through 2007, and FAA ACAIS, 2007/08

Since future operations associated with the Air Marshals Service and air cargo operations could not be predicted with any certainty, operations remained at the year 2007 levels of 1,506 and two (2), respectively. In addition to information provided by the 259th ATC and FAA approved 2007 FAR Part 150 Study, events both nationally and internationally illustrate that a decrease in the number of troops in Iraq is likely in the short-term. Still troops are likely to be shifted to Afghanistan in an attempt to flush out Al Qaeda insurgents; therefore, it is believed that operations are unlikely to return to pre-war levels in the short or intermediate term. Thus, applying data provided by Air Traffic

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Control and JRTC in conjunction with FAA approved forecast methodologies, a conservative forecast of Air Charter operations was developed as illustrated in Table 3-25. It is important to note that operations could not be forecast with any certainty beyond the year 2020. Therefore, a flat-lined forecast is shown for the long-term.

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TABLE 3-25


Year Historic

Operations Part 150

Study Form 41 LF TAF

Air Traffic Forecast

Preferred (conservative

approach) Notes

Historic 2003 1,293 1,293 1,293 1,414 1,293 1,293 2004 2,013 2,013 2,013 1,669 2,013 2,013 Iraq War 2005 1,764 2,346 1,764 2,049 1,764 1,764 2006 1,661 2,346 1,661 1,469 1,661 1,661

2007 1,695 2,346 1,695 1,743 1,695 1,695 Troop Surge/Pride Aviation stops operations at

AEX Forecast

2008 2,346 1,732 1,743 1,719 1,719 Troops anticipated to start returning to US

2012 2,417 1,891 1,743 1,780 1,780 JRTC Increase in Operations - Exercises

(80 ops) 2017 2,490 1,891 1,743 1,780 1,780

2022 2,490 1,996 1,743 1,924 1,924 2021 JRTC Increase in Operations

(144 ops) 2027 2,490 1,996 1,743 1,924 1,924

AAGR 2007-20

0.30% 0.82% 0.00% 0.64% 0.64%

Sources: U.S. DOT Form 41 Data, FAR Part 150 Study, AEX Comparative Traffic Reports, FAA Terminal Area Forecast, JRTC and 259th ATC, and The LPA Group Incorporated, 2008

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Air Charter Peaking Activity With air carrier activity being unscheduled, peak activity is more difficult to forecast since the demand can vary and flights can occur during various days, times, and months as they are needed. The commercial air carrier operations conducted as part of military troop movements use a separate military processing facility at the airport, and, therefore, the enplanements and operations will not affect the requirements for the commercial service passenger terminal.

Peak Hour Enplanements

Peaking related to both Commercial Air Charter enplanements and operations is difficult, if not impossible, to accurately forecast due to a number of variables including fluctuations in military exercises and US Air Marshal operations. As a result, forecast peak month air charter enplanements were based upon the average percent of peak month enplanements to total enplanements for the years 2000-2007. This resulted in an average peak month percentage of 22.84 percent. Further, since no historic peak day or peak hour data was available, the average day of the peak month was forecast but air charter peak hour enplanements were not. Since air charter passengers do not use the commercial passenger terminal facility, it was deemed unnecessary and unrealistic to try to forecast peak hour air charter enplanement demand.

TABLE 3-26


Year Air Carrier/Charter

EnplanementsPeak Month

(22.84%)Average Day of Peak

Month 2007 16,765 3,465 116 2008 19,409 4,433 146 2012 33,117 7,563 249 2017 33,117 7,563 249 2022 42,117 9,618 316 2027 42,117 9,618 316 2007 16,765 3,465 116

Sources: AEX historic data, FAA ATADS peak month reports, 2000-2007, and The LPA Group Incorporated 2007

Peak Hour Operations

Peak month and day air charter operations were forecast for the planning period since historic data obtained from the airport and air traffic historic records as well as FAA Peak Day Air Traffic Activity System was available for the years 2000 through 2007. Applying the average percentages for the peak month and peak day operations, respectively, to forecast air charter operations allowed peak month and day air charter operations to be forecast for the planning period. However, again, since no reliable historic data exists with regard to peak hour air charter operations, peak hour air charter operations were not forecast.

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TABLE 3-27


Year Air

Carrier/Charter Enplanements

Peak Month (12.69%)

Peak Day (12.65%)

Peak Day Air


Peak Day JRTC

2007 1,695 185 21 19 2 2008 1,719 218 28 24 3 2012 1,780 226 29 24 4 2017 1,780 226 29 24 5 2022 1,924 244 31 24 7 2027 1,924 244 31 24 7

Sources: AEX historic data, FAA ATADS peak day reports, 2000-2007, and The LPA Group Incorporated 2008

3.12.3 Regional Air Carrier/Air Taxi Activity Forecasts Commercial aircraft operations (landings and takeoffs) at an airport are defined by the FAA as the sum total of air carrier operations (including commuter) and air taxi/charter operations. Air carriers are those operators that generally fly larger aircraft (more than 100 seats), while commuter/regional operators utilize smaller aircraft (100 seats or less). Regional air service at AEX initiated in 1996 and has grown at an average annual growth rate of approximately 5 percent annually. Commuter air service at AEX is currently provided by Atlanta Southeast Airlines (ASA), Continental Express/Expressjet, Colgan, and Chataqua Airlines, Mesaba (Northwest Airlink), and American Eagle. Historically, Continental Express provides the highest level of service carrying approximately 40 percent of total commuter passengers. Currently, direct commuter service is provided to Atlanta, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Houston and Memphis. In reviewing historic data, enplanements from 2004 through 2006 remained relatively constant. However, based upon data for 2007, enplanements increased to 129,005 representing over an eight percent increase. Since regional operations according to the NPIAS, TAF, FAA Aerospace Forecast and Louisiana State Aviation System Plan are forecast to continue to trend upward, it is anticipated that enplanements at AEX will also likely increase. Since the forecast growth rates outlined in Table 3-28 appear to similarly forecast future enplanements at AEX, an average annual growth rate of 3.30 percent, the average of the other six forecast scenarios, was applied to historic enplanements to provide the preferred forecast. This is considered a logical method of determining future growth since regional enplanements could fluctuate 0.1 or 0.2 percentage points either way over the course of the planning period.

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TABLE 3-28




Aerospace Part 150

U.S. Market Share

Louisiana State

Aviation System


Preferred Enplanement


Historic 2003 94,444 95,891 95,891 95,891 95,891 95,891 95,891 2004 111,373 118,770 118,770 118,905 118,770 118,770 118,770 2005 122,519 118,312 118,312 121,842 118,312 118,312 118,312 2006 120,320 118,815 118,815 124,851 118,815 118,815 118,815 2007 128,173 129,005 129,005 127,935 129,005 129,005 129,005

Forecast 2008 132,081 132,746 133,263 131,095 133,358 135,610 133,026 2012 148,948 148,828 150,954 143,678 152,209 163,606 151,370 2017 173,091 171,696 175,256 159,690 179,760 206,170 177,610 2022 201,147 194,258 203,226 177,090 212,694 265,633 209,008 2027 233,751 219,785 235,377 196,385 251,951 344,630 246,980

AAGR 2007-27 3.05% 2.70% 3.05% 2.17% 3.40% 5.04% 3.30%

Sources: 2007 FAA TAF, FAA Aerospace Forecast, 2007-2020, 2007 U.S. TAF, Louisiana State Aviation System Plan 2000, 2004 Alexandria International Airport Part 150 Comparative Noise Study, and The LPA Group Incorporated 2007

The FAA Aerospace Forecasts show an average annual growth nationwide of approximately three percent throughout the forecast period. Therefore, the preferred forecast, which is a composite of the other six, appears to be a reasonable prediction of regional passenger demand throughout the forecast period.

Regional/Commuter Fleet Mix Assumptions To project air carrier operations, it was necessary to make assumptions regarding average load factor (the relationship of enplanements per seats on the aircraft) and size or seating capacity of aircraft that typically serve the airport. Historic regional commuter aircraft include a combination of regional jets, CRJ-200 and ERJ 135/145, and turboprop aircraft, Saab 340. Based upon existing demand, it is anticipated that the destinations and aircraft fleet mix will remain relatively the same throughout the planning period. Although it is anticipated nationwide that regional jet activity will increase, it is believed on short-haul feeder routes that the use of turbojet aircraft is more cost effective. Another factor influencing fleet operating characteristics is aircraft load factor on a given trip. The load factor at AEX is the number of available airplane seats that are filled by paying customers on each flight. In scheduled airline service, the FAA estimates the U.S. regional domestic fleet load factor to equal 75.7 percent in the base year 2007. However, at AEX, where commercial business travelers dominate, load factors are approximately 59 percent as shown in Table 3-29. Load factors were confirmed based upon information provided by air service operators.

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2020 Alexandria International Airport

Calendar Year Average Seats/

Operations % Load Factor

Average Seats/ Operations

% Load Factor

Total Average Seats per

Departure2007 51 75.70% 24 59.26% 41

Projected 2012 54 76.40% 30 72.14% 41 2017 57 76.90% 36 87.81% 41

Extrapolated by LPA 2022 60 77.60% 42 70.31% 60 2027 63 78.80% 53 89.00% 60

AAGR 2007-2027 1.06% 0.20% 4.08% 2.05% Sources: FAA Aerospace Forecasts, 2007-2020, Tables, respectively, AEX Comparative Air Traffic Report and The LPA Group Incorporated, 2008

According to JP Airlines Fleet International, several airlines operating at AEX have orders to upgrade to slightly larger regional jet aircraft (CRJ-700). It was, therefore, anticipated that a combination of regional jets and turboprop aircraft will continue in the short and mid-term, but seats available per departure will likely increase in the long-term.

Regional Aircraft Operations Projections Aircraft operations are dependent on two primary factors: the number of passengers that must be served, and the average size of the aircraft that carries them. The larger the average aircraft in a given fleet at a specific airport, the fewer the number of operations needed to carry the same number of passengers. Regional and Air Taxi operations at AEX have typically consisted of a combination regional jet and turbojet aircraft providing service to Dallas/Ft. Worth, Atlanta, Memphis and Houston. The preferred projection is based upon a ratio between aircraft seat configurations modified for AEX for domestic operations, the passenger enplanement forecast, and the historical percentage of departure operations (48.4 percent of total regional aircraft operations). Thus, utilizing the preferred enplanement forecast divided by the average passengers per departure (average load factor multiplied by average seats per departure) multiplied by two, resulted in 10,950 operations in 2008. It is anticipated that the load factor and seats per departure will continue to increase during the planning period. As a result, even as passenger enplanements increase, it is anticipated that operations will decrease in conjunction with the use of larger aircraft as shown in Table 3-30.

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Year TAF Forecast NPIAS FAA Aerospace Part 150 5-Year

Historic Load Factor (Preferred)

2007 10,484 10,753 10,753 9,348 10,753 10,753 Forecast

2008 10,667 11,011 10,846 9,473 11,031 10,950 2012 11,431 12,107 11,308 9,982 12,215 10,646 2017 12,463 13,631 12,020 10,649 13,876 10,262 2022 13,589 15,050 13,034 11,364 15,762 9,909 2027 14,816 16,616 14,499 12,130 17,905 9,250

AAGR 2007-27 1.74% 2.20% 1.51% 1.31% 2.58% -0.75% Sources: 2007 FAA TAF, 2007-2012 NPIAS, FAA Aerospace Forecasts, 2007-20, Alexandria International Airport Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study, 2004, URS, AEX historic data, and The LPA Group Incorporated 2007

Like the preferred passenger enplanement forecast, any major changes (i.e. introduction of new carrier, geo-political events, etc.) in the market would require that this projection be modified to provide an accurate predictor of future operations, and thus, infrastructure. It is recommended that the average aircraft size used in these projections be updated frequently due to the comparative immaturity and inherent volatility of the regional domestic market.

Regional Aircraft Peaking Activity Unlike air carrier, the regional/air taxi operators are all scheduled, making it much easier to identify periods of peak activity. One of the key areas analyzed using peak demands is the passenger terminal, this analysis was conducted in the facility requirements chapter. Peak activity with regional/air carrier activity will affect things such as ticket counter space, security checkpoint size, passenger lobby area, aircraft gates, and baggage claim facilities.

Peak Hour Enplanements

This methodology is employed to derive the peaks in passenger enplanements. Monthly airline schedules were evaluated to identify trends during the peak month. Over the past year, the airline schedule has remained consistent from month to month; however, the peak month has fluctuated from month to month over the past several years. Since June was the peak month for the base year, it was used to characterize the peak month for the planning period. A review of the passenger enplanements for the base year revealed that 9.50 percent of regional/air taxi passenger enplanements were conducted in June. Since data was not available to accurately predict the peak day, the average day of the peak month was determined which was 403 enplanements in 2007. The peak hour was based upon historic data from the years 2000-2007 obtained from the FAA ATADS database and air carrier information. This data illustrated that the peak hour was 20.7 percent of the average day of the peak month. Thus, applying these factors to the preferred enplanement forecast, as shown in Table 3-31, anticipates 159 peak hour enplanements by the year 2027.

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Year Regional/Air Taxi

Enplanements Peak Month

(9.4%) Average Day of

Peak Month

Peak Hour (20.7% of Avg

Day) 2007 129,005 12,258 403 83 2008 133,026 12,640 416 86 2012 151,370 14,383 473 98 2017 177,610 16,876 555 115 2022 209,008 19,860 653 135 2027 246,980 23,468 771 159

Sources: AEX historic data, FAA ATADS peak day reports, 2000-2007, and The LPA Group Incorporated 2007

Peak Hour Operations

The peak hour forecasts were based upon historic data provided in the AEX Comparative Reports (1996-2007), FAA ACAIS, FAA ATADS and DOT Form 41 data. This data confirmed that of the 10,753 operations in 2007, 986 operations occurred in the peak month (June) representing 9.17%. As with the peak regional/air taxi enplanements, it is assumed that the level of passenger operations conducted during the busiest month will remain consistent over the planning period. Both the peak day and peak hour percentages are based upon historic data from 2000 through 2007. In reviewing historic schedules and operations at AEX, the peak hour operations historically occur between 1100-1200 and 1900-2000. Thus, applying the established load factors to the peak hour enplanements resulted in approximately four operations per peak hour. In the long-term, however, in conjunction with the introduction of larger air taxi aircraft, it is anticipated that the peak hour operations will decrease from four (4) to three (3) per peak hour as illustrated in Table 3-32.


Year Total Ops Peak Month

(9.17%) Peak Day (5.98%)

Peak Hour (6.78%)

2007 10,753 986 59 4 2008 10,950 1004 60 4 2012 10,646 976 58 4 2017 10,262 941 56 4 2022 9,909 909 54 4 2027 9,250 848 51 3

Sources: AEX Air Traffic Activity Data, 2000-07, FAA ATADS peak day reports, 2000-2007, and The LPA Group Incorporated 2007

3.13 MILITARY FORECASTS Military operations include aircraft operations that are conducted by an official branch of the U.S. military services. Military operations are the most difficult to predict since, unlike commercial or general aviation operations, they operate independently from socioeconomic trends. Military operations are impacted by a variety of factors including: national economics,

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politics, Department of Defense mission requirements and spending, base activation or closure, troop deployments, training, etc. The U.S. military does not provide official data related to aviation activity, nor does the FAA provide any forecast methodology. The TAF is the only generalized forecast of military operations. In order to forecast military operations, information provided by the actual users must be acquired. Furthermore, it is important to note that FAA funding for aviation projects is distributed without regard for military activity. The England Authority has had a long-standing relationship with the U.S. Military through a commercial lease with the US Army. Although there are no military aircraft based at AEX, both local and itinerant military operations are recorded. These operations are primarily in support of ISB military exercises, various training missions, and staging in support of military activity overseas. The airpark is attractive to military activity since AEX ATCT is operated by the Louisiana Air National Guard's 259th Air Traffic Control Squadron through a joint use agreement. Further, AEX is also desirable due to its proximity to Fort Polk and military operating areas as well as flight training navigational aids and U.S. Army ISB facilities located at the airpark. The addition of precision approach radar (PAR) in March 2010 is anticipated to increase both local and itinerant training operations since it will be the only instrument approach of its kind within the region. As such, when aircraft arrive or depart the airfield, many will take the opportunity to practice flying the various instrument approaches available.

3.13.1 Local Operations The total number of military operations at AEX has fluctuated over the last ten years primarily as result of decreased military exercises and training associated with military activity overseas. Local operations at AEX specifically refer to aircraft flying to a military range or restricted area located 8 to 10 miles to the southwest and west of AEX and also to aircraft flying in the local radar or visual pattern of the airport. During that ten year period, the percentage of local operations has varied from a high of 83 percent in 1997 to a low of 57 percent in 2007. It is important to note that in 2008/2009, local military operations were down as the result of the following factors: The expansion of the military front in both Afghanistan and Iraq caused a decrease in

military training operations. Runway 18-36 was under construction in 2008 and part of 2009, and was the primary

runway for military operations. Runway 18-36 has re-opened but now Runway 14-32 and its associated ILS is closed for

construction/rehabilitation. Thus, as a result of on-going construction, military training operations temporarily

decreased at AEX in order to limit potential impacts to commercial operations. Also, although T1 training operations have remained consistent, the temporary closing of

Runway 14 and its associated ILS has caused a marked decrease in T1 training operations in 2009. These are, however, anticipated to resume as of March 2010 with the reopening of Runway 14 and the addition of the PAR approach.

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However, based upon information provided in the FAA approved FAR Part 150 study and confirmed by the US Army 259th Air Traffic Control Squadron in August 2009, local training operations are anticipated to increase by 30,000 operations by the year 2013 as a result of the following information: The US Army Joint Readiness Training Center contacted airport management informing

them that they would reinstate their training exercises at AEX as of June 2010. These exercises will include 10 rotations per year (1 month each) and will consist of approximately 2,000 to3,000 operations per month. Of these, 50 to 100 helicopters per rotation will be based at AEX. Therefore, since operations start in June 2010, only 6 rotations are anticipated in 2010 at conservatively 2,000 operations per month. Operations are anticipated to increase to approximately 3,000 per month by the year 2012 as shown in Table 3-33.

314 Airlift Wing and 127th Airlift Wing Operations in 2010 will be less than anticipated since the majority of the 127th Airlift Wing’s operations have shifted to Camp Shelby Airfield. Thus, based upon current operations in 2009 of 25 per month, it is anticipated that only 417 operations will be associated with the 314th Airlift Wing by the year 2013 (Table 3-33)

USAF ANG 164 C-5 Training is currently limited to approximately 30 operations per month or 360 operations annually. Based upon information received, it is anticipated operations will increase conservatively approximately 30 percent annually.

41 percent of local operations are associated with C-130 operations. C-130 operations from Little Rock AFB and C-17 operations from Jackson MS use AEX for Night Vision Goggle Training. According to military personnel, this is anticipated to continue and even increase conservatively by approximately 5% annually as shown in Table 3-33.

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Calendar Year

314 Airlift Wing (C5) & 127th Airlift Wing (C17)

312 Airlift Wing (C5) - Night Vision


C-130 Training


Rotational Training

CY2008 1,406 645 2,036 - CY2009* 300 360 2,138 - CY2010 3601 468 2,352 12,0002 CY2011 378 608 2,704 25,0003 CY2012 397 791 3,380 30,000 CY2013 417 1,028 4,395 30,000 Notes: *Received updated information from 314 and 127th Airlift Wings, 259 ATCS/AT, T1 Training at Columbus AFB, Training information from US Department of Defense, and USAF ANG 164, August 2009. *Local military operations were down because of runway construction and ILS being off-line. (1) Majority of C-17 operations associated with 127th Airlift Wing shifting to Camp Shelby in Mississippi (2) US Army informed airport that rotational training will begin again ranging from 2000-3000 operations per month for typically 10-month period annually. Scheduled to start in June 2010. Sources: US Army 259th ATCS/AT, US Air Force ANG 164, 314 and 127th Airlift Wings, Columbus AFB, US DOD, Alexandria Airport Management, and the LPA Group Incorporated, 2009

Based upon discussions with pilots assigned to Barksdale AFB flying A-10 aircraft and

Instructor Pilot flying T-1 aircraft from Columbus AFB, the Military Precision Approach Radar (PAR) approach is still within class syllabus for pilot training.

PAR is estimated to increase IFR military operations in 2010; adding an estimated 1,600 military operations in 2010 and increasing to 1,852 (5% annual increase) by 2013.

It is further anticipated that T-1 training operations will show a steady increase associated with the PAR approach which was estimated at approximately 5 percent annually. Training operations with the PAR approach are anticipated to equal 2,257 of total local military operations by the year 2013 as shown in Table 3-34.

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TABLE 3-34


Calendar Year Operations 2008 3561 2009 1252 2010 1,9503 2011 2,0484 2012 2,150 2013 2,257

Notes: *includes anticipated operations associated with PAR approach (1)T-1 Training operations represent approximately 7 percent of total local military operations. (2)ILS down as part of runway reconstruction and PAR approach will not be up and running until March 2010. (3) According to ATCT, anticipate 1,600 annual operations associated with PAR in 2010. (4) Estimate increase of at least 5% annually through 2013. Sources: US Army and US Air Force data, 259th ATC, FAA Approved FAR Part 150 Study, and The LPA Group Incorporated, 2009

As a result of this information, local military operations were adjusted to reflect the new planned operations. Table 3-35 highlight anticipated local military operations compared to the FAA Approved 2007 and 2004 FAR Part 150 forecast.


Calendar Year FAA TAF FAR Part 150 Recommended Forecast Historic

2004 7,626 8,551 8,507 2005 15,952 47,077 15,451 2006 7,174 47,111 7,326 2007 5,486 47,144 5,697

Forecast 2008 5,486 47,178 5,091 2012 5,486 47,336 36,718 2017 5,486 47,582 38,097 2022 5,486 47,755 38,097 2027 5,486 48,124 38,097

AAGR 2004-27 -1.42% 7.80% 6.74% AAGR 2007-27 0.00% 0.10% 9.97%

Sources: FAA TAF 2007, FAA Approved URS AEX FAR Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study, AEX ATCT, USAF ANG 164, U.S. Department of Defense, 314 Airlift Wing, 127th Airlift Wing, C-5 Memphis, Assumptions and Estimates for Aircraft Operations, Stacy Basham-Wagner, 2003, and The LPA Group Incorporated, 2009

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As stated earlier, the FAA does not forecast military operations. The FAA approved 2007 FAR Part 150 Comparative Noise Study stated based upon discussions with the AEX ATCT and U.S. Army ISB personnel that in 2005: The PAR approach would be operational, The 172nd Airlift Wing, operating C-141B and C-17 aircraft from Jackson, MS would

perform random steep approach maneuvers at AEX, and Local C-130 operations will increase by 30 percent due to Night Vision Goggle training.

This would have resulted in an estimated increase in local operations of 38,526 in 2005 with an estimated five percent increase in training operations through the year 2010. However since the PAR approach will not be operational until March 2010 based upon information provided by AEX ATCT and historic data, it was forecast that operations originally intended to occur in 2005 will actually start in 2010. Further, the FAA approved FAR Part 150 did not consider, conservatively, the anticipated increase in T-1 and A-10 training operations associated with the installation of the PAR. Based upon information obtained from AEX ATCT, T-1/A-10 operations (Columbus AFB) were expected to start as early as March 2010 since no other PAR approach is within the region. A five percent growth rate in T-1 and A-10 training operations is considered a moderate growth rate through the year 2013. Based upon information we received from 259th ATC, it can only realistically forecast operations through the year 2013. Training requirements beyond this point cannot be realistically forecast since they are impacted by geopolitical conditions worldwide.

3.13.2 Itinerant Operations With the exception of 2007, historically itinerant military operations have accounted for less than 30 percent of total military operations at AEX. Itinerant operations at AEX have typically consisted of the transport of equipment and personnel related to military exercises as well as exercise participant aircraft and transient training aircraft. As such, when these aircraft arrive or depart the airfield, many will take the opportunity to practice flying various instrument approaches available. In 2004 according to the FAA approved 2007 FAR Part 150 Comparative Noise Study, military itinerant operations at AEX were expected to increase by approximately 340 annual operations. Further, based upon discussions with JRTC and the 259th ATC, 1,248 annual random steep itinerant aircraft training operations were expected to occur as a result of the PAR installation. Lastly, three additional training exercises per year were expected to begin in 2010. The FAA approved FAR Part 150 could not calculate the anticipated increase in itinerant military operations beyond 2010; therefore, itinerant military operations were assumed to remain constant from 2005 through 2025. Since the PAR approach was not operational until early 2008, previously forecast itinerant military operations did not occur. Initially, 1,200 annual itinerant operations are anticipated with

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the installation of the PAR in 2008 increasing by approximately 5% annually. Thus, itinerant military forecast operations from 2008-2010 are anticipated to increase from 4,435 to 6,193 as shown in Table 3-36.


Calendar Year FAA TAF FAR Part 150 Recommended

Forecast Historic

2003 3,290 3,208 3,208 2004 3,146 3,419 3,412 2005 4,099 5,007 3,996 2006 3,661 5,007 3,856 2007 3,951 5,007 4,435

Forecast 2008 3,951 5,007 5,683 2012 3,951 5,007 6,193 2017 3,951 5,007 6,193 2022 3,951 5,007 6,193 2027 3,951 5,007 6,193

AAGR 2004-27 1.00% 1.67% 2.63% AAGR 2007-27 0.00% 0.00% 1.68%

Sources: FAA TAF 2007, URS AEX FAR Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study, AEX ATCT, Assumptions and Estimates for Aircraft Operations, Stacy Basham-Wagner, 2003, and The LPA Group Incorporated, 2007

Further, airlift operations and associated training were expected to increase with the addition of three more military exercises in 2011. This equals approximately 510 additional annual operations. From the year 2011 through 2027, itinerant military operations were assumed to remain at the 2011 level since no additional data was available regarding future military operations at AEX. Anticipated itinerant military operations compared to the 2007 FAA TAF and FAA approved 2007 Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study are provided in Table 3-36.

3.13.3 Peaks in Military Aviation Activity Previous military aviation activities were evaluated to identify trends during the peak month. Over the past 10 years, peaks in monthly military activity fluctuated. Since March or April historically represent the peak month for total military operations, it is used to depict typical peaking characteristics for the planning period. Peak day military operations were determined using the ATADS Top 5 Peak Days Report for military operations at AEX. No historical data was available to determine the peak hour operations. Therefore, based upon information obtained from ATC, 7 percent of the peak day would best representative the number of peak hour military operations. The results for the peak military activity forecast are depicted in Table 3-37.

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Year Total Military

Operations Peak Month

(29%) Peak Day

(3%) Peak Hour

(7%) 2007 10,132 2,938 88 6 2008 10,774 3,124 94 7 2012 42,911 12,444 373 26 2017 44,290 12,844 385 27 2022 44,290 12,844 385 27 2027 44,290 12,844 385 27

Sources: AEX historic data, Air Traffic Activity Data, 2000-07, and The LPA Group Incorporated 2009


Global Air Cargo Trends According to The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA), the air cargo industry transports approximately 40 percent of the world’s trade by value, but a mere two percent by weight. The air cargo industry typically transports goods that are of high value, time-sensitive and lightweight in nature, which typically include: Aerospace - Equipment & Parts Automotive - Equipment & Parts Pharmaceuticals Computers & Computer Components Diagnostic Equipment Medical Equipment Software Textiles - Garments Consumer Electronics Perishables - Flowers, Fruit, Vegetables & Seafood Economically Perishable Materials - Printed Material Telecommunications Equipment - Cell Phones, Blackberries, etc. Photographic Film

In 2006, the domestic air freight and express market was valued at $33 billion, whereas the international air freight/express market was valued at $65 billion. Combined, the worldwide air cargo industry was valued at $98 billion in 2006. Globally, 85 percent of airline revenues come from passengers and 15 percent from cargo. According to the most recent Boeing air cargo forecast, worldwide freight traffic is anticipated to grow approximately six to seven percent annually. This would represent a growth of more than 50 percent every ten years. Currently, 50 percent of all air cargo shipped worldwide is carried in passenger aircraft as belly freight, with the remaining 50 percent being shipped by freighter aircraft operators (i.e. Atlas and Polar Air Cargo) or by integrated express carriers (i.e. DHL, FedEx, and UPS).

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3.14.1 Commercial Air Cargo Forecast Three airports in Louisiana accommodate the majority of air cargo activity in the State: New Orleans (71 percent), Shreveport (25 percent) and Baton Rouge (3 percent). According to the Louisiana State Aviation System Plan, air cargo activity at AEX represents less than one percent of total commercial air cargo tonnage. It is anticipated that New Orleans International will continue to be the departure point for most regional international air cargo associated with Louisiana. Typically, international gateway airports attract air cargo from markets as far as 600 miles away. According to FAA Aerospace Forecast, 2007-2020, air cargo activity has coincided with gross domestic product (GDP). Factors which have impacted air cargo traffic include improved productivity and globalization as well as declining real yields. Structural changes which have impacted the air cargo industry include the implementation of air cargo security regulations, domestic market maturation, the modal shift from air to other forms of transportation, fuel costs, open skies agreements as well as the growth of all-cargo carriers. In determining commercial air cargo growth at AEX, the following assumptions were considered: Air cargo security restrictions will remain in place. The percentage of air cargo will continue to shift from passenger aircraft belly freight to

freighter aircraft and integrated express carrier operators, and Long-term cargo activity will be tied to economic growth.

Further, the FAA predicts that domestic cargo revenue tons per mile (RTMs) will increase to 2.7 percent in 2007 and 4.7 percent in 2008 driven by anticipated growth in the U.S. economy. From 2008 through 2020, domestic cargo RTMs are anticipated to grow at a rate of 3.35 percent which coincides with anticipated U.S. economic growth. Another forecast trend used to evaluate commercial growth at AEX was based upon the growth factors outlined in the Boeing World Air Cargo Forecast. The Boeing forecast provides three annual growth rates for the U.S. Domestic air cargo market. The three average annual growth rates are: low 3.3 percent, base 3.8 percent and high 4.2 percent. Since commercial air cargo tonnage has historically been tied to domestic and worldwide growth, long-term U.S. Economic Growth estimates and FAA forecasts of gross domestic product by world region are outlined in Table 3-38.

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Year U.S. Gross Domestic Product U.S. Economic Growth Rate* 2000-05 2.5% 2.9%

2006 2.5% 2.9% 2007 2.9% 2.9% 2008 3.1% 2.9%

2009-10 3.0% 2.9% 2010-20 2.9% 2.9% 2006-20 2.9% 2.9%

2020-2030 3.0% 2.9% Note: * U.S. Long Term Growth based upon Price Index for 2006 as reported by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Sources: Gross Domestic Product by World Region, FAA Aerospace Forecasts, 2007-2020, and Price Indexes for U.S. Domestic Market, 2006, Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2007

Applying these respective forecasts as well as a market share forecast related to anticipated statewide commercial air cargo growth, a moderate and high growth commercial air cargo forecast were developed as outlined in Table 3-39.


Year Nat'l

Domestic Growth

Market Share of


Adjusted Market Share

FAA Forecast

GDP Growth

Boeing Moderate Growth Rate for Domestic


Preferred Mid


Preferred High


Historic 2006 69,571 69,571 69,571 69,571 69,571 69,571 69,571 69,571 2007 79,047 79,047 79,047 79,047 79,047 79,047 79,047 79,047

Forecast 2008 81,497 188,658 153,448 82,762 81,395 82,051 82,762 82,367 2012 91,551 224,760 182,813 94,419 91,489 95,252 94,419 97,101 2017 105,780 279,904 227,665 111,326 105,708 114,778 111,326 119,279 2022 122,383 349,405 284,196 135,785 122,136 138,307 135,785 146,521 2027 141,875 437,510 355,857 174,414 141,118 166,660 174,414 179,986

AAGR 2007-27

2.97% 8.93% 7.81% 4.04% 2.94% 3.80% 4.04% 4.20%

Sources: FAA Aerospace Forecasts, 2007-2020, Bureau Economic Analysis, 2007, Louisiana State Aviation System Plan, 2000, Louisiana Department of Transportation, updated forecasts, 2004, Boeing World Air Cargo Report, 2006-2008, Alexandria Comparative Air Traffic Reports, 2006 and 2007, The LPA Group Incorporated 2007

Commercial air cargo tonnage at AEX is primarily provided through a combination of belly freight and air freight operators (i.e. Polar Air Cargo). However, it is anticipated based upon current trends that continued commercial air cargo growth will require a shift from belly freight to air freight operators and express carriers. This is primarily associated with anticipated higher load factors on commercial aircraft, FAA security standards related to the transportation of freight on commercial flights as well as the continued air freight and express carrier growth nationwide.

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3.14.2 Military Air Cargo Forecast Based upon information obtained from the airport, air cargo associated with military operations began in 2004. Total inbound and outbound air cargo equaled 20,827,822 pounds (approximately 9,447 tons). Based upon itinerant military operations, this equaled approximately 6,000 pounds per itinerant operation. However, military inbound and outbound cargo at AEX from 2004 through 2007 has decreased on average 22 percent annually. This coincides with a decrease in military exercises as a result of the Iraq War and combat missions in Afghanistan. However, military air cargo is expected to increase when military rotations resume at AEX. Military air cargo is difficult, at best to forecast, since it is tied to a variety of factors. However, a typical methodology is to tie military air cargo growth to military spending. Using military spending forecasts provided by the Government Electronics Information Association (GEIA) and limited data from the U.S. Department of Defense via the Center of Defense Spending, military spending is forecast to decrease at an average annual growth rate of approximately 2 percent. In 2007, military spending was approximately 3.5 percent of total federal spending. Applying the military spending percentages to total military air cargo at AEX resulted in an average annual growth of approximately 2.95 percent as shown in Table 3-40.


Year Estimated DOD

Spending Percentage Total Military Air

Cargo (Lbs) Total Military Air

Cargo (Metric Tons*) Historic

2006 3.2% 12,808,100 5,810 2007 3.5% 11,992,100 5,440

Forecast 2008 3.42% 12,411,824 5,630 2012 3.10% 14,131,100 6,410 2017 2.75% 16,348,447 7,416 2022 2.75% 18,723,441 8,493 2027 2.75% 21,443,458 9,727

AAGR 2007-27 -2.38% 2.95% 2.95% *Note: One metric ton equals 2204.62 pounds. Sources: Government Electronics and Information Association Military Spending Forecast, December 2007, Center of Defense Spending, December 2007 and The LPA Group Incorporated, 2007

3.14.3 Air Cargo Conclusions Projections indicate that air cargo at AEX by the end of the twenty-year forecast period will increase from 12,071,147 lbs (~5,475 metric tons) to 21,617,872 lbs (~9,806 metric tons) in 2027 as shown in Table 3-41.

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Calendar Year Moderate

Commercial Air Cargo Forecast

Military Air Cargo Forecast

Total Air Cargo (in Pounds)

Total Air Cargo (in Metric Tons)

Historic 2006 69,571 12,808,100 12,877,671 5,841 2007 79,047 11,992,100 12,071,147 5,475

Forecast 2008 82,762 12,411,824 12,494,586 5,667 2012 94,419 14,131,100 14,225,519 6,453 2017 111,326 16,348,447 16,459,773 7,466 2022 135,785 18,723,441 18,859,226 8,554 2027 174,414 21,443,458 21,617,872 9,806

AAGR 2007-27 4.04% 2.95% 2.96% 2.96% Sources: U.S. GDP Growth, U.S. Military Spending, AEX Historic Data, and The LPA Group Incorporated, 2007

On a per day basis, this is the equivalent to 59,227 pounds per day. Given that a Boeing 727-200A cargo jet can typically accommodate 40,000 pounds per flight, by 2027, the equivalent of two daily B727s could accommodate the projected range of air cargo lift capacity for the AEX. As cargo activity to and from AEX increases, air cargo transport could shift from belly freight to express or all-cargo carriers. Military air cargo will likely continue to be transported primarily in cargo type aircraft, such as C-5, C-17, and C-130 aircraft. It is anticipated, depending upon the type of aircraft, that at least one commercial and military cargo operations could occur daily. This is equal to approximately 1,460 annual operations ((365 days x 2 aircraft) x 2 operations). Since the majority of air cargo activity is associated with military operations, it will likely have a relatively minimal impact at AEX from an operational standpoint on the airport's longer-term needs. The bigger impact could be on the landside (buildings and aircraft ramp) facilities that may be needed to support both commercial and military air cargo operations. Interface with highway/interstate highways will also be important, as will overall ground access.

3.15 GENERAL AVIATION FORECASTS General aviation activity experienced growth in the mid and late-1990s as a result of the Enactment of the General Aviation Revitalization Act (GARA). Statistics indicate that with the passage of GARA, the active general aviation aircraft fleet, general aviation activity and shipment of fixed wing general aviation aircraft all increased. However, following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, general aviation activity saw a significant decline as a result of restrictions placed on both commercial and general aviation operations nationwide. Since forecasts of general aviation are typically generated using a basic trend analysis, current and anticipated nationwide and local trends were evaluated.

General Aviation Industry Trends Following the events of September 11, business aviation growth has become one of the fastest growing components of the GA sector. Companies and individuals are drawn to business aircraft

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as a result of improved business efficiency and productivity. Further, companies can control their travel, itineraries can be changed as needed, and the aircraft can fly to destinations not served by scheduled commercial airlines. The National Business Aviation Association’s (NBAA) Business Aviation Fact Book indicates that at least 75 percent of all Fortune 500 businesses operate general aviation aircraft and that 92 of the Fortune 100 companies operate general aviation aircraft. Business use of general aviation aircraft ranges from small, single-engine aircraft rentals to multiple aircraft corporate fleets supported by dedicated flight crews and mechanics. Business use of general aviation aircraft by smaller companies has increased as a result of various chartering, leasing, time-sharing, fractional ownership, interchange agreements, partnerships, and management contracts. NBAA estimated that the 2,591 companies that used fractional ownership arrangements in 1999 had grown to 6,217 companies by 2004, more than doubling over the five-year period. Other growing segments of the business related general aviation aircraft fleet include “business liners” and “very light jets” (VLJ). Business liners are large business jets, such as the Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) and Airbus ACJ, which are reconfigured versions of commercial passenger aircraft. VLJs are a relatively new product line of small jets (5 to 6 seats) that cost substantially less than typical business jet aircraft in terms of both acquisition and operating costs. Another factor in the growth of general aviation is the availability of advanced technologies, such as GPS navigation systems, glass co*ckpits, and carbon composites. Historically, this type of technology was only previously found in high end aircraft. As of 2006, 89 percent of piston-engine aircraft delivered had glass co*ckpits, and 50 percent of piston-engine airframes are composed of composites. In the FAA Aerospace Forecasts, 2007-2020, general aviation activity rose slightly nationwide between 2000 and 2006 as a result of primarily turbine powered aircraft. As shown in Table 3-42, the number of active aircraft increased at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 0.7 percent between 2000 and 2006. The number of both single-engine and multi-engine piston aircraft declined between 2000 and 2006, dropping at a rate of 0.1 percent and 1.4 percent, respectively.

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Aircraft Category

Aircraft (in Millions)

2000 2006 CAGR

(2000-2006) 2020

CAGR (2006-20)

Single Engine 149,422 148,236 -0.1% 155,570 0.3% Multi-engine 21,091 19,364 -1.4% 18,817 -0.2% Turbo-Prop 5,762 8,026 5.7% 8,761 0.6% Turbo-Jet 7,001 10,032 6.2% 16,497 3.6%

VLJ 0 0 0.0% 6,300 100.0% Piston Rotor 2,680 3,367 3.9% 7,363 5.7%

Turbine Rotor 4,470 5,865 4.6% 7,868 2.1% Experimental 20,407 24,541 3.1% 33,891 2.3%

Sport NA 400 0.0% 13,200 28.4% Other Aircraft 6,700 6,592 -0.3% 6,647 0.1%

Total 217,533 226,422 0.7% 274,914 1.4% Sources: FAA Aerospace Forecasts Fiscal Years 2007-2020, Table 27

The growth in the overall number of jets is an important trend that illustrates a movement in the general aviation community toward higher-performing, more demanding aircraft. Growth in general aviation turbine aircraft is projected to significantly outpace growth in all other segments of the general aviation aircraft fleet through the planning period. However, with respect to single engine aircraft, only modest growth is expected with a projected yield of 0.3 percent (CAGR) through 2020, while multi-engine aircraft are expected to decline in numbers, resulting in a CAGR of negative 0.2 percent. Hours flown is another valuable aviation activity indicator since it captures aircraft utilization, frequency of use, and duration of use. This indicator shows that hours flown in general aviation aircraft dropped significantly in 2001, in large part because of how long general aviation was grounded after 9/11, as well as from corresponding flight restrictions that resulted. As shown in Table 3-43, hours flown by piston engine aircraft have not recovered to pre-9/11 levels, while hours flown by turbine aircraft have exceeded 2000 levels.


Aircraft Category

2000 2006 CAGR

(2000-06) 2020

CAGR (2006-20)

Single-Engine 18,089 13,854 -4.3% 16,143 1.1% Multi-Engine 3,400 2,684 -3.9% 2,796 0.3%

Turboprop 1,986 2,143 1.3% 2,414 0.9% Turbojet* 2,755 3,884 5.9% 13,587 9.4%

Piston Rotor 531 755 6.0% 1,770 6.3% Turbine Rotor 1,777 2,526 6.0% 3,634 2.6% Experimental 1,307 1,398 1.1% 2,071 2.8%

Sport NA 22 0.0% 1,146 32.6% Other Aircraft 374 277 -4.9% 299 0.5%

Total 30,219 27,543 -1.5% 43,860 3.4% Note: * VLJ hours are included in the Turbojet category Source: FAA Aerospace Forecasts Fiscal Years 2007-2020, Table 28.

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As projected by the FAA, the CAGR for hours flown nationally from 2006 to 2020 is expected to be 3.4 percent, compared to the forecasted average annual growth rate for the general aviation active fleet of 1.4 percent. The projected increase in hours flown reflects the anticipated increase in aircraft utilization. Hours flown by general aviation aircraft are projected to reach approximately 43.9 million by 2020, compared to 27.5 million in 2006. Some of this growth is attributed to the introduction of the “sport” aircraft classification and the introduction of VLJs. The FAA provides two forecasts (Terminal Area Forecast and FAA Aerospace Forecasts) related to future general aviation activity. FAA forecasts of general aviation activity were based upon discussions with industry experts relating to aircraft fleet size, GA hours flown and aircraft utilization. Further, both the TAF and FAA Aerospace Forecasts consider local and national trends when applying anticipated growth to baseline assumptions. FAA GA measures as outlined in the FAA Aerospace Forecast 2007-2020 and Alexandria International Airport TAF (AEX TAF) are shown in Table 3-44.


Growth Measure CAGR FAA Aerospace Forecasts 2007-2020

Single Engine 0.3% Multi-Engine -0.2% Turboprop 0.6% Total Multi-Engine 4.1% Turbojet* 6.0% Total Fleet 1.4%

General Aviation Hours Flown 3.4% General Aviation Pilots 0.6%

Alexandria International Airport TAF

Itinerant GA 3.79% Local GA 1.4% Average 1.9%

Composite Average 1.8% Sources: FAA Aerospace Forecasts 2007-2020, FAA Terminal Area Forecasts.

Due to the cyclical nature of GA activity, low, moderate and high projections of general aviation operational demand were developed for AEX.

3.15.1 Itinerant General Aviation Operations Itinerant operations are defined by FAA as all GA operations that occur outside the airport pattern (approximately 20 miles). Itinerant GA operations at AEX from 1996 to 2007 have declined on average approximately 6.15 percent annually. However, the FAA TAF forecast anticipates a significant increase in itinerant GA operations at AEX primarily due to increased demand for business jets, the introduction of VLJs as well as the installation of the PAR approach on Runway 14. The FAA TAF average annual growth rate from 2007 to 2027 is 3.79

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percent at AEX. Applying the FAA average annual growth rates to historic GA activity at AEX provided the high forecast of GA operations. The FAA Aerospace Forecast 2007-2020 forecasts GA growth nationwide to increase by 1.4 percent annually. The FAA Aerospace Forecast does not differentiate between itinerant and local operations. The FAA forecast growth rate was applied to actual itinerant GA operations at AEX to derive the low growth forecast. Another forecasting methodology useful in determining itinerant operations is the market share forecast. Historically, itinerant operations at AEX represent 1.9 percent of total itinerant general aviation operations for the state of Louisiana. Applying this percentage to FAA and Louisiana Department of Transportation forecasts, the average annual growth from 2007-2027 was 2.13 percent, which represents the moderate growth scenario. The FAA approved 2007 FAR Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study itinerant GA operations forecast was based upon the expected national level of growth, which at the time was 1.2 percent. A comparison of all five forecasts is provided in Table 3-45.


Year FAA TAF FAR Part 150 Low Moderate

(Preferred) High

Historic 2006 5,193 5,667 5,098 5,098 5,098 2007 5,006 5,735 5,013 5,013 5,013

Forecast 2008 5,287 5,804 5,083 5,103 5,203 2012 6,577 6,088 5,374 5,839 6,037 2017 7,933 6,462 5,761 6,545 7,269 2022 9,038 6,860 6,175 7,072 8,753 2027 10,526 7,281 6,620 7,643 10,541

AAGR 2007-27 3.79% 1.20% 1.40% 2.13% 3.79% Sources: FAA Terminal Area Forecast, URS FAR Part 150, FAA Aerospace Forecasts 2007-20, Louisiana DOT Transportation Plan and TAF Forecast, and The LPA Group Incorporated 2007

Although all three forecasts may be relevant, discussions with Millionaire, the FBO, airport staff and air traffic control suggests that the moderate forecast of itinerant GA operations at AEX over the planning period was determined to be the most realistic.

3.15.2 Local General Aviation Operations From 1996 through 2006, the average annual growth rate for local general aviation operations was 12 percent. Growth of this magnitude is typically linked to expansion of airport facilities, such as hangars. However, this level of growth is unlikely to be sustainable throughout the long-term planning period. Further, AEX sustained a 14 percent decrease in local GA operations from 2006 through 2007 primarily as a result of increased fuel costs and limited economic growth in 2007.

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Still growth in local GA operations is likely since AEX provides the only precision instrument approach capability within the local region. As discussed in the itinerant operations forecast, three forecasts of local GA development were produced (low, moderate, and high) based upon national and local growth rates. The low growth rate was based upon the FAA Terminal Area Forecast for local operations at AEX. This growth rate assumes that local operations will not increase to the degree of itinerant because of the GA trends toward business and fractional ownership. The moderate growth rate is based upon the composite growth rate shown in Table 3-46 which is based upon the average FAA Aerospace Forecast Growth and FAA Terminal Area Growth for Alexandria International Airport. The high forecast is based upon the market share trend forecast. Historically, local GA operations accounted for approximately 12.34 percent (the average of 2001-07) of total local GA operations within the state. Applying this percentage to forecast statewide operations resulted in an average annual growth rate of approximately 2.07 percent for the twenty-year planning period. A comparison of the TAF, FAR Part 150, low, moderate and high forecasts is provided in Table 3-46.


Year FAA TAF FAR Part 150 Low

(Preferred Forecast) Moderate High

Historic 2006 28,499 23,257 26,902 26,902 26,902 2007 24,077 23,630 23,025 23,025 23,025

Forecast 2008 24,414 24,008 23,347 23,439 27,103 2012 25,808 25,481 24,683 25,173 28,474 2017 27,662 27,315 26,459 27,522 30,305 2022 29,650 29,282 28,364 30,090 32,278 2027 31,779 31,390 30,406 32,897 34,690

AAGR 2007-27 1.40% 1.43% 1.40% 1.80% 2.07% Sources: FAA Terminal Area Forecast, URS FAR Part 150, FAA Aerospace Forecasts 2007-20, Louisiana DOT Transportation Plan, Louisiana Statewide TAF Forecast, and The LPA Group Incorporated, 2007

Again, as shown in the itinerant GA forecast, the type of local operations at AEX will remain somewhat minimal, and, therefore, the low forecast was determined as the most realistic forecast.

3.15.3 Peak General Aviation Operations It is important to analyze peak general aviation operations to identify areas of infrastructure that may require improvement. By forecasting peak activity levels, facility requirements can be properly planned for and addressed to prevent excess congestion and delay. Airport facilities that are affected by peak demands are often those associated with itinerant general aviation, primarily apron space and FBO facilities. Using historic peak month, day and hour data obtained from AEX records and the ATADs database, the peak month represents approximately 5 percent of total annual GA operations. Applying the peak day percentage of 3.4 percent obtained from the ATADs database, forecast

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peak day operations in 2027 would be approximately 73. Limited historic peak hourly data was available to determine the peak hour percentage. However through discussions with the local FBO, it was estimated that 5 percent of the peak month would be a reasonable representation of peak hour operations. Peak month, day and hourly forecasts of moderate GA activity are provided in Table 3-47.


Year Total GA

Operations Peak Month

(5.1%) Peak Day

(3.4%) Peak Hour

(7.4%) 2007 28,038 1,447 50 4 2008 28,451 1,473 51 4 2012 30,522 1,585 54 4 2017 33,004 1,741 60 4 2022 35,436 1,916 66 5 2027 38,049 2,113 73 5

Sources: AEX historic data, Air Traffic Activity Data, 2000-07, and The LPA Group Incorporated, 2009.

3.15.4 Operational Fleet Mix In discussions with ATCT personnel, it was determined that current and anticipated GA operations are in line with the fleet mix breakdown shown in the FAA approved FAR Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study. Using this information in conjunction with the FAA forecast growth rates outlined in FAA Aerospace Forecasts, Fiscal Years 2007-2020, resulted in the following fleet mix breakdown shown in Table 3-48.


Year Single

Engine* Multi-

Engine* Turboprop Jet VLJ Rotorcraft

Historic 2006 27,596 2,365 1,275 765 0 0 2007 23,853 2,139 1,243 752 0 50

Forecast 2008 24,168 2,153 1,251 827 0 52 2012 25,468 2,212 1,281 1,434 67 59 2017 27,197 2,292 1,320 1,916 209 70 2022 29,048 2,377 1,360 1,973 595 83 2027 31,030 2,470 1,401 2,189 861 98

AAGR 2007-27 1.32% 0.72% 0.60% 9.07% 100.00% 3.40%

Notes:* Single and Multi-engine aircraft include local and itinerant operations. Sources: AEX Historic Reports, 2005 FAR Part 150 Noise Compatibility Report, URS, and The LPA Group Incorporated, 2009

Local GA operations at AEX are limited to single-engine and multi-engine piston aircraft, which typically perform training operations within the airport flight pattern. Although turbine aircraft and rotorcraft are physically based at the airport, their operations are not considered local since their operations typically occur outside the 20 NM radius of the airport.

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3.15.5 Based Aircraft Based aircraft at AEX have fluctuated between 40 in 2007 to 52 in 2004. According to airport records, 40 aircraft were based at the airport in 2007. Of those aircraft, 29 were single-engine piston, 3 multi-engine piston, 8 turbine and 1 helicopter. Growth in based aircraft is dependent upon a number of factors, including pilot population, disposable income, employment, Airport fees, fuel, and available facilities. In order to obtain an accurate demand of future GA facilities, it was necessary to determine the number and type of aircraft that would be based at AEX. Several factors and trend analyses were considered in the development of the based aircraft forecasts including local operations, available facilities and historic growth. Both FAA national and local forecasts of based aircraft demand anticipate an annual average growth of approximately 1 percent throughout the planning period. Historical based aircraft demand statewide has been around 1.17 percent. Since historic based aircraft has fluctuated significantly from 2000 through 2007, a more moderate growth rate similar to the TAF was used to identify the likely number of based aircraft at AEX in the year 2027 as shown in Table 3-49.


Year TAF Historic Part 150 LAASP Preferred Historic

2005 48 48 53 48 48 2006 43 43 53 43 43 2007 43 40 54 40 40

Forecast 2008 44 40 54 40 40 2012 45 41 56 42 42 2017 46 42 59 45 44 2022 48 43 63 48 47 2027 53 44 67 50 49

AAGR 2007-27 1.01% 0.49% 1.06% 1.17% 1.01% Sources: FAA TAF, 2007, FAA Aerospace Forecasts Fiscal Year 2007-2020, URS FAR Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study, Louisiana Aviation System Plan, Wilbur Smith, AEX historic reports, and The LPA Group Incorporated, 2007.

Based Aircraft Fleet Mix Table 3-50 presents the forecast of based aircraft by type. Utilizing the historic breakdown of based aircraft as a guide in conjunction with the GA aircraft growth rates provided in the FAA Aerospace Forecast, 2007 through 2020, the future based aircraft fleet mix was determined. Based upon this assumption, the estimated distribution of based aircraft for the base year 2007 are as follows: 70 percent single-engine piston 7.5 percent multi-engine piston 20 percent turbine 2.5 percent helicopter (rotorcraft)

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TABLE 3-50


Year Single Engine

Multi Engine

Turbine VLJ Helicopter Total

Historic 2004 29 17 6 0 0 52 2005 29 13 6 0 0 48 2006 28 7 7 0 1 43 2007 28 3 8 0 1 40

Forecast 2008 28 3 8 0 1 40 2012 29 3 9 1 1 42 2017 29 3 9 2 1 44 2022 30 3 9 3 2 47 2027 30 3 10 4 2 49

Sources: AEX historic data, FAA Aerospace Forecasts Fiscal Years 2007-2020 and The LPA Group Incorporated, 2007.

3.16 AIRCRAFT INSTRUMENT OPERATIONS Instrument operations are conducted as a component of pilot training, during commercial operations, and during inclement weather. Historically, AEX has witnessed a steady increase in instrument operations over the past ten years. The FAA Aerospace Forecast, 2007-2020 and FAA Long Range Forecasts, 2020, 2025 and 2030, both predict that instrument operations will continue to increase at an average annual rate of 2.30 percent. Historic information obtained from the airport and 2006 FAA ATADs Instrument Operations Report showed that: 99 percent of air carrier and air taxi operations are filed as an instrument operation; 95 percent itinerant GA operations are designated as instrument; 98 percent of military itinerant operations are designated as instrument; 1.5 percent of local GA operations are designated as instrument, and 41 percent of local military operations are designated as instrument.

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In forecasting instrument operations, it was anticipated that all future air carrier and air taxi operations are instrument1. Anticipated instrument operations associated with itinerant general aviation and military itinerant operations were based upon the average of FAA ATADs instrument operations for the period 2000-2007:

Year Percentage Instrument Operations

Itinerant General Aviation Itinerant Military 2000 86.61% 72.62% 2001 96.11% 92.97% 2002 92.57% 90.62% 2003 99.72% 99.66% 2004 95.68% 88.01% 2005 100.00% 100.00% 2006 95.59% 98.06% 2007 73.46% 69.98%

Average 92.47% 88.99%

Source: FAA Air Traffic Activity System, September 30, 2008

Applying the average instrument activity percentage resulted in 7,067 and 5,511 instrument operations, respectively, for itinerant GA and military operations in 2027. Local instrument GA operations are expected to remain relatively low, and, therefore, the ATADs 2006 instrument activity percentage was applied through the planning period. This resulted in approximately 45 instrument local GA operations by year 2027. The percent of local military instrument operations to local military operations has historically been approximately 41 percent. However, with the addition of the PAR in 2010 and an overall increase in military training traffic is anticipated, the percent of instrument operations is forecast to increase as the result of the information obtained directly from military units operating at AEX: 1,600 annual instrument operations associated with PAR starting in 2010; 350 T1 precision instrument training operations increasing by approximately 5 percent

annually; 100 percent of all 314th, 127th, and 312th Airlift Wings/USAF ANG 164 Training

Operations; 41 percent of all C130 Nighttime Training Operations; and 41 percent of all US Army JRTC rotational exercises, including fixed wing and

rotorcraft. Based upon these assumptions, Table 3-51 outlines the instrument operations forecast at AEX for the twenty-year planning period.

1 Commercial Operations typically file an instrument flight plan.

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3.17 SUMMARY OF AVIATION ACTIVITY FORECASTS The preceding chapter presented a comprehensive discussion of the historical and current trends relating to passenger airline, general aviation, military and air cargo demand. Specific information related to the history of these activities at AEX was also provided. This information was utilized as input to develop comprehensive forecast scenarios designed to provide projections of anticipated growth over the twenty-year planning period. These projections will be considered in the next chapter where they will be compared to existing and planned airport facilities at AEX. The intent of this comparison will be to determine the ability of current/planned facilities to meet projected demand. Each of the peak elements of enplanements and operations will be considered in the facility requirements chapter to identify potential shortcomings in airport infrastructure over the planning period. Special circ*mstances such as natural disasters may place additional demand upon the airport, but planning for normal peak activity will better prepare the airport for any additional unforeseen demand. Tables 3-52 and 3-53 provide a summary of the aviation activity forecasts for AEX.

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TABLE 3-51


Calendar Year Air Carrier Operations*

Air Taxi Operations*

GA Operations Military

Operations* Total Instrument

Operations Percentage of Total

Operations Historic

2006 1,661 8,754 32,000 11,182 19,009 35% 2007 1,695 10,753 28,038 10,132 16,048** 32%

Forecast 2008 1,719 10,950 28,451 10,774 24,567 47% 2012 1,780 10,646 43,631 42,911 40,397 47% 2017 1,780 10,262 45,010 44,290 41,448 46% 2022 1,924 9,909 35,436 44,290 41,729 46% 2027 1,924 9,250 38,049 44,290 41,602 44%

AAGR 2006-27 0.70% 0.26% 0.83% 6.77% 3.80% 1.08% Notes: *Commercial and military air cargo is included in the Air Carrier, Air Taxi and Military operations forecasts. **ATADS Data, 2007/2008 Sources: AEX Historic Data, 1995-2007, ATADS Instrument Operations, 2000-2006, and The LPA Group Incorporated, 2009

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TABLE 3-52


Year Airport Forecast

TAF Forecast

AF/TAF Difference

Adjusted TAF


Adjusted AF/TAF

Difference2 Passenger Enplanements Base yr. 2007 145,770 130,658 11.57% 145,770 0.00% Base yr. + 5yrs. 2012 184,487 151,433 21.83% 169,023 9.15% Base yr. + 10yrs. 2017 210,727 175,576 20.02% 195,985 7.52% Base yr. + 15yrs. 2022 251,125 203,632 23.32% 227,247 10.51% Base yr. + 20yrs. 2027 289,097 236,236 22.38% 263,497 9.72%

Commercial Operations Base yr. 2007 12,448 12,227 1.81% 12,448 0.00% Base yr. + 5yrs. 2012 12,426 13,174 -5.68% 13,427 -7.45% Base yr. + 10yrs. 2017 12,042 14,206 -15.23% 14,483 -16.85% Base yr. + 15yrs. 2022 11,832 15,332 -22.83% 15,621 -24.26% Base yr. + 20yrs. 2027 11,174 16,559 -32.52% 16,850 -33.68%

Total Operations3 Base yr. 2007 50,618 50,747 -0.25% 50,618 0.00% Base yr. + 5yrs. 2012 85,859 54,996 56.12% 54,492 57.56% Base yr. + 10yrs. 2017 89,336 59,238 50.81% 58,662 52.29% Base yr. + 15yrs. 2022 91,558 63,457 44.28% 63,151 44.98% Base yr. + 20yrs. 2027 93,513 67,863 37.80% 67,984 37.55% Notes: 1The Adjusted TAF Forecast applies the 2007 TAF Forecast Growth Rates for Passenger Enplanements, Commercial Operations and Total Operations using the historic 2007 base year data for AEX. 2The Adjusted AF/TAF Difference determines the percentage difference between the Airport Forecast and the Adjusted TAF Forecast. 3The key difference in total operations between the 2007 TAF and Airport Forecast is primarily attributed to growth in military operations. The TAF assumes that both local and itinerant military operations will remain at the 2007 forecast throughout the planning period. However, based upon information obtained from the England Airpark Authority, JRTC, and 259th ATC Squadron, both local and itinerant military operations in 2013 are expected to increase by more than five times total 2007 military operations. Source: FAA TAF, December 2007, and The LPA Group Incorporated, 2009

It is important to note that the significant discrepancy in total operations is primarily due to the TAF showing no growth in air carrier operations as well as local and itinerant military operations. Typically military operations are not forecast unless specific factual information is available to reasonably forecast future activity. At AEX, this information was provided by the JRTC, 259th Air Traffic Control, USAF ANG 164 OSF/DOP, 314 Airlift Wing, 127 Airlift Wing and Columbus Air Force Base T1 Training operations. Since air carrier activity at AEX is also tied to military activity, information provided from these two sources was also used to develop the air carrier enplanement and operational forecasts for the twenty-year planning period.

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TABLE 3-53


FORECAST LEVELS AND GROWTH RATES Alexandria International Airport

Specify Base Year: 2007

Average Annual Compound Growth Rates England Authority

Base Yr. Level Base Yr. + 1yr. Base Yr. + 5yrs. Base Yr. + 10yrs. Base Yr. + 15yrs. Base Yr. + 20yrs. Base yr. to +1 Base yr. to +5 Base yr. to +10 Base yr. to +15 Base yr. to +20

Passenger Enplanements Domestic Commercial (Charter) 16,765 19,409 33,117 33,117 42,117 42,117 97.54% 14.59% 7.04% 6.33% 4.71% International Commercial (Charter) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% TOTAL CHARTER PASSENGER ENPLANEMENTS 16,765 19,409 33,117 33,117 42,117 42,117 15.77% 14.59% 7.04% 6.33% 4.71%

Commercial Regional/Commuter Enplanements 129,005 133,026 151,370 177,610 209,008 246,980 3.12% 3.25% 3.25% 3.27% 3.30%

TOTAL PASSENGER ENPLANEMENTS 145,770 152,435 184,487 210,727 251,125 289,097 4.57% 4.82% 3.75% 3.69% 3.48% Operations Itinerant

Air Carrier 1,695 1,719 1,780 1,780 1,924 1,924 1.41% 0.98% 0.49% 0.85% 0.64% Commercial Regional/Commuter (Air Taxi) 10,753 10,950 10,646 10,262 9,909 9,250 1.83% -0.20% -0.47% -0.54% -0.75% General Aviation 5,013 5,103 5,839 6,545 7,072 7,643 1.80% 3.10% 2.70% 2.32% 2.13% Military 4,435 5,683 6,193 6,193 6,193 6,193 28.14% 6.91% 3.40% 2.25% 1.68%

Total Itinerant Operations 21,896 23,455 24,459 24,780 25,097 25,010 7.12% 2.24% 1.24% 0.91% 0.67%


General Aviation 23,025 23,347 24,683 26,459 28,364 30,406 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% Military 5,697 5,091 36,718 38,097 38,097 38,097 -10.64% 45.16% 20.93% 13.51% 9.97%

Total Local Operations 28,722 28,438 61,401 64,556 66,461 68,503 -0.99% 16.41% 8.44% 5.75% 4.44%

TOTAL OPERATIONS 50,618 51,894 85,859 89,336 91,558 93,513 2.52% 11.15% 5.85% 4.03% 3.12%

Instrument Operations* 16,048 24,567 40,397 41,448 41,729 41,602 53.09% 20.28% 9.95% 6.58% 4.88% Cargo/Mail (Exported and Imported Tons) 5,475 5,667 6,453 7,466 8,554 9,806 3.51% 3.34% 3.15% 3.02% 2.96%

Note: *Instrument operations are forecast to increase significantly due to the implementation of the PAR approach and increased military training activity.

Based Aircraft Single Engine (Piston) 28 28 29 29 30 30 0.40% 0.40% 0.40% 0.40% 0.40%Multi Engine (Piston) 3 3 3 3 3 3 -0.20% -0.20% -0.20% -0.20% -0.20%Turboprop 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%Turbojet (includes VLJs) 8 8 9 11 12 14 3.30% 3.16% 3.00% 2.86% 2.74%Helicopter 1 1 1 1 2 2 3.40% 3.40% 3.40% 3.40% 3.40%Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

TOTAL 40 40 42 44 47 49 1.01% 0.84% 1.01% 1.01% 1.01%

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TABLE 3-53


FORECAST LEVELS AND GROWTH RATES Alexandria International Airport

Specify Base Year: 2007

Average Annual Compound Growth Rates England Authority

Base Yr. Level Base Yr. + 1yr. Base Yr. + 5yrs. Base Yr. + 10yrs. Base Yr. + 15yrs. Base Yr. + 20yrs. Base yr. to +1 Base yr. to +5 Base yr. to +10 Base yr. to +15 Base yr. to +20

Operational Factors Average aircraft size (seats)

Air Carrier - Domestic 161 184 244 244 203 203 14.63% 8.71% 4.26% 1.56% 1.17%Air Carrier - International 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%Regional/Commuter 41 41 41 41 60 60 1.14% 0.23% 0.11% 2.65% 1.98%

Average Enplaning Load Factor

Air Carrier - Domestic 112.31% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% -10.96% -2.29% -1.15% -0.77% -0.58%Air Carrier - International 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%Regional/Commuter 59.26% 61.64% 72.14% 87.81% 70.31% 89.00% 4.01% 4.01% 4.01% 1.15% 2.05%

GA Operations Per Based Aircraft (OPBA) 701 704 732 746 762 778 0.46% 0.86% 0.63% 0.56% 0.52%Notes: Due to rounding or undisclosed editing, numbers may not sum up. Right hand side of worksheet has embedded formulas for average annual compound growth rate calculations. Source: The LPA Group Incorporated, 2009

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